
Essential oils and their properties - what is being treated

  • Essential oils and their properties - what is being treated

    Essential oil is a product of distillation of leaves, stems, bark, resin, flowers and fruits of various herbs and trees. Essential oils and their properties are known since ancient times - they have been successfully applied in various fields. For example, in ancient times, essential oils were used in religious rituals, as well as during bathing procedures. In the Middle Ages, they were used for massage, added to healing drinks, they treated neurasthenic diseases and insomnia.

    Lavender oil

    However, in the 20th century chemistry began to develop, and synthetic drugs replaced natural ones. The same fate for some time overtook the natural essential oils. But one day in France, during the experiment, one of the scientists received a chemical burn of the hand and lowered it into a jar of lavender oil. The effect of the oil was amazing - the pain was gone, and the burns healed quickly and without traces. After that, the scientists took up the study of antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, healing and softening properties of various essential oils. They began to be used during surgical operations, at the same time the term "aromatherapy" was introduced.

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    Currently, essential oils are very popular, and there are good reasons for that. Aromatherapy delivers a lot of fun, the choice of oils is huge, and the result does not make you wait.


    Essential oils have an excellent aroma and are very pleasant to use. They are a rapidly evaporating colorless or slightly colored oily liquid with a pronounced odor and taste, which, when volatilized, leaves virtually no traces on the tissue or paper.

    Please note! Store the essential oils in an opaque glass bottle in a cool, darkened place. It should be remembered that most of the essential oils are flammable and should be handled with care.

    Useful properties of oils largely depend on the age of the plant, climate, soil and the amount of sunlight received. The younger the plant, the more essential oils there are. Similarly, the smells of oils differ in the persistence and strength of the fragrance - the more the plant smells, the better the aroma of the essential oil obtained from it will be expressed.

    Insoluble in water
    Please note! Essential oils do not dissolve in water and are very concentrated, so they can not be used in a pure form. They perfectly mix with alcohol, kefir, egg yolk, chloroform and neutral vegetable oils. It can be sunflower, castor, olive or peach oil.

    Soothing and toning

    Each essential oil has a more or less pronounced set of useful properties and special qualities. Currently, essential oils have found their application in cosmetology and various fields of medicine, due to the fact that almost all of them have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antimicrobial and medicinal properties, positively affect the nervous system, are favorable for the skin and hair.

    Many have the soothing effect of

    Different oils have a calming or, on the contrary, toning effect, helping to either get rid of insomnia, or cheer up after a tiring working day:

    • essential oil of roses removes a feeling of fatigue;
    • anise, melissa and rosemary fight stress and depression;
    • fir and mint restore strength after overwork;
    • sandalwood and chamomile soothe and eliminate insomnia;
    • aromas of lemon and patchouli increase working capacity and improve mood;
    • lavender fights against neuroses;
    • tea tree stimulates mental activity;
    • petitheraine improves memory;
    • and eucalyptus restores emotional balance.

    Most essential oils can alleviate pain - they can be added to the bath, used for massages or rubbing, and sometimes the pain goes away even when inhaled. A few drops of the right oil, added to the bath, will help not only to relax and get rid of unnecessary thoughts, but will also benefit the skin and body.

    Please note! The oil is added to the already filled bath, otherwise it will evaporate and the procedure will lose its therapeutic properties.
    Lime wins headache
    1. The oils of azaleas, acacia, vetiver, oregano, ginger and coriander help to ease pain in joint and muscular inflammation.
    2. Valerian and lime oils perfectly cope with headaches.
    3. Oils of orange and fir reduce eye fatigue.
    4. Useful properties of essential oils of aira, geranium, laurel, myrrh, incense, marjoram promote the healing of bruises, wounds, frostbite and burns.

    For infectious diseases of the respiratory tract

    Azalea treats asthma

    Some aromas of essential oils have a beneficial effect on the work of the respiratory system, in this case they are used in aroma lamps as inhalations or simply sprayed indoors, which also helps to clear air of viruses and bacteria:

    • anise has an antimicrobial effect;
    • orange and grapefruit are refreshing;
    • mint helps with viral diseases;
    • aromas of eucalyptus, lemon and fir clear the throat and nose and relieve fever;
    • azalea treats bronchitis and asthma;
    • cinnamon relieves fever in case of flu;
    • basil helps with coughing and restores the sense of smell;
    • lime is added to the mixture in throat infections;
    • and the rose perfectly deodorizes the air in the room.

