
Masks for hair with castor oil - masks with castor oil

  • Masks for hair with castor oil - masks with castor oil

    Every lady who loves to experiment with her appearance, achieving her perfection, uses a lot of aggressive tools and tools: from high-temperature devices to various chemical paints, curlers, shading shampoos and other "gangsters" of beauty and health of hair. How to keep strong, shiny, soft and obedient hair at the same time? For a long time the palm of superiority among other cosmetic care products is kept by hair masks with castor oil. This simple and very effective remedy is not inferior in the excellent result even to expensive cosmetics and salon procedures. At the same time the cost of castor oil in the pharmacy is accessible to everyone.

    Masks with castor oil: for whom


    The abundance of fatty acids in the composition and a sufficiently high viscosity of castor oil alarms many of the fair sex. However, it is these fatty acids: palmitic, stearic, linoleic, ricinoleic and oleic plus a whole cocktail of vitamins that activate the metabolic processes at the cellular level, facilitating the penetration of nutrients into deep tissues, moistening, repairing damaged cells. They have antibacterial effect, stimulate active growth of hair, reliably protect them from various harmful factors( ultraviolet, desiccation, fumes, sea salt, low temperatures, "heat shock" from the effects of a styler or a hair dryer).The presence of tocopherol in "castor oil" leads to activation of the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers, which weakened strands transform into a shining cascade of fine curls. And retinol helps quickly and qualitatively restore the structure of keratin fibers from the inside. Regular procedures using castor oil guarantee the desired result due to the high efficiency of this cosmetic product.

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    Usefulness of castor oil

    The powerful complex effect of a tandem of fatty acids and unique vitamins is a panacea for many skin ailments, weakness and fragility, lack of moisturizing and hair loss. Castor oil is an ideal tool for dull and lifeless strands, it strengthens a bulb of a weakened hair, removes dandruff, giving the locks a natural sheen and amazing silkiness.

    How to achieve the greenhouse effect of

    Cons of "castor oil" in negative reviews consider its "greasiness" and unpleasant smell. But if you follow the following recommendations, these and other pitfalls can be easily circumvented:

    1. First, it should be remembered that castor oil is intended primarily for damaged dry hair, in extreme cases it can be used in small amounts for normal hair. Owners of fatty strands should better refrain from such a viscous consistency of castor oil or neutralize it in a mask with powerful drying ingredients: lime or lemon juice, egg whites, alcohol lotions( 25 ml of alcohol per 200 ml of herbal infusions: sage, rosemary, marigold, St. John's wort, wormwood, nettleand others);
    2. Castor oil mask Grease strands after the mask with "castor oil" will not be pestered if this castor oil is used, a curative cosmetic product as its component. And its dosage should be much less than other base oils. Procedures with "castor oil" are better to be carried out in combination with burdock, olive and other, lighter in consistence oils.
    3. The effectiveness of the effect of castor oil can be doubled if it is slightly heated in a microwave or on a steam bath before mixing with the other ingredients of the mask.
    4. Mask with castor oil is best applied to dry and dirty strands, rubbing it into the scalp. Then, split ends should be processed.
    5. Strengthens the effectiveness of the spa treatment with "castor oil" greenhouse effect: after applying the healing mixture you need to wrap your head with a compress made of cellophane and a soft towel. And you can pre-cook a pair of towels and after cooling the first change it to a ironed second. This procedure of hot wrapping, together with a mask of castor oil and other components, differs from others in the best result. It can last from 30-40 minutes to 1.5-2 hours.
    6. In order to avoid excessive fat, which gives the hair castor oil, you need to adhere to this rule: apply the shampoo directly on the mask, without moistening the head. Then with wet hands, you must gently massage your head, foaming the mass, and only then wash the mask with abundant streams of warm running water.
    7. The last chord - rinsing hair with acidified water with the addition of fruit vinegar or lemon juice( lime).This will help neutralize the unpleasant smell of castor oil.
    8. Masks for dry hair with castor oil enough to do a couple of times in 7 days, for normal - once in the same period of time, and for fatty - no more than once in 10-14 days. In neglected cases, these procedures are carried out at a rate of 1 month. Repeated treatment is started no earlier than in 30 days.

