
How to get rid of depression yourself - how to get rid of depression on your own

  • How to get rid of depression yourself - how to get rid of depression on your own

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    Each decision of a person in his life is a choice of a new path for himself. The path by which he will pass very little, only until the moment when there is a need to make a new choice. But however often such "crossroads" appear on our way, we continue to move towards our goal, which at some point has become very important for us. And we go. We go until we get tired, until the "passing" wind stops blowing, pushing us forward. And instead of it there will be "braking" us family problems, unpleasant "surprises" at work or in private life. And now I do not want to move, I do not want to go to the goal, because her image has faded and does not beckon as much as before. .. Familiar sensations?

    Each of us experienced them one or a couple of times in life, but "took himself in hand" and walked his way further. Unfortunately, not everyone can leave this quiet pool of "aimlessly" quickly and without problems. And then the world around them is painted in gray faceless colors - the color of depression. Really appreciating the situation in which they found themselves, many will try to understand how to get rid of depression on their own, in order to "regain" themselves and start living again. However, "getting out" of this state from time to time is very difficult.

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    How to deal with depression

    The first step is to realize that the problem really has arisen. In order not to accidentally confuse depression with ordinary body fatigue, try a couple of days to sleep "from the heart", lie on the couch with your favorite book or watch comedies on TV.If at the end of the experiment the desire to do something( go on a hike, buy a new TV, fly in a balloon, etc. in such a way that extends the boundaries of the former environment of the person, the family) did not appear, it remains to be noted: if you are not a workaholic who worked before this year10 without days off and leave and exhausted himself to exhaustion, then you can safely put yourself a newfangled diagnosis - "depression."

    The second step is to "congratulate" yourself with the fact that you have joined the ranks of people who from time to time fall into exactly the same "swamp condition", and try to come up with a remedy for depression. Like any treatment, getting rid of depression should start with establishing the cause of its occurrence.

    Causes of depression


    Today it is considered that the life of an ordinary person is simply filled with stress - both at work and at home. The most terrible stress is the death of someone close to you. In such cases, sometimes you have to resort to the help of doctors."Simple" stress( for example, the scandal at work and the reprimand of the chief) is dangerous because it can sharply lower the self-esteem of a person, cause him uncertainty and display a defensive reaction of the body - something like a temporary "hibernation", until the problems themselves "dissolve"(This is in most cases hoping and not worth it).Simply put, until you remove the problem that drove into such a state, it will not work out how to get out of the depression yourself.

    If stresses appear in life too often, it is possible that instead of looking for the answer to the question: "How to deal with depression?", One should change one's life. Imagine that you went for a walk in the woods, but under the feet all the time there are pits, branches whipping in the face, cones fall from the trees on their heads. And all because you went not where you had to go. And there it is, the treasured path, behind the neighboring pines hides. Only to see it, it is necessary to look at the sides, and not the ground under your feet to study. So in life: does not work at work - look around and. .. change work;problems at home - eliminate them, even if you have to move to another city( for example, away from the teachings of mother-in-law) or divorce( to get rid of her husband-alcoholic).Do not waste your life on problems - it's already too short.


    Another terrible "beast" that depresses depression is a sudden change in life. The most common change is retirement. On the "newly-made" pensioner, all the sores immediately fall, life's passion disappears, a feeling of "uselessness" appears, that is, all the symptoms of depression are evident. In fact, everything is not so bad and it is quite easy to understand how to get out of depression. Is not it cool that you are paid money just like that, and you do not need to work with it? But I want to work - no one forbids it. Only work can already be found for pleasure, and not for duty. In addition, the age is still very young, and there are still a couple dozen able-bodied years ahead. You can travel and grandsons, and even cherish dreams( to learn how to draw, play a musical instrument, learn a computer or take pictures).The main thing is not to stop and go forward, away from depression.

    Unlike men, women "lurk" two more kinds of changes in life, especially "beloved" by depression:

    • Depression during pregnancy. Most often, women are "sick" for whom their "interesting position" became a surprise. Most likely, they did not plan to become pregnant so early and devote their lives to career growth at work. The changes taking place at this time in the woman( changing the figure, unpleasant "companions" of pregnancy-toxicosis, swelling, fatigue, etc.) create the impression of "falling into a trap," from which it is difficult to get out. To understand how to get out of depression, it is necessary to understand what exactly frightens a woman: the lack of living space, the need to quit work or the prospect of becoming a mother? In any case, a woman will have to change goals in her life, adapting to the situation. Very good from depression during pregnancy helps watching TV shows about kids and their happy parents, as well as reading relevant literature, allowing the future mother to introduce her child and track its development.
    • Postpartum depression .The more difficult it was to give birth, the greater the chance for a woman to become depressed. Here everything is superimposed on each other like layers of a pie: heavy birth, pain after suturing to ruptures, fatigue, digestive problems, the fear of a young mother being mistaken, a moody kid, excess weight. .. A woman gradually "drops" her hands, ceases to please the child, appearsirritation and tears. Having realized the reasons, it is not difficult to think up ways how to get rid of postpartum depression. First, you need to rest. And for this, part or all of the household chores will have to be "shifted" to the "fragile" shoulders of relatives and husband, leaving only a baby. Secondly, to establish strict rules in the house: every day mother has an hour( or two) of the child's free time( let someone play with him) to take care of themselves - go to fitness, lie down in the tub, sunbathe and so on. This is an excellent remedy for depression for women of any age. Third, if after giving birth too long something hurts, you should consult your doctor. Fourth, it is worth hinting to her husband that he should be concerned and learn how to save his wife from post-natal depression. Maybe it's worth returning to the period of "candy-bouquet" relationships and daily confessions of love?

    If you quickly get out of depression and anxiety at home it does not work, you should contact specialists to undergo an individually selected treatment course and continue to live, not to exist!