  • Kefir hair mask

    Read the article:
    • Benefit of home kefir masks for strengthening and against hair loss
    • Kefir hair mask: recipes, rules for use
    • Reviews and useful tips on the use of kefir hair masks

    Kefir hair mask perfectly restores damaged locks

    First impression ofa woman, as is known, creates a hairdress, hands and clothes. In this trio, the main "soprano" is played by the hair.

    On their health, appearance and length depends on what will be the image of the lady on weekdays, and on holidays. Think about the proper care for your curls?the duty of every modern woman.

    Benefits of home kefir masks for strengthening and against hair loss ^

    Taking care of your hair, you can go 2 ways: treatment and prevention. It is worth seriously thinking about which direction is most relevant.

    But there are universal tools that are fully suitable for both recovery and regular maintenance of curls. To them belongs kefir, familiar to everyone since childhood. First of all, it is worth mentioning the useful properties of kefir for hair:

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    • lactic acid regulates the work of the sebaceous glands;
    • vitamins A, B2, PP and carotene eliminate dryness and brittle hair;
    • natural milk fats, animal proteins nourish the structure of hair and bulbs;
    • lactose and enzymes strengthen the roots, prevent the formation of split ends;
    • easily digestible mineral substances give a healthy, well-groomed look to the hair, saturating them with energy.

    Its special features are kefir mask for dry hair. Kefir mask should be made from varieties of yogurt with a high percentage of useful fats, or even better from a fat village sour curd. Vitamins of group A and derivatives of carotene will help efficient splitting of natural fats and will promote the fastest assimilation.

    Such treatment can be done 2 times a week, and for prevention it is enough to use kefir mask 1-2 times a month. As a result, the damaged structure of damaged hairs will be significantly strengthened, fragility and splitting of the tips will cease. Disappear dull color and thinness.

    Kefir mask for oily hair also has many admirers. The basis of yogurt?lactic acid, neutralizes the fat secreted by the skin glands, restores the disturbed metabolic balance, promotes effective cleansing of the scalp from the scales of dead cells.

    This positively affects the access of nutrients, enzymes and vitamin constituents to the hair follicles. As a result, dormant bulbs wake up, the thickness of each hair grows, the growing hair becomes thicker, bigger and healthier.

    Kefir hair mask: recipes, rules of use ^

    Useful treatment sessions with sour-milk products can offer many cosmetology cabinets and pharmacy chains. If you appreciate the cosiness, comfort and culture of service and do not pay attention to the material component, then it is worth to visit the beauty salon.

    But the kefir mask for hair growth at home is the most competitive in all directions:

    • simplicity of execution;
    • no time limits;
    • low price of ingredients;
    • variability of components;
    • does not contain preservatives;
    • is available for use in the sauna and sauna.

    The variety of variants of kefir masks differs according to the purpose of their use:

    Kefir hair loss mask

    The vitamin composition of the kefir mask, carotene, calcium and iron contained in it, under the influence of enzymes and lactose, not only able to strengthen and saturate the hair roots, but also to eliminate brittleness, brittleness and cross section of hair threads. The same properties are based on the kefir mask for split hair.

    • Stir thoroughly to a homogeneous mass kefir with egg yolk.
    • Divide the hair into strands. Massage movements of the pads of the fingers rub the kefir mask into the roots of the hair. Distribute the rest of the hands on the divided strands.
    • To improve the result from the kefir mask, you can create a greenhouse effect by covering the head with an oilcloth and wrapping it with a towel.

    Kefir mask for lightening hair

    Lactic acid, contained in kefir, has an amazing clarifying quality. Natural "blondoran" will help make the aggressive color of the colored hair softer and will prevent the appearance of yellowness after staining.

    • Add a few drops of lemon juice to the kefir, warmed up on a water bath.
    • Apply all the ingredients on the head and rub it in strands. At the same time, it can be applied to the face.
    • It is recommended to keep clarifying kefir mask for an hour before the bath.

    Kefir - mustard mask for oily hair

    Kefir mask with the addition of powder from dry mustard - a unique remedy for owners of fatty hair, since it helps to permanently eliminate oily shine.

    • In a bowl with kefir pour a tablespoon of mustard powder.
    • Add the juice of any citrus fruit.
    • Healing mixture is first applied to the scalp, slightly rubbing. Then smoothly distribute along the entire length of the curls.
    • You can not wash off the kefir mask with hot water.

    Kefir - yeast mask for hair growth

    Kefir - yeast mask gives a massive boost to the increased growth of hairs.

    • Put soft yeast on a warm water bath, introduce kefir in small portions.
    • The resulting composition should be left for "ripening" in a warm place.
    • Foaming kefir mixture with light patting movements to drive into ringlets. Cover with cellophane hood and towel.
    • A useful kefir procedure to finish in half an hour.

    Kefir - egg nourishing mask

    The composition is a nutritious mask. With the regular use of the egg-kefir therapeutic mask, the strands become stronger, come to life and become more complete.

    • Beat the egg with a mixer. Connect with kefir. You can add a few drops of quality olive oil.
    • Pour the contents in small portions on the head. Actively massage.
    • Head wrap and wait for 25-30 minutes.
    • After rinsing, rinse with vinegar.

    Kefir - honey mask for the restoration of shine of hair

    Allows you to restore faded hair a healthy color and youth.

    • In warm, non-crystallized honey, add fatty yogurt.
    • Stir until the honey particles are completely dissolved.
    • Uniform consistency throughout the entire length. You can not hide anything.
    • It is recommended to keep the honey - kefir mask about 30-40 minutes.
    We also recommend you read the article Beer yeast for hair.

    Reviews and useful tips on the use of kefir hair masks ^

    The Internet has many positive feedback about the use of kefir masks for hair growth. After several procedures, the hairs grow much faster and can extend to 2 cm per month.

    Grateful reviews of the mask with kefir for strengthening and hair loss come even from people who have stopped the process of alopecia.

    Hair after using the kefir mask grows alive, healthy, acquires a silky shine and easily fits in your hair.