  • Combination of colors in the interior( 10 photos)

    First of all, it is necessary to remind the main rule: you can not use more than five colors in the interior, it is desirable to choose 3 basic colors and combine their shades. First choose the main color for the interior, then select the background, which enhance its perception or vice versa weaken.

    Article content:

    • What does this or that color mean?

    • How to successfully combine colors

    • How to choose your color? !

    • What the designers advise about the combination of colors in the interior

    • How to hide the flaws in the interior, using the colors of

    What does this or that color of

    mean? First you need to figure out which colors are more like you, because this affects the attractiveness of the interior. After selecting certain colors, you need to get acquainted with the information of psychologists who have known for a long time about the influence of each color on a person's well-being. You need to consider other points, for example, the harmony of the combination of colors, associations associated with color, changes in your mood and so on. Color can cause different associations depending on age, nature, culture and other factors. Despite this, there are many common patterns that determine the international significance of color for a person.
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    The main relaxing colors are blue and blue, they embody serenity and serenity. It is advisable to choose the deepest blue color, it is associated with the depth of the ocean, and enhances the sense of calmness. The blue color increases the feeling of security and calmness, and the light blue color inspires a feeling of carelessness and immediacy, therefore discourages any desire to work or think about something serious. Many rely on knowledge from Feng Shui, when they decorate the interior, as they have certain regularities regarding colors. In Feng Shui, the blue color speaks of femininity and enhances the basic feminine qualities: sensuality, caring, love and trust. For the treatment of diseases blue color is prescribed for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, insomnia and allergies. But the effect does not come instantly, you need to look at the blue color every day for about 30 minutes, of course, this is not so simple as it may seem.

    Color of excitement, aggression, passion and anxiety - red, it was in ancient times that personified fire and blood. This color is preferred by people who have a high level of aggression and anxiety, they like to stand out from the crowd and command others, but their character does not inspire confidence. In Feng Shui, the color speaks of leadership, luck, and male energy. In Japan, red is attributed to anger and cruelty. It is very useful for quiet and closed people, because it affects the central nervous system and causes the desire to move and develop. Red color is prescribed for the treatment of the following diseases: depression, anemia, paralysis and gastritis. Undesirable red color for those who have problems with high blood pressure and nervous breakdowns.

    The most ambiguous and at the same time positive color is yellow, it is associated with sun and joy, gold and wealth, but it has another meaning. Yellow color represents treachery and anxiety. This color is preferred by people who want to become free and independent, they want to overcome difficulties in order to become stronger and more successful. The yellow color speaks of enlightenment and enlightenment, in Feng Shui it is referred to the color of wisdom and knowledge, it is preferred by very intelligent people. The yellow color in the East speaks of eternal fun and joy, while in Europe color is not welcomed, because it speaks of cowardice, jealousy and treason. But we must build on the main meaning, namely, the desire to be free and enjoy life. In Feng Shui, color is recommended for people who are engaged in sports, because it nourishes the muscles with vital energy. He is prescribed to people with liver and gallbladder problems, they are often treated with diabetes, rheumatism and kidney disease. In no case is it recommended for tachycardia, diarrhea and neuralgia.

    As a result of mixing yellow and blue, a green color is formed, so its value is dual. Green is the color of serenity, stagnation, energy and tranquility. This is a very cold color, its cold is determined by the amount of blue. The more green is yellow - the warmer and more pleasant it is, the color of development and the pursuit of new goals. This color is preferred by people with a calm character who value constancy and do not like to experiment. In Feng Shui, green is associated with hope, peace and development. While scientists say that color is associated with antiquity, huge forests that gave a person the opportunity to escape from enemies. Assign this color for the treatment of heart disease, asthma, insomnia and poor vision.

    How to successfully combine the colors of

    In order for colors to harmonize well with each other, several basic rules must be observed. First, all colors should have one tone, so they choose colors depending on the main one. The background depends on its expressiveness, whether it will be dark or light and so on. For blue, you need to choose a gray-blue, dark blue and blue background. But since all colors are quite dark, you need to choose the standard and universal colors that fit easily into any interior. These include gray, white, beige and milky.

    You need to achieve perfect harmony, so that colors do not irritate you. Therefore, we must first understand the compatibility of colors, in detail about the compatibility of all colors, we will describe below. All that is required of you is to choose the preferred color of the interior and check its compatibility.

    • The red color fits perfectly with black, golden yellow, blue, white, orange and silver;

    • Orange color is compatible with red, green, white, pink, gray, ocher and black;

    • Green color is combined with yellow, light green, black and blue;

    • Blue is ideal for turquoise, gray, green, red and purple;

    • Purple color is compatible with gray-blue, blue, gold, white, pink and orange;

    • Pink color is combined with beige, red, lemon, coffee and gray;

    • Yellow is ideal for green, white, black and blue;

    • Brown color is combined with gold, white, beige and blue;

    • The blue color is suitable for purple, white, light green, blue and gray;

    • Gray color is combined with blue, black, green and pink.

    Each color has its opposite, and it is used in the interior to emphasize the contrast. The list of opposites:

    • Lime - purple;

    • Red - green;

    • Orange - Marine;

    • Pink - light green;

    • Blue - yellow;

    • Lilac - yellow.