    Magic masks: recipes

    Carrying out a hair care routine that includes castor oil, you need to pay close attention to recipes that are strictly appropriate to your type of head of hair, and also relieve a certain problem( loss, fragility, damage, dandruff and others):

    For fattyand often falling hair

    Calendula flowers

    • Dried calendula flowers( from a pharmacy) pour 200 ml of vodka and insist for a week, hiding in a dark place. To prepare the mask, mix 25 ml of this herbal tincture with 20 ml of castor oil. Ready emulsion to put on hair and wash off in 20-30 minutes. There is also a "lazy" way of preparing this mask: you just need to buy a ready tincture of marigold in the pharmacy and mix in equal parts with "castor oil".This mask with oil of castor oil for hair successfully fights against alopecia, dandruff. In addition, tincture of calendula helps to get rid of itching and inflammation on the skin.
    • Chopped parsley leaves - 3 tbsp.mix with 25 ml of vodka and 40 ml of castor oil. Apply this remedy on the scalp, then rub it into the roots of the hair and spread further along their entire length. After 0.5 hours, it is necessary to wash off the mask with warm, comfortable water. Juice for onions
    • Mix in equal proportions: juice onions, vodka or alcohol and castor oil. For additional effect, you can add a healing gruel from the leaves of aloe( in the same amount).Apply the mask to the scalp and hair, cover with a compress and hold for no more than an hour. This procedure experts recommend to alternate with restorative, nourishing hair masks. Some extremals try to increase the duration of the session to several hours, leaving the "design" on the head for the night, but for people with sensitive skin this is unacceptable.
    • For the growth of hair, you can take cognac or any balm on herbs - 10-15 ml, mix with 40 ml of "castor oil", a pinch of hot red pepper( carefully!) And a few drops of your favorite aroma oil( rosemary, grapefruit, lemon, ylang-ylang).Depending on the individual sensations( the mask should not be burned!), You can use this mixture on your head for 1-2 hours. At the slightest discomfort, we wash off the remains of the mask without regret! And the next time we reduce the amount of burning material( pepper).

    For normal hair

    With the addition of kefir

    • Slightly warm in a microwave or on a steam bath 100 or 200 ml of kefir( depending on the length of the hair).Add the castor oil at the rate of 1:10( 10-20 ml).Apply the finished composition to the scalp and hair, gently massaging them. Wrap your head with a warm compress. And after 30-40 minutes( you can extend it up to an hour), wash your hair thoroughly.
    • Dilute 50-100 g of kelp powder( from a pharmacy or supermarket), depending on the length of the curls, in warm water to the consistency of thick mush. Then add the appropriate amount - 20 or 40 ml of castor oil. The resulting composition of the mask is spread over the entire length of the hair, from the roots to the tips. After 30-40 minutes rinse. A natural cocktail of vitamins from this product, as if by magic, will promote active growth of strands, their density and strength.

    For dry hair

    Adding essential oils

    • Mixture of olive oil( can be replaced with almond, burdock, jojoba or combine in equal proportions any of them) with castor oil, vitamin A( from a pharmacy) and lemon juice( a few drops) restores during the night anyweakened hair.
    • For damaged, split hair: 25 g of natural liquid honey and 20 ml of castor oil, lightly heat in a microwave, mix with a pair of egg yolks and carefully grind. Massaging the scalp, apply a life-giving remedy on the roots and rods of hair along the entire length. Keep it under the compress from two to several hours( you can leave it for the night).
    • Castor oil - 20 ml, 1 yolk, glycerin and apple cider vinegar - 10-15 ml each. Mix all the ingredients well and apply to the hair. Wrap the head with a compress, and after 30-40 minutes it is abundant to wash off the leftovers of the mixture from the head.

    Universal mask

    With the addition of banana pulp

    The pulp of one avocado( or banana) is mixed with a slightly warmed mixture of 20 ml of castor oil and 15 g of natural bee honey. Homogenous mass of these ingredients to apply to the entire surface of the head and hair. After holding 30-40 minutes or an hour, rinse the remains thoroughly. Testimonies indicate that this mask amazes even the most fastidious women with amazing results: nutrition and shine of hair, acceleration of their growth, smoothing of split ends, strength and density of restored hair.

    I want every woman to maintain beauty and youth. This is helped by hair masks with castor oil - they preserve charming curls, making them strong, strong, obedient. Spread on the shoulders of brilliant healthy strands are able to turn any of the fair sex into a "goddess" or just a woman with a capital letter!