
Bamboo wallpaper: types, features and gluing. Review from experts

  • Bamboo wallpaper: types, features and gluing. Review from experts

    If you want to transform your home beyond recognition, and decided to run after buying a few creative rolls of wallpaper, then do not rush! Before you the question arises - which wallpaper to choose: vinyl, paper or non-woven? Throw aside all these banal options, now you have the opportunity to transform your native corner beyond recognition, creating a light shade of the East in the apartment. It's about bamboo wallpaper.

    What is a bamboo wallpaper

    Bamboo wallpaper - the newest material that has been widely spread more recently, having pressed to the ground all the ordinary trivial options, fundamentally changing everything in the field of finishing materials. Most recently, we pasted walls with paper and washable wallpaper, vinyl and wallpaper for painting. .. But it's time to leave the worship of old idols! Wallpapers made from the finest racks of young sprouts of a huge bamboo tree - a treasure for the fans of the culture of the East, as well as for lovers of environmentally friendly and beautiful interiors.   
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    One of the many advantages of bamboo wallpaper is that their gluing takes much less time than paper or non-woven. Yes, and the packaging of bamboo wallpaper weighs less than a roll of paper wallpaper, therefore, to carry them off the market is easier.

    Types of bamboo wallpaper

    Specialists distinguish several varieties of bamboo wallpaper, most of them, making a classification, according to the thickness of the layer of wood. Immediately the question arises: what kind of bamboo wallpaper should I buy? Everything depends on you.

    Thin wallpaper, created from young bamboo shoots, creates on the walls the appearance of a pleasant ripple that helps the person looking at them to relax more quickly. The thick wallpaper express the texture, help create a suitable mood and create a warm atmosphere. In addition, bamboo wallpaper has excellent dust - and dirt repellent properties.

    It is curious that many designers adore using this material when decorating ceilings, sliding furniture and various partitions.

    The material, which has the highest durability, creates a certain style, which, by the way, is today at the peak of popularity. Bamboo wallpaper persistently tolerate frequent changes in temperature, without losing its attractiveness and presentability. In addition, these wallpapers are easily laundered from contamination, which certainly will please any mistress.

    Only some ten to twenty years ago, bamboo wallpaper was used as a traditional material in the decoration of public catering facilities, mainly with Japanese and Chinese orientation. To date, the use of wallpaper has expanded somewhat, since the material is perfectly glued, does not differ in price and does not create problems in the future. Yes, and the very fact of environmental friendliness in our time is gaining more and more weight when choosing a material.

    How to glue bamboo wallpaper

    Sticking wallpaper from bamboo is not very difficult, even a child can cope with it: in this case, the preparation of walls does not require the thoroughness that was required when working with paper and vinyl wallpaper. If only the wall was level, without cavities, cracks and cavities. This is very important, otherwise in these "natural" niches mold can quickly form, which will soon conquer the entire room. Often masters, instead of glue, use "liquid nails".When attaching bamboo wallpaper to fiberboard and chipboard is often treated with staplers - small, but extremely sturdy studs. Agree, a convenient and simple way.

    Compliance with technology - the right choice and gluing of bamboo wallpapers promises you a grandiose result: the walls that you cover with wooden wallpaper will delight the eye for a very long time. Huge choice in the colors: shades of bamboo from a delicate light green, to a dark green - suggest the embodiment of even the most daring idea. So, when you are faced with the question of what wallpaper to use - feel free to buy bamboo wallpaper - they will faithfully and truthfully serve you for a very long time.