    The most versatile colors for highlighting interior elements: gray, black, milky and white. Unsuitable colors for interior decoration that negatively affect the emotional state:

    • The main red color - causes anxiety and aggression, undesirable for hypertensive patients;

    • The main gray color - causes unwillingness to live and despair;

    • Purple and black color - visually reduces the room, not suitable for small rooms;

    • Brown - causes depression and melancholy;

    • Blue color - causes alienation from others and reduces sensitivity.

    How to choose your color? !

    Here the same rule applies, as in everything - choose the color of the room depending on the purpose that pursues. If you make out the living room in the manor house, in which a large family lives, you need to be very careful in choosing the color. It is desirable to choose calming and relaxing colors that will improve mood, and create peace in the house. Most preferable is light green, yellow-green, gray-blue and golden, but unsaturated. We need a weak or average saturation, otherwise the color will be unnerving.

    Basically, the living room is used for recreation with guests, so you can choose colors that will increase the activity of the guests. This is necessary to create a festive mood, so the saturation of the flowers can be slightly increased and choose violet, blue and purple colors.
    As in the bedroom the most calm and comfortable atmosphere is concentrated, it is necessary to select cold blue and blue tones, either yellow or golden. Often people work in the bedroom, so you need to increase the concentration, namely - to choose the compatibility of gray-green and gray-blue colors. You can dilute them with neutral colors that will enhance concentration at work and improve mental abilities.

    Small children prefer a variety of bright colors, but it is not necessary to decorate a children's room in several colors, since this negatively affects the emotional state of the child. It is better to choose less intense tones, for example, gray, white, light green and blue. The advantage is that you can buy bright furniture, bed linens and so on, which is very convenient when decorating a children's room.

    The room for people of the age is best to decorate in calm color shades, and in any case do not use sharp contrasts. Beige, gray, green and brown tones are desirable.

    The hall needs to be decorated in light colors, as daylight does not get there practically. The same applies to the hallway. It is very preferable to cover the walls with boards, in which case you will not have to choose colors for long and you can enjoy an attractive kind of wood.
    The kitchen uses a blue and blue-green color, it is they that expand the space and improve the mood. But it happens that the kitchen and dining room are combined in the apartment, in which case it is better to use very saturated blue and green colors. Thus, you can emphasize the light furniture, which will make the kitchen even more attractive and beautiful. But very often the kitchen is trimmed with wood, so the light boards perfectly emphasize the attractiveness of furniture made of wood, decorative utensils and kitchen utensils.

    The bathroom is not very large, so you need to choose very bright colors: pink, turquoise, lilac or blue. But it is better to choose a glazed tile with a black, blue or red color.

    In apartments with arches and openings without doors you can use a special method. Choose a completely different color for the design, with different saturation. Choose absolutely any colors that, one way or another, are combined with furniture or decorative elements. To decorative elements include racks, socle, windows, borders and so on. You can select them with light colors and bright colors, you can do it with glossy colors.

    What designers advise about the combination of colors in the interior of the

    Designers take into account the chosen palette for use in several rooms, for example, if the room is in the front area, you need to use expressive bright colors or combinations of them, black and white and bluecolors. It should also be taken into account that in external premises patterns must be broken or clear, especially for curtains, wallpapers and carpets. In the dining room, the use of these colors is preferable, as they will affect the communication with the guests, and significantly increase the sense of celebration.

    In the bedroom you need a special design, pick up fuzzy silhouettes along with smoothed lines for decorating the interior. Bedding must be light, it is very important. For the bedroom, the following colors are recommended: green, pink, gray, beige and blue. Combinations of these colors are used for the harmony of tapestries, furniture upholstery and so on.

    In the kitchen you need to use as much orange, green, yellow and brown colors. It is not recommended to decorate in black and blue colors, as they negatively affect the mood. Due to the fact that the blue color is associated with the sea, it should be used in the design of the bathroom, but not the kitchen.

    The choice of colors for the office is much more difficult, because the color depends on a person's mental activity. It is best to choose a yellow color, as it improves the mood and relationships within the collective. You can try the red color, it greatly increases the amount of energy and makes it possible to solve new challenges. But do not forget that because of the red color there can be problems and disagreements in the team, which will disrupt the work of employees, so it's better not to experiment.

    How to hide the shortcomings in the interior, using the colors

    With the help of color, you can hide the architectural and planning defects of the room. For example, if you use red or orange hues, you can hide the boundaries of the room. For visual expansion of the room, gray-green or light-blue color is used. You can not paint the walls in black or blue in small rooms or glue wallpaper with large patterns. It is desirable to use light and bed colors. The wallpaper should be selected without bright contrast combinations, so that the picture does not stand out.

    Bright and saturated colors are recommended for decorating large rooms. Although they have shortcomings, for example, a negative effect on the eyes, they very quickly get tired and overloaded. If the ceiling is too high, lower it visually using a narrow border, but choose a more intense color with respect to the walls. Designers believe that the ceiling should be painted in gray or yellow, this will increase the "softness" of the ceiling.
    In the attic rooms, in which a sloping ceiling is installed, there is an unpleasant sensation due to the fact that it hangs directly above your head. Undesirable labeling of walls and ceilings with different colors, you need to paint them in the same color. A narrow room with a high ceiling can be visually changed with beige, gray, brown and red colors, this will visually reduce the height of the ceiling. Remember that painting the ceiling in a light yellow, white or gray-blue color increases its height.

    If the room is narrow and long, you can paint the walls with light colors or use wallpaper with rolls and stencils, but necessarily with a small pattern. Make space longer with wallpaper with long horizontal stripes.