    For problems with the gastrointestinal tract


    Some oils help improve blood circulation and help to get rid of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, including parasitic infections:

    • oils of mandarin, cinnamon, nutmeg help with digestive problems;
    • grapefruit and lemon improve the performance of the liver and gallbladder;
    • peppermint and balm oil are used for nausea and upset stomach;
    • essential oil of marigold, bergamot, wormwood, cayaputa - as antinematode;
    • Air acts as a carminative;
    • and cardamom improves the taste of food.

    Against toxins


    Most essential oils have the ability to excrete poisons and toxins from the body:

    • fennel oil can neutralize the effects of alcohol and cigarettes;
    • orange, grapefruit and juniper remove slag;
    • basil lowers blood cholesterol;
    • and lemon and Lyssey Kubebe eliminate the hangover syndrome.

    Some essential oils are even able to protect against the effects of radiation, or - such as tuya and tea tree oil - to prevent the onset and proliferation of tumors.

    Essential oils help to naturally strengthen immunity and slow down the aging process due to its antioxidant and immunostimulating qualities.

    In addition, essential oils contribute to the stabilization of the nervous system, improve the performance of a person, put in order mental equilibrium and eliminate feelings of insecurity.

    Women's and men's health

    Beneficial effect on male and female health
    1. Women's essential oils of cinnamon, lemon balm, sage, juniper, palmarosa help to stabilize the menstrual cycle and ease the accompanying condition.
    2. With the right selection of oils, you can also harmonize your sex life, some aromas help not only in the emancipation and mutual understanding of partners, but also in enhancing and prolonging enjoyment. Good in this case are essential oils of sandalwood, pine, jasmine, ylang-ylang, because their aromas increase sexual desire, and also help with impotence and frigidity.
    3. Marjoram oil, on the contrary, can reduce sexual overexcitability.

    Skin effect

    Positive effect on skin

    Certainly, essential oils have a positive effect on the skin. Their spectrum of action is great, therefore, you can pick up the necessary oil for any type of skin to cleanse, rejuvenate, smooth and rid it of acne and any other inflammation. Due to the effect on the sebaceous glands, essential oils can dry too fat, or vice versa, to nourish and moisturize dry skin, smooth wrinkles, remove redness and improve the complexion:

    • acacia oils, verbena, cloves, geraniums tone and rejuvenate the skin;
    • valerian, ylang-ylang suitable for problematic and sensitive skin;
    • Vetiver removes dead particles and is recommended for fading skin;Jasmine and rosewood care for dry skin;
    • Lemongrass reduces pores and is great for oily and combination skin;
    • almonds cleans the skin of age spots and freckles;
    • marigolds, hyssop, cypress and lemon remove warts, cracks on the skin and calluses;
    • neroli oil and petitgrane help get rid of stretch marks after pregnancy;
    • cedar, lavender, patchouli and thyme are saved in dermatitis and fungal diseases;
    • grapefruit, oregano, cinnamon and nerol are effective for cellulite, and cardamom and mint - with varicose veins.
    Please note! Essential oils, in addition to lavender, can harm the skin in a pure form, causing severe irritation, so they should be diluted in neutral base oils or added to masks and creams prepared at home.
    Oils are added to masks and creams.

    It is not necessary to add essential oils to shop oils, because, penetrating into the deepest layers of the epidermis, they can pull along and all the harmful substances of the finished product. Do not worry if the skin turns slightly red after applying oil. However, if there is a strong itching or other unpleasant sensations along with redness, it can signal an overdose or rejection of the skin with this oil.

    Please note! It is necessary to pay attention to the smell, because it can worsen the health or feel drowsy during those hours when it is not necessary.

    Very good essential oils and for hair. Different types of oils have moisturizing, restorative and antimicrobial properties, they help in the fight against dandruff and other diseases of the scalp, regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands and are suitable for any type of hair. Essential oils can be enriched with shampoos, hair masks or simply combing your hair, adding a few drops of oil to the comb, which not only strengthens and nourishes the hair, but also gives them a pleasant fragrance.

    Add to shampoos

    When hair loss is recommended to use essential oil of marigold, bergamot, incense, nutmeg and thuja, and from dandruff helps to get rid of geranium, spruce and lavender.

    Please note! Essential oils are not recommended for pregnant women, people with individual intolerance and certain diseases, so before using them, always consult a qualified professional.