  • How to level the ceiling with

  • plaster How to level the ceiling with plaster

  • How to level the ceiling with plasterboard

  • How to level the ceiling with tension ceiling

  • Some people, when making repairs, for some reason level or only walls or walls and floor, do notproducing this procedure with a ceiling. Whether this is done to save money on repairs, or because of the fact that few people pay attention to the ceiling, but nevertheless, if you decide to make a major overhaul in the apartment, then the leveling of the ceiling is an integral part of it. In this article, we would like to talk about the ways of leveling the ceiling, and also to tell which one is best used in this or that situation.

    Than you can level the ceiling

    Before you level the ceiling, you need to decide what method and what material you will be doing it. To begin with, you must represent the design and interior of the room after repair, as well as the degree of unevenness of the ceiling. Based on what, and will need to choose what exactly to level the ceiling.

    Today the following methods of leveling ceilings are most often used:

    • Alignment with

    . If you want to paint the ceiling or paste wallpaper, but the degree of unevenness of the ceiling is insignificant, then the putty will do. If you need to level the surface of the ceiling plate, from minor roughness and roughness, this is done with the help of a putty. The method is very simple and yet not too expensive.

    • Plaster leveling

    In order to even out significant roughness of the ceiling slab or if it has an uneven plane, that is, it goes to one side, then it is necessary to level the ceiling slab with a large layer of mortar, plaster is suitable for this. In the event that the slab goes too far to one side and you need to flatten the plane over the entire area of ​​the slab, then a method of leveling the ceiling along the beacons using plaster is used.

    • Alignment with plasterboard

    If you want to quickly level the surface of the ceiling - then for this you can build a ceiling from gypsum board, it is also called a suspended ceiling. Another option of leveling the ceiling with gypsum cardboard is the installation of a multi-level shaped ceiling, which is very popular today. The advantage of this leveling of the ceiling with plasterboard is that you not only level the surface of the ceiling, but at the same time you will decorate it. Align a very uneven ceiling much easier and faster with gypsum cardboard than applying a thick layer of plaster or align it to the beacons.

    • Leveling with tension ceiling

    The last popular type of leveling of the ceiling is the stretch ceiling. By and large, the stretch ceiling is a way of decorating the ceiling, this can be attributed to the leveling indirectly, it seems to mask its unevenness. Installation of tension ceilings is as follows: on the perimeter of the ceiling are mounted slats on which the material of the stretch ceiling is fixed. Stretched ceiling is the most expensive form of ceiling decoration and, of course, the most expensive kind of its alignment. The advantage of this method is that the wizard makes the installation process, and within a few hours you will get a beautiful and even ceiling.

    How to level the ceiling for painting and wallpapering? In order to produce one of the listed types of decorative finishing of the ceiling, it is not necessary to level the plane of the ceiling, it is enough to level its surface. As a rule, the surface of the ceiling slab can be leveled using a putty, if the surface of the slab has significant irregularities, especially at the points of their joints, then use the plaster to bring its level to zero.

    Based on the above information, choose the type of leveling of the ceiling that best suits your financial capabilities and the design of the room. Next, we want to briefly talk about how to align the ceiling with each of these methods.

    How to level the ceiling in the apartment

    How to level the ceiling with the

    putty Now let's take a quick look: how to properly level the ceiling with putty. As we said earlier, leveling the ceiling with a putty is possible only if its surface has minor irregularities, since the filler itself should be applied to the surface no thicker than a millimeter layer, otherwise it will start to crack.

    Before leveling the surface of the ceiling plate - clean it of old finishing materials: wallpaper or paint, then apply a primer coat. Then, when the primer has dried, proceed to applying the mixture to the ceiling. Try immediately with a spatula to smooth the irregularities that are on its plane.

    After you have applied the putty, and it dried up, using a hand grinder you need to sand the flattened surface. This must be done so that the plastered surface is perfectly even. Then brush off the ceiling with the brush from the settled particles of the putty. After that, the surface of the ceiling is ready for applying the finishing material.

    How to level the ceiling with plaster

    If the ceiling plane strongly escapes to the side or the surface of the slabs and the joints between them have significant unevenness, then plaster is applied, which can be applied by a layer of 2 cm.

    There is a lot of controversy as to which layer of plaster can be applied toceiling plate, and we believe that this layer should be no more than 2 centimeters. Why?

    For wall leveling, plaster manufacturers allow their mixtures to be applied in several layers, almost 10 cm wide, but note that the plaster is applied to the ceiling and not to the wall, therefore there is a high probability that it can fall off, but it is good ifon the floor. At very significant roughnesses - construct a gypsum plasterboard false ceiling or tension.

    With regard to the leveling of the ceiling with plaster, this procedure is similar to the previous one: the surface of the ceiling slab is cleaned, primed and then a layer of plaster is applied on it. Then, when the plaster has dried, it is grinded by a hand grinder and cleaned with a brush. After that, the surface of the ceiling is ready for further finishing.

    How to level the ceiling with gypsum plasterboard

    Now let's look at how to level the ceiling with gypsum board. In our opinion, this method is the best way to level the ceiling in the apartment. For the construction of a plasterboard ceiling you will need metal profiles, plasterboard sheets, hangers, dowels, screws, roulette and level.

    First you need to measure the level of the unevenness of the ceiling to determine how much to make an indent from the ceiling. Then the surface of the ceiling should be cleaned and primed, but you can skip it. On the side walls, at a marked distance from the ceiling, guides are mounted. After that, to the ceiling with a step of 60 cm in width, the suspensions are fastened. The mounting distance of the hangers must be determined from the height of the drywall sheets, so that 2 sheets join the center of the profile. Note that in the center the sheets of plasterboard should also be fixed "+" in a figurative way. Profiles, as a rule, are attached transversely to the room on the dowels. The profile is inserted into the side rails and fixed to the suspensions with the help of self-tapping screws, exposing the level. After that, the protruding parts of the hangers are bent upwards.

    The next stage of the installation of a false ceiling is fastening of plasterboard sheets with self-tapping screws, with a step of 5 cm along the perimeter, and as was said above in the "+" way. Then the joints of the sheets are primed, and a self-adhesive mesh is glued on them, then the seams are covered with a thin layer of putty so that they do not crack afterwards. On the surface of the sheets of plasterboard we put a layer of putty to prepare a new ceiling for the decorative finish. If you want a multi-level ceiling with figured inserts, then this procedure is somewhat more complicated.

    How to level the ceiling with tension ceiling

    The last way to level the ceiling is the stretch ceiling. Especially in detail on the procedure for installing stretch ceilings, we will not stop, because this issue should deal with professional installers.

    The material of the stretch ceiling must be carefully heated so as not to burn. In addition, to stretch the ceiling a heat gun is used, which is powered by a propane cylinder, which is a source of increased danger. In practice, there are a lot of cases when there were explosions of gas cylinders in houses when installing stretch ceilings. It is for these reasons that the installation is best entrusted to professionals.

    As for the installation procedure in brief, it is as follows: on the perimeter of the room, at a distance of approximately 15 cm, fixing racks are mounted, in which the fabric of the stretch ceiling will be fixed. By itself, the stretch fabric is small in size and reaches the right size when heated. From four corners, the fabric is attached to stretch marks and in the process of stretching it is fixed in the fixing slats, as shown in the photo.

    As you remember from our previous articles, we have already told,