  • How to organize a home holiday. Organize a holiday at home

    After all, what is good for some guests will be completely unacceptable for others. And you do not need to be a subtle connoisseur of human psychology to understand what is possible and what is not possible in a given situation. For example, contests with a certain amount of obscenity will go to "hurray" in the company of young people and will be perceived with bewilderment where there will be children or elderly people among the guests.

    The organization of a holiday is also dependent on the occasion. Anniversary or a children's birthday, a meeting of school friends or a hen-party, Christmas or February 23 - the theme of the holiday must be beaten in decorating the room, table setting, games and contests, gifts and surprises. This will create a unique and unforgettable atmosphere of the holiday.

    We invite guests

    According to the rules of propriety, guests should be invited about a week or two before the event. Be original, do not confine yourself to a phone call or an oral invitation. Intrigue your guests! Prepare interesting invitation cards - let guests in advance realize that this time they are waiting for an unusual home holiday.

    Decorating the room

    Show your imagination by decorating the room. Ornaments should be thematic, i.e.to remind you about the occasion of the holiday. Decorate the room with snowflakes on the eve of the New Year, with garlands of flowers on the day of March 8, hearts and cupids on Valentine's Day. Balloons are suitable for children's birthday, birthday posters - for the anniversary, wall newspapers with photos - for meeting classmates.

    Serving table

    Table setting, in addition to the standard rules, must also correspond to this or that holiday. Take advantage of bright children's tableware for children's birthday, decorate the table with a napkin in the form of two swans on the anniversary of the wedding, get your own glasses for a meeting of friends. Guests will appreciate your ingenuity.

    Dishes can also be festive. Children will be pleased with "mice" from the liver pate and funny sandwiches in the form of Sponge Bob. For a romantic evening, all kinds of variations on the subject of hearts( cake, cookies, jellies) are good. For a party with friends the dishes-surprises( a pie with baked in it a coin, vareniki, among which one - with a teaspoon of salt( pepper) - for riches, luck, etc.) will perfectly suit dishes.

    We organize contests and games

    There are several varietiesgames and contests, and their choice depends on many factors.

    Intelligent competitions are good for home holidays with family. These are various variations on the theme of the programs "Field of Miracles", "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?", "Weak Link", etc. Such competitions require thorough preparation from the presenter( preparation of questions, preparation of necessary requisites, prizes), as well as a certain interest of the guests( if you see that the guests are not at all tuned to brainstorming, it is better to refuse to conduct intellectual competitions).

    Funny games and competitions are great for a company of friends, couples, hen parties and stag parties. They do not take a lot of time to organize and hold, they guarantee moments of fun and laughter. Often, such games are organized spontaneously, and you should have several scenarios of similar zapey in reserve.

    games are great for a children's holiday. Funny starts and similar contests are always to the liking of an active children. However, mobile games can be successfully organized in the adult company. As options - competition for the best dance or darts( home golf, bowling).

    competitions are suitable for almost any company. Who will remember more songs on the theme of winter( New Year) or songs dedicated to women( March 8);songs, which mention the name of the birthday( birthday) or songs about the Motherland( February 23) - there may be a lot of options. And the beauty of the singing competitions is that they practically do not require preliminary preparation.

    Competitions «under a glass» .If you know that a company of drink lovers will gather at the celebration, prepare several contests for "a drunken head" - because there are such! Participate in them sober person in the head does not come, but they drink just like it.

    We prepare prizes

    Prizes for competitions should be more symbolic or comic than serious. You can also make your own medals and diplomas."Making Evenings", "Miss Smile", "Mr. Sobriety", "Soul of the Company" - such titles will please the guests, leave pleasant impressions about the evening.

    The organization and carrying out of a home holiday is a creative process that requires a certain amount of time, preliminary preparation. The delight of the guests, their gratitude for the interesting evening spent will be a worthy reward for all your efforts.

    A traditional home holiday now you will not surprise anybody. A generously laid table and choral singing after a few drinks of a hot drink - that's, in fact, all its signs. Bored? Is it corny? And in fact, the real masters should strive not only for the guests to eat well and drink, but also to make it interesting to organize their leisure time, and themselves to be known as good mass-enthusiasts.

    How to organize a home holiday, so that it brought a lot of positive emotions and was remembered for a long time by the guests?

    We prepare the scenario of the holiday

    . Of course, the course of the celebration should be thought over in advance. After all, not everyone can impromptu play games and contests, make all preparations an hour before the meeting of the guests. And why do everything in a hurry?

    First of all, pay attention to those people whom you are going to invite( already invited) to the holiday. Will there be people of different generations, or mostly peers. Relatives are friends or colleagues at work. Representatives of one or different social groups. Single or married couples. Men, women, or both, and others.

    In fact, this will largely depend on the scenario of the home celebration.