
What is a liquid wallpaper, what are their properties? How to use liquid wallpaper?

  • What is a liquid wallpaper, what are their properties? How to use liquid wallpaper?

    In the past few years, a term such as "liquid wallpaper" has been regularly used by specialists in the repair and decoration of apartments. However, it is difficult for an ordinary person, far from modern and innovative technologies in the construction field, to know about all the novelties. Therefore, many still do not know what liquid wallpaper is, how to use them and how to take care of them. About all this, we'll talk in our today's article on the Vse-Sekrety website.en.

    To the phrase "liquid wallpaper" is nothing more than innovative, modern decoration materials, which recently most often began to be used in finishing almost any surface( the most popular steel, naturally, walls or ceilings).One of the components of this finishing material is: natural fibers from cellulose, with the addition of silk, cotton and environmentally friendly dyes, in order to give this finishing material the necessary gloss, in small quantities, a quartz crumb is added, and in the required quantities an adhesive base is added.
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    To date, the market for the sale of building materials is always available in a huge variety of liquid wallpaper both Russian and foreign manufacturers. Recently, domestic manufacturers of liquid wallpapers for the quality of their products are not inferior to imports, and the price may differ significantly. This type of finishing material is used as a decoration of both private houses and apartments. Also, they are indispensable for the decoration of walls or ceilings of almost any premises.

    Decorative inserts, included in the component part of liquid wallpaper, create the necessary impression of spraying from the fabric matter .And golden threads, also included in the composition of liquid wallpaper, will give the room a chic effect, for which this type of finishing material is loved by buyers.

    Due to its unique abilities, liquid wallpaper creates a unique and unique interior in almost any room. The main advantages of liquid wallpaper: in addition to the affordable price, compared to other finishing materials - is a long enough operating time, which can reach about eight years !In order to apply liquid wallpaper to the necessary - preparatory surface, you need to dilute the dry mixture of the component with the required amount of water.

    Properties and features of liquid wallpaper:

    Liquid wallpaper has an interesting composition, which includes: natural ingredients that have excellent antistatic qualities. Due to these features, liquid wallpaper has a fire-resistant ability, just they do not emit harmful substances and almost do not accumulate dust on them. Liquid wallpaper is created as an even, and refrene( convex) coating, absolutely seamless, which in turn is not terrible not temperature changes, nor direct exposure to solar radiation.

    In addition, liquid wallpaper has high sound and heat insulation properties. Similarly to the advantages of liquid wallpaper, unlike other finishing materials, is the fact that they perfectly smooth out minor irregularities and flaws on the surfaces, if, of course, the thickness of the coated layer will vary from one millimeter to one centimeter.

    Original and unique composition of small and delicate pores make the liquid wallpaper breathable. This feature of these wallpapers allows you to not absorb in yourself the odors in the room. They are also excellent for those rooms in which there is a different level of humidity, because they, in addition to regulating the degree of humidity in the room, absorb it perfectly.

    Methods of applying liquid wallpaper:

    Companies that produce liquid wallpaper, present in the building markets, two types of liquid wallpaper: in the form of a dry mixture( powder), it needs to be diluted to the required state for work, and as a finished product, which can be immediatelyimmediately and apply. In order to apply liquid wallpaper was quite comfortable, you need the following construction tools: roller, spatula and spray. In case you need to repaint liquid wallpaper, when they are dull, you can easily update their hue by applying a new layer of wallpaper on top of the old one, without any effort.

    Apply liquid wallpaper only on a dry and cleaned from dirt and dust surface. Cracks and irregularities on the surface of the wall must be leveled using a putty. Apply liquid wallpaper with a spatula of medium size, or with a spray gun. Then, after applying them to the surface, it is necessary to level with a relief roller.

    In order to completely dry the surface, treated with liquid wallpaper, you need from twelve to seventy hours. In this case, the temperature in the room should be not lower than plus ten degrees, so ensure the heating of the room in the cold season. After the liquid wallpaper has completely dried, the entire surface should be applied with a thin layer of acrylic lacquer, in order to increase the moisture resistance of liquid wallpaper. The method of applying liquid wallpaper is so simple that it is possible and their independent application to the wall, but, nevertheless, for the best result we still recommend to turn to a professional.

    Liquid wallpaper maintenance:
    Any surface treated with liquid wallpaper can easily be soaked under the influence of a large amount of water. As a result, the liquid wallpaper must be cleaned with a cleaning vacuum cleaner. In order to later wipe( clean) the liquid wallpaper with a damp cloth scrap, after they have been applied to the surface and completely dried, they should be covered with a protective film of moisture-resistant lacquer, although after that the effect of breathing wallpaper will unfortunately disappear.

    In general, liquid wallpaper is a wonderful material that should be used when decorating your apartment or house, as it is environmentally friendly and very beautiful.