
Mask for hair from burdock oil - burdock mask for hair

  • Mask for hair from burdock oil - burdock mask for hair

    Burdock oil has long been known as an excellent hair care product. It is excellent for problems such as hair loss and slow growth. Burdock oil effectively copes with the restoration of damaged hair, and also helps in the fight against a common problem - dandruff. It moisturizes the skin of the head, restores beauty and elasticity to the hair.

    It should be noted that burdock oil is universal, it is suitable for anyone. Its use has no contraindications and it is applicable for any type of hair. Interestingly, this simple tool in combination with various components in the composition of masks sometimes acts better than shop cosmetics. And it's not surprising, because it contains vitamins, proteins, tannins and even insulin.

    Despite a lot of useful properties, burdock oil is available to everyone - it is sold practically in any pharmacy. If you are interested in a mask for hair from burdock oil, then the main ingredient for it should be bought at the pharmacy. It is this oil that is sold in pharmacies, specifically designed for hair care, it will not make hair too greasy. It is best to use a clear or yellowish oil to avoid hair dyeing.

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    How to use the burdock mask for hair

    How to use the burdock mask

    Unlike many oils obtained by squeezing fruit or seeds, burdock oil is an infusion of burdock root produced on olive, less often peach oil. To fully restore the structure of the hair, experts recommend conducting ten to twelve procedures, and two weeks later, to repeat the course.

    To maximize the effect of the mask, you need to wash your hair first. However, shampoo can not be used. After the hair is applied pre-heated burdock oil, which massage rubs into the scalp and evenly distribute the comb. Then you should wrap your head with polyethylene or put on a plastic cap. On top wind a terry towel, which also needs to be heated, for example, by putting it on the battery. Now leave the mask on your hair for a strictly defined time for exposure. The fact is that for each mask, its exposure time is defined, which varies from 15 minutes to 2 hours. To increase the exposure time does not make sense, since no improvement in the result is observed. After the time has elapsed, wash off the mask. It is best to wash off the mask with warm water and shampoo, you can for an even easier flushing, first apply the egg yolk to the hair and wash it off.

    It is important to apply the mask evenly to the hair. We emphasize that burdock oil must necessarily be heated. Preheated oil is better absorbed into the scalp. The hair should be divided into strands and with the help of cotton-wool discs, apply the oil, distribute it with a comb with sparse teeth, and then rub the mask into the scalp with gentle massaging movements.

    Use caution when applying a mask if you have a tendency to allergies. Although rare, but burdock oil can cause an allergic reaction. Before using the mask, first try applying a droplet of oil on the area with sensitive skin, for example, on the inner surface of the elbow, on the bend. After 30-40 minutes, if there was no allergic reaction, we can conclude that allergies to burdock oil there.

    Recipes for masks with burdock oil

    One of the simplest masks is a mask consisting only of burdock oil, which, however, does not make it less effective. A mask for hair from burdock oil without additional components is a source of food for the hair. It serves to prevent brittleness, split ends and hair loss. It must be used every other day. After making the mask 15-20 times, you need to take a break for two months, and then repeat everything again.

    In combination with various components, burdock oil can deal with a variety of specific problems. For example, for weak hair, a burdock oil with nettle extract is recommended. From the split ends helps burdock oil, enriched with vitamins A and E. Dry damaged hair perfectly treats burdock oil with propolis extract. The only exception to the use of an oil mask is fatty hair, but this is not a contraindication. Just do not make a mask too often: three to four times a month - that's enough.

    Mask with burdock oil and yolk

    Mask with yolk If the hair looks lifeless, a burdock mask with egg yolk will help dim. Egg yolk, by the way, - is often included in masks of burdock oil. The exposure time of this mask is about 50 minutes. To make this mask, take two tablespoons of burdock oil and yolk from one egg. There is a variation of this mask, in addition to the above ingredients, honey and lemon juice are also added. Lemon juice makes the hair shiny. Mask of burdock oil with yolk is suitable for curly, thinned, brittle hair. It should be noted that the mask with egg yolk is washed off better than with nothing mixed burdock oil. However, even pure burdock oil is washed off well with normal shampoo.

    Masks from a mixture of oils

    Mask from a mixture of oils For dry hair, you need to attract heavy artillery - a mixture of oils: burdock, olive and jojoba, as well as a mask of burdock and castor oils. In the first case, take one part of olive oil and jojoba oil, adding three parts of burdock oil and one ampoule of liquid vitamins A and E;in the second case, the oil should be mixed in equal proportions, adding a portion of the vodka. This mixture should be rubbed into the head for about ten minutes and left to work for half an hour.

    Mask from burdock oil and pepper tincture

    Mask with pepper tincture For the growth of hair, it is possible to advise masks made of burdock oil with pepper tincture or with mustard. Avoid using this mask, if you have sensitive skin - it can cause irritation. It is prepared as follows: mixes a tablespoon of oil, as much pepper tincture and one yolk. Keep the mask on your hair from half an hour to an hour.

    Mask from burdock oil with mustard

    Mask with mustard For preparation take two tablespoons of mustard and burdock oil and mix the mixture with two teaspoons of sugar. After the mixture is cooked, two tablespoons of non-cold water are added to it, stir well. After 15-20 minutes after applying to the hair mask can be washed off.

    Mask with burdock oil and cocoa

    Mask with cocoa Curly hair that is too fluffy is advised to be exposed to a mask with egg yolks and cocoa. At 50 ml of burdock oil, take two yolks and a teaspoon of cocoa. To wash off such mask it is necessary water, having an acidic medium. To get such water, add a little citric acid to plain water.

    These simple recipes will help you bring your hair in order, get rid of dandruff, split ends. Burdock oil has restorative properties, it has a beneficial effect on the structure of the hair, strengthens the roots, heals hair from the inside. It can be used in baldness, as it prevents hair loss. Burdock oil is, perhaps, an indispensable tool for those who want to have a luxurious head of hair.