  • Proper care for dry hair

    Read the article:
    • Signs and causes of dry hair
    • Proper care for dry hair
    • Home masks for dry hair

    Home masks make healthy and strengthen dry hair

    Every woman dreams of beautiful, smooth and silky hair. But if nature has awarded you with dry hair, then you need to make a lot of efforts to make them so.

    Onisoderzhat little moisture and therefore look dull, brittle and inelastic, often hanging like straw, podshatsya and do not lend themselves to stacking, which causes their owners a lot of grief.

    Signs and causes of dry hair ^

    The main signs of dry hair are dullness, lack of shine, increased brittleness and dry split ends. In addition, they are devoid of volume and difficult to comb.

    According to stylists, now more and more women complain not about fatty hair, but their excessive dryness and fragility. And after 40 years in all women, due to age-related changes, hair lose moisture and become drier.

    Excessive dryness occurs due to the fact that the sebaceous glands of the scalp produce an insufficient amount of sebum, so that the hair is not protected from the environment. The causes of dryness are genetic and acquired.

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    Genetic dryness is given from birth, so you can not change it, you need only a quality and proper care for dry hair - moisturizing, softening and nourishing. But very often dryness and fragility appears due to the following unfavorable factors:

    • hormonal disorders,
    • unbalanced nutrition,
    • improper care,
    • exposure to unfavorable external factors such as frequent staining, use of hair dryers and styling pens.

    Proper care for dry hair ^

    With very dry hair, dandruff often appears and the scalp begins to flake and itch, so when you care for them, you must adhere to certain rules:

    • It is not recommended to wash these hair often, every 7-10 days, butbe sure to thoroughly comb every evening with their non-metallic comb to evenly distribute the allocated fat along the entire length.
    • Before washing in dry roots, it is advisable to rub castor or olive oil or any fat cream, and boil or soften the washing water, adding boric acid( 1 tsp to 1 liter of water).

    • Choose shampoos and conditioners very carefully, paying attention to their composition. They should be necessarily soft, with the addition of nutrient oils and moisturizers, preventing dryness of hair and skin.
    • For split ends, choose shampoos with silicone that glues the spaced ends and protects them from further damage.
    • After washing, be sure to use balms - rinses and conditioners, which form a protective film on the surface, stored until the next wash.
    • Cosmetologists advise after washing to use dry hair oil , which will give them a beautiful natural shine, silky and protect from overdrying and exposure to unfavorable external factors. Dry oil instantly absorbed, does not leave a greasy sheen, gives elasticity and is an ideal care. It is very convenient to use, because it comes in the form of a spray.
    • It can also be used as a nutritional balm, because it contains almond oil and other useful oil extracts. If you have not only dry hair, but also skin, then the use of dry oil you are shown doubly, especially in summer, to protect yourself from excessive loss of moisture. It is also useful to rub oil into dry ends, this contributes to their smaller cross section.
    • Often, the problem of care for dry hair is compounded by the fact that in the pure form they are not found so often. Mixed type is more common when the hair is dry and oily at the same time, that is, they have fatty roots and dry split ends.
    • In such cases, you have to use different care products and apply different masks from herbs to the hair on the roots, the entire length and at the ends. In addition, the tips should be regularly cut every 8 to 10 weeks to protect them from further delamination.
    Read also Why dandruff appears and how to get rid of it.

    Home masks for dry hair ^

    The use of various oils is very beneficial for dry damaged hair. For example, you can prepare home-made butter for dry hair, infused with nettle.

    A recipe for home hair oil with nettle

    • To do this, 4 tbsp. Nettle pour 100 g of vegetable oil and insist a week.
    • Before washing, filter, heat and rub into split dry hair while performing scalp massage.
    • Hold for 1 hour.

    Home masks for dry hair also often include a variety of essential and vegetable oils and give an excellent effect when they are used regularly.

    Honey and oil mask

    • 1 tbsp.honey and 1 tbsp.olive or sunflower oil mix with 3 tbsp.l.low-fat cottage cheese.
    • If the composition is too thick, pour in a little milk.
    • Hold for half an hour. The mask perfectly restores and nourishes the damaged strands.

    Yellowish - honey mask

    • Mix 1 tbsp.olive oil, 1 yolk, 1 tsp.honey, 1 tsp.cognac.
    • You can keep 2-3 hours.

    Yolk - oil mask

    • 1 egg yolk to grind well with 1 tbsp.castor oil.
    • Apply to hair, cover with polythene and top with a towel.
    • Hold for 2 hours. Especially good at increased dryness and brittle hair.

    Yolk - lemon mask

    • Ideal for very dry hair.
    • 1 yolk, 1 tbsp. Burdock oil and 1 tbsp.lemon juice.
    • The mask well strengthens and restores the structure.

    Effective kefir mask

    • Combine 1 yolk and 6 tablespoons.kefir, apply over the entire length for 15 - 20 minutes.
    • It is washed off even without shampoo.

    Mayonnaise mask

    • Well restores natural moisture.
    • In 1 tbsp.mayonnaise to drip a couple drops of essential oil. Keep for 15 - 20 minutes.

    Excellent mask specially for dry ends

    This mask does not need to be washed off. It should be applied to damp tips, because the wax contained in it contains moisture, covering the strands with a protective film.

    • Ingredients: 1,5 tsp.coconut oil, 1.5 tsp. Shea butter, 10 ml of olive oil and almond oil, 1 tsp.wax and 14 to EM ylang-ylang.
    • Wax wax with oils, cool a little and add EM.
    • With oils, you can experiment and change to what you have available, such as cocoa butter, flaxseed oil or jojoba.
    • If the mixture is too thick, you can drop a little water.
    • After 20 - 30 minutes after application, the mask is absorbed, the tips are not greasy, easy to comb and look great.

    In addition to proper cosmetic hair care, an important role is played by proper drinking regimen, rational balanced nutrition, good bowel function and healthy sleep.

    • To do this, it is necessary to drink at least 2 liters of plain water daily,
    • to include more vegetables and fruits in your diet,
    • to sleep at least 7 to 8 hours,
    • to walk outdoors,
    • to protect yourself from stress as much as possible.

    Only then you will not only be healthy, but also beautiful at the same time.

    We also recommend to watch a video from the popular TV program "To Live Healthily" about useful products for health and strengthening of hair: