  • How to putty the walls under wallpaper or paint?

    What is putty on the whole? Putty is a special powdered dry powder or ready-to-use mass in containers. It is designed for the final corrective alignment of the base surface( wall, floor, ceiling etc.) under the finishing material. As a result, thanks to the putty, the surface becomes much smoother and smoother. The most commonly used putty when preparing surfaces for painting, under wallpapering, as well as for leveling corners in the room. Slightly less use shpaklevku for the final sealing of the joints of sheets of plasterboard.

    Tools and materials required for plastering:

    • Fine trowel;

    • Wide trowel( 60-80 cm);

    • Corner trowel;

    • Putty;

    • Bucket, and also it is possible also a capacity for water;

    • Good lighting( table lamp, flashlight, spotlight, etc.);

    • A rag or sponge from foam rubber;

    • Abrasive bar with abrasive mesh or emery;

    • Painting brushes;

    • Mask or respirator.

    Preparation of the base surface for the
    Putty Before the puttying, the surface must be thoroughly cleaned with a spatula or scraper from old finishing layers( plaster, wallpaper, paint, etc.), stains, dirt and debris. If it is a wooden floor - "drown" the protruding nails down. After cleaning the surface of building debris - it must be primed. If the base weakly absorbs moisture or it is fragile - this primer is primed primer-primer( concrete contact).If you glue the wallpaper on old or very rough walls - the surface after the preliminary priming will also have to be plastered. Sometimes the masters, joking, say so - simply paint the ground, so that everything keeps on better and does not fall on the head, plaster - level the bad walls, and putty - level the plaster.
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    So, before the filler the surface must be well-primed, clean, without too much difference in height, and also strong. Wait for the surface to dry. You can proceed with the putty.

    How to putty the walls under the wallpaper?

    Pre-divide the wall into several approximately equal sectors of 2-3 m2.Adjust good lighting of the treated area. Traditionally, for wallpaper( as for painting), apply two layers of putty - starting and finishing. For this, the walls are shpaklyuyut several stages.

    To begin with, use a medium or small spatula to apply a layer of putty on the large trowel( approx. 2 cm thick to the sausage strip).Then, with this large spatula, aligned, accurate movements, carefully spread out the putty putty, leveling it on the surface. A large trowel is recommended to keep at an angle of 20-40 degrees with respect to the body's body, but this is - as you already prefer.

    Also, periodically clean and wipe the spatula. To do this, use a small spatula. Masters habitually do the work in such a way: in the left hand a small spatula - they put a lot of weight, dispose of excess on a large trowel, and in the right hand - the main tool( large trowel).

    Important! Putty is best start from the left edge of the surface, and each subsequent layer, as it were, overlap to the side of the already patched area. Also it is necessary to distinguish the putty in the corners and in the middle of the wall.

    Putty "from the corner of the wall to the middle".A large trowel stretches the putty with a clear movement in the direction from the corner to the middle, i.e.- diagonally. So you better level the putty on the surface. As soon as you cover the entire sector with putty, until it has grasped, you can immediately remove the excess mass with a moistened spatula. To do this, use a small spatula to remove the remains of the mass with a large and basic trowel( it can be dipped into the water) once again we pass through the fouled place, removing the excess. Then repeat the puttying procedure further, slightly overlapping overlapping each strip of the putty on the next section of the wall.

    In the middle of the wall, where there are no corners, shpaklyuyut surface from the bottom up, and the excess putty removed from top to bottom. And again we repeat the procedure - we apply a large spatula with a bottom spatula upwards the overlap with the previous strip, we clean the trowel with a small spatula, remove the excess from top to bottom.

    The thickness of the putty on the surface should be no more than 5 mm, optimally - within 2 mm. If the layer is thick, the putty will dry for a long time and may crack.

    In the very corners( external and internal), where it is difficult to "get" a large trowel, shpaklyuchte better or a small spatula, or a special rectangular spatula. To do this, apply putty on the edges of the walls, and then gently and evenly smear the trowel.

    On the scars, bubbles and the like - do not pay attention, they will remain anyway, they can then be sanded with an abrasive.

    After applying the first starting layer of putty, wait until it dries( from half a day to a day).After drying, treat the scars and uneven lines on the surface of a large-mesh grinding net. The putty is usually ground with an abrasive, starting with numbers 120-150( the larger the number, the smaller the section of the section).Sometimes recommend No. 80, but we would not advise it. Grind better with circular movements of the hand, periodically brushing the dust with a brush. Minor flaws can be covered with emery.

    Clean the building residues and again primed the surface. Then apply again the corrective finishing coat of putty. After drying, sand it with a finer grinder or emery cloth. At this putty ends. Wait for the mixture to dry and treat the surface with a primer. Everything, you can glue wallpaper.

    How to putty the wall for painting?

    For painting the putty surface is worth more. It is necessary to ensure that the foundation is as smooth as possible. Particular attention should be paid to the subsequent thorough grinding of the surface, so ensure good lighting. Unlike wallpaper, the paint does not hide the scarring of the frozen putty, so the whole procedure must be done very carefully. The color of the putty should approximate the color of the future paint. Use a smaller spatula than in case of wallpapering - no more than 60 cm. Grinding stack for puttying under painting also needs to be slightly smaller - №150-180.

    Putty for painting is applied similarly to putty for wallpapering. It is worth remembering, it often happens that first you need to separately treat the putty with large cracks and other places with noticeable flaws, and then apply a continuous starting layer of it. After that, the dried places are ground, the surface is ground, then the control finish coat of the putty is applied, the soil is applied again - everything can be painted.

    Successful repair to you!