  • Mask for hair with beer - beer mask

    What can be simpler in cooking and at the same time be more effective and effective than a hair mask with beer? Her popularity among beauties, growing long and sturdy locks, has been known since time immemorial. Beer - a favorite intoxicating drink, which has long been considered an excellent cosmetic means, animating the weak split hair. This is due to the unique composition of the "home conditioner-balm", which includes malt, hops and yeast.

    Useful properties of beer

    It is known that:

    • hops are rich in phytoestrogen, called the "hormone of female youth", which promotes active hair growth;
    • brewer's yeast is replete with Group B vitamins, which have a curative effect on the damaged hair roots, restore them after any adverse effect;
    • a small amount of alcohol normalizes the production of the sebace secret with glands, without exerting a drying effect on the scalp, which is especially important for owners of fatty hair;
    • thanks to amino acids, the hair becomes elastic, strong and elastic;
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    • the presence of potassium in a foam drink moisturizes the scalp and the hair itself;
    • vitamin C, which enriches beer during production, protects hair from external adverse factors;
    • organic acids stimulate metabolic processes, accelerating hair growth;
    • a large number of microelements: potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and copper restore the structure of the hair and promote nutrition, strengthening and growth of the head of hear.
    Dark and light beer

    The main secret of using a mask for hair with beer lies in the presence of the pigment in dark beverages, so they are recommended for brunettes, and light varieties are ideal for blondes.

    Please note! The only drawback that blends from beer for cosmetic procedures have is a strong odor.

    The smell of beer is well weathered only in the open air, so if after hair therapy a mask of beer is an urgent way out of the house, then you can additionally rinse your hair with an ordinary conditioner with flavors or walk a little. This defect is leveled easily, but the hair will get from the "intoxicating" cosmetics "a cocktail of nutrients, a restored structure, radiant beauty and good health!

    Rinsing hair with beer

    For those who want to quickly revive dull hair, experts recommend using beer to rinse your head. How to wash hair with beer, so that they become thick, docile and shiny? Before the procedure, experts advise a little to warm up the intoxicating drink on the steam bath. Then you can choose any of the following three options:

    1. Wash your head with an ordinary shampoo and rinse your hair with a unique conditioner - a warm beer.
    2. Pour the foamy drink into a suitable container and, tilting the head, immerse the hair in the beer balm.
    3. Mix the intoxicating cosmetic with your favorite shampoo and wash your hair in the usual way.

    Poppies for hair in recipes

    Recipes for masks with beer

    Hair mask with beer is a miracle balm that effectively removes dandruff, strengthens hair follicles, gives shine and vitality to hair. Additional ingredients in mixtures of beer masks for hair enrich them, create unique compositions of incredibly useful and effective natural substances. Experimenting with various basic and aromatic oils, sour-milk products, honey, fruit and vegetable purees, spices and aromatic seasonings, you can find the most effective home cosmetic product restoring beauty, splendor and natural shine of hair. Preliminary it is necessary to consult with a trichologist and apply a drop of the prepared mixture to the inner elbow bend to avoid the appearance of allergic reactions.

    Beer with olive oil
    • Classic mask from a drink with olive oil. Mix 100 ml of a suitable color beer, slightly warming it on a steam bath, with 20 ml of cold pressed olive oil, which must also be preheated. Both ingredients must be turned into a homogeneous emulsion, applied to the scalp, massage the massage lightly, then spread it over the entire surface of the hair. After a third of an hour, the mixture is washed off with plenty of warm water. This mask can be varied with burdock, linseed or castor oil( coconut, karite, shea, any vegetable).And if there is no allergy to a certain type of aromatic oil, then you can drip no more than 2-3 drops of your favorite essential substance: nutmeg, rosemary, lavender, cedar, ylang-ylang, citrus.
    Rye croutons
    • For brunettes the mask from rye rusks( natural) or dried Borodino bread is ideal. You should prepare 200 g of dried home-made crackers and pour them with one liter of dark beer, pre-heating it. An intoxicating drink must completely cover the biscuits. It needs to be insisted for at least three hours. Then it is necessary to apply a curative mixture on wet washed hair, slightly wiping it in the skin. Distribute the rest of the mass over the surface of the hair. To enhance the effect, you need to carefully wrap the hair with food film or conventional polyethylene and wrap your head in a warm towel. After 55-60 minutes, rinse the remaining remnants of the mixture, adding lemon juice or apple cider vinegar( per liter of water - 25 ml of liquid).
    Beer with cream and yolk
    • Strengthen the drop-out hair with a mixture of 200 ml of slightly warmed beer, one chicken yolk and 15 ml of cream. It is necessary to whip the ingredients to a homogeneous mass and apply to moist curls, wiping a little nourishing mixture in the scalp with massage movements. Then wrap the mask with a compress, and after 30-40 minutes rinse it with warm water.
    • For oily hair. Mix in half 1000 ml of warm beer with the same volume of broth of nettle. Rinse your head with this mixture, wrap it with a compress and, after holding half an hour, rinse.
    • To restore the weakened hair it is possible by means of a mask from a warm beer in half with kefir. This mask is applied to the hair, wrapped with a compress and after a third of the hour it is washed off with warm, comfortable water.
    Hop cones
    • You can buy hop cones, root of aira and burdock in the pharmacy, take one tablespoon of each kind of vegetable raw material and pour 200 ml of hot beer. Leave the mixture to be infused for an hour, strain and apply to the roots of clean damp hair. If you make such a mask-balm 1 time in 3-7 days for one to two months, then the head of hearing will become thicker, and hair loss will become noticeably less.
    • Sage and nettle( 50 g each), pour 200 ml of hot foamy beverage. Strain and before going to bed rub into the roots of hair. If you repeat this procedure for 30 days, you can get rid of dandruff forever.

    Hair mask with beer - affordable and easy-to-prepare cosmetic. You can add to it, in addition to oils, yogurt, honey and herbal decoctions, fruit and vegetable juice, puree from carrots, apples, banana, avocados, apricots.

    Please note! For oily hair drying effect will have juice of onion or garlic, vinegar, lime juice or lemon. Mustard stimulates blood microcirculation in the skin of the head, strengthens nutrition and hair growth. Care should be taken to owners of dry strands with these components, to add in minimal amounts and necessarily enrich the masks with beer in addition with oils, yolk, honey or cream.
    Beer for cosmetic purposes

    Beer is an amazingly useful cosmetic product, it can be used in ready-made form or used dry brewer's yeast, which are sold in any pharmacy "around the corner".These products help in the home to activate hair growth, strengthen them, are an excellent preventive against hair loss and hair loss. Smooth and shiny curls are the result of using beer for cosmetic purposes.


    Tips on how to apply a mask with beer, as well as a recipe mask you can find out below: