  • How to take care of plastic windows in winter and summer

    For a rather fast period of time, plastic windows managed to take the leading positions in the number of their installation, since the absolute majority of windows in homes and industrial buildings are PVC windows. To ensure that the plastic window has served you for a long time, it is necessary to carry out special care for it, which we will tell about.

    Rules for the care of plastic windows

    Caring for plastic windows is a mandatory procedure, otherwise the window will begin to lose its tightness, the accessories may fail or the wear of the rubber sealer and much more can occur. After it was produced installation of plastic windows, it is necessary to remove the protective tape, which is glued to the profile, since after a while it will be very problematic to remove it due to exposure to sunlight.

    Now with regard to washing the plastic windows. To wash plastic windows it is necessary special detergents for windows and special napkins or rags. If any contaminants appear on the profile, do not scrub them with sharp objects: a knife, a scraper, etc. To remove complex contamination, use special means to remove contaminants from the plastic surface or directly from the PVC windows.

    Before cleaning the profile of the window, we recommend first removing the layer of dirt and dust, this is best done with a brush made of soft and thick bristles. Then the window can be wiped with a napkin or a cloth, after first applying a detergent to its surface.

    Preparation of windows for the season change

    The plastic window hardware must be adjusted 2 times a year.

    • How to take care of plastic windows in winter

    Caring for plastic windows in winter includes: washing the window profile and glass, as well as translating the leaf clamps into winter mode, so that the leaf closes closer to the profile when closed and through it cold air does not pass. This is done before the winter season in October-November.

    • How to care for plastic windows in the summer

    Caring for plastic windows in the summer includes: cleaning the profile, glass and transfer of clips in summer mode, so that the leaf is not tightly pressed against the profile.

    • Adjustment of the flaps

    Due to temperature differences, the profile of the window can be narrowed and widened, and because of this the flap can begin to rub somewhere. To adjust it, use a hexagon. How to adjust the sash of the window - shown in the picture below.

    How to care for the accessories of a plastic window

    Fittings are a complex mechanism that is responsible for the movement of the leaf. For the mechanism to work freely, it must be lubricated with engine oil. To do this, fill the oil in the moving parts of the window, then several times move the window from one position to another.

    Care for seals of plastic windows

    Proper care for plastic windows includes also the care of the rubber seal of plastic windows. Please note that it is the rubber sealant that ensures a high-quality sealing of the window profile. Like any rubber, the window seal is worn out: it becomes hard and not elastic, it is cobbled and cracked. For the window sealer to last as long as possible - it must be cleaned and lubricated 2 times a year, as it was said above: before the beginning of the summer season and before the winter season.

    In order to clean the window seal it can be either removed or cleaned in this condition. If you remove the seal, put it in a container with warm soapy water for a few minutes, and then rinse with clean water and wipe with a dry rag. Then insert the seal into the sash and into the window opening, then applying a silicone agent to the rag, treat the surface of the seal.

    Tools for the care of plastic windows

    For the care of plastic windows, use both special sets of care for plastic windows, and individual. To care for windows, you need:

    • Glass cleaner( eg Clin);

    • Means for washing plastic profile;

    • Seal cleaner or soap water + silicone grease;

    • Engine oil for the lubrication of accessories.