
How to care for the Decembrist at home? Its location and flowering

  • How to care for the Decembrist at home? Its location and flowering

    This houseplant with such an unusual name in the summer is a modest flower - a cactus that loves water, does not tolerate direct sunlight and is not protected by the usual prickly thorns. His homeland is South America and it is in her tropical forests on the branches of trees you can find a Decembrist, or zigokaktus.

    The first name of the plant is associated with the beginning of the period of its flowering, coinciding with the rest time of other flowers - the end of November - December.

    How and where to place the plant at home

    • It is recommended to avoid the location of the Decembrist on window sills located on the western and southern sides - excess sunlight can cause significant damage to such parts of the shoots as the final segments, until their complete withering.
    • In the summer months, when in the room, the flower lacks oxygen. Long or permanent stay in a shaded place on an open loggia, terrace or balcony will benefit the plant.
    • A thorough shower or at least light spraying will also have a beneficial effect on the flower.
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    • The budding period for the Decembrist is characterized by increased sensitivity to movements. Even a slight turn of the pot is considered undesirable.

    Cactus and Decembrist - Comparative Care Characteristics

    The Decembrist's affinity with the cactus habitual for many people should not be misleading when caring for this flower: in many respects, these two agricultural techniques differ significantly, coinciding more with the approach used in the cultivation of deciduous houseplants.
    1. The missed irrigation of the cactus is practically not affected, while for the Decembrist it is necessary not only to regular watering, but also the specificity of the water used in this case: it must be settled and not cold.
    2. High requirements are also imposed on the air of the room where the flower is located: higher humidity is required, which can be achieved by purposeful spraying, air humidifier or placing the pot on a pallet with sea pebbles.
    3. As already noted, direct sunlight for the Decembrist, in contrast to its congenital cactus, is very dangerous. But in terms of temperature, the plant is rather unpretentious.

    Maintenance of the Decembrist

    How to properly dress up the

    The time for intensive fertilizing starts with the spring. Top dressing should be done monthly, using a complex type fertilizer designed for home colors. Caution should be exercised in dosage: dose sizes should be half as many as indicated by the manufacturers.

    The summer period is characterized for the zygocactus by the intensive growth of its stems. At this time, the amount of fertilizing the flower should be increased to two times within a month, and with the beginning of September completely stop.

    A beneficial preventive effect on the plant will be treated with fungicides.

    Requirements for pruning the plant

    The time for the procedure is June. The excess part of the Decembrist's escape should not be cut off, but must be unscrewed manually. Thus, when caring for the plant, a double goal is achieved - the flower is not only given a beautiful shape, but also shortening of sprouted shoots is made.

    The result of this formation will not only be a more aesthetically pleasing appearance, but also more abundant flowering.

    Transplant conditions

    It is necessary to engage in transplantation of the zigokaktus after the flowering period is over - in the last days of February. Adult specimens of the flower must be transplanted every five years, and for young plants an annual transplant is required.

    Due to the fact that the root system of the flower refers to the surface type, the most suitable pot for it will be a wide and low-capacity container. In this case, the third part of the entire volume of the pot should occupy the drainage layer.

    As soil, you can use the usual shop primer intended for cacti, and make the soil yourself, for which you need to mix the following components in certain proportions: one part of sand, the same amount of turf ground, two parts of leaf land. For disinfection it is necessary to add coal pounded.

    High level of water permeability can provide brick crumb or expanded clay. The acidity of the soil must be weak.

    Reproduction of Decembrist

    Method of reproduction at home - vegetative, by the method of propagation.

    First two or three extreme "links" of the shoot are unscrewed, then they are dried for a few days, then they are planted in moist soil. To create a greenhouse effect, planting should be covered with a usual plastic bottle, the alternative of which can be a glass jar.

    The container should be placed in the shade and regularly ventilated. Temperature regime, beneficial effect on the rooting of cuttings - from 15 to 20 degrees Celsius.

    It is convenient to begin the process of breeding Decembrist immediately after the end of its pruning, as when forming a bush, as a rule, there remains material suitable for its application in cuttings.

    Diseases susceptible to zygocactus and pests

    The greatest danger to the Decembrist is fungal type diseases and insects. The most vulnerable part of the diseased flower is its root neck, which is expressed in the loss of segments and pallor, the grayness of the plant. The causative agents of fungal diseases come from soil that has already been infected. Fungicides and special preparations are used for treatment.

    When afflicted with a spider mite, the plant is covered with a rusty coating. This is the case if the air is not sufficiently moist. The presence and livelihoods of mealybugs give such consequences as the appearance of cotton-like lumps between the shoots of the flower.

    Flowering Decembrist

    1. To flower bloom, it needs to be prepared, providing the plant with a kind of "diet": for two months, starting around the end of September, you need to water the plant much less and completely stop feeding it. During this period, the Decembrist must be in a room that is not heated.
    2. After giving the plant a two-month rest, at its end it is necessary to transfer the flower to a bright and heated room and begin to water intensively. Regularly turning the pot with the plant, you can achieve uniform illumination, due to which the Decembrist will begin to "wake up".
    3. From the very beginning of the bud formation process, care should be taken to ensure that the substrate does not dry out in the pot. At the same time, you need to stop turning the flower. If you strictly follow all the above conditions, then very soon you can start to admire the blossoming Decembrist.
    4. After the flowering period, it is necessary to start a gradual reduction of the watering of the flower and it is necessary to move it to a cool place until the very end of March, after which the plant should be returned to its usual place and gradually return to the traditional watering rate and timely fertilization.

    Interesting advice from experts:

    Competent care will become a reliable guarantee of the duration of the "life" of the Decembrist up to 20 years, with an annual flowering for the New Year.