
How to find your destination - the way to your destination

  • How to find your destination - the way to your destination

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    Everyone from birth is endowed with a certain life purpose. We come to this world with a given fateful installation. And, regardless of our desire, we are invited to follow the path destined for destiny. It is not worth to be afraid of this, because the life of the person who follows the call of his heart is always bright, easy and happy. He is firmly convinced that it was not in vain that he was born. Moreover, this lucky person will always get great pleasure about what he does. A person who goes through life not his own way, can be seen right away. As a rule, his destiny develops unsuccessfully, he does not get any pleasure from a kind of activity, and in his soul there is emptiness and dissatisfaction with life. Undoubtedly, all this negatively affects karma. The higher forces of such a loser will be regularly "treated", sending life lessons in order to direct it to the true path.

    Please note! Only by doing a favorite activity you can live a full life.

    Successful businessman Brian Tracy wrote in one of his books: "Life is like a combination lock: your task is to find the numbers correctly, and then you will get everything you want."It is difficult to disagree with this, is it not? If you agree with the opinion of Brian Tracy, suggest a little work on yourself to understand how to find your destiny and the true way of life.

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    Listen to yourself

    Too often we give preference to someone else's opinion, forgetting about your inner voice. This has been taught us since childhood. The opinion of parents for children is taboo. According to their persistent advice, the majority of adult children go to universities to specialties, which they clearly do not like, while their innate talents and abilities remain unrealized. The whole subsequent life path of such people becomes complicated, confusing and painful. If something like this happened to you, and you feel dissatisfied with your life, we advise you to listen to yourself. This will help you change your destiny for the better.

    Practical exercises

    Start with the basic exercises described in detail below. We hope that these exercises will become your good assistants in finding yourself.

    Exercise 1

    Connect the imagination game. Sit comfortably in the armchair, relax and imagine that you are in a wonderful magical country, in which you can do whatever you want! And in this wonderful fairy tale you are an omnipotent kind Wizard who knows how to make any dreams come true. After all present it, ask yourself some simple questions:

    • Who am I?
    • How do I live?
    • What do I do?
    • Do I make full use of my abilities?
    • Does it suit me how I live?
    Hidden desires

    Having answered yourself quite honestly with these questions, you will be able to reveal the true desires and aspirations deeply hidden within you.

    Exercise 2

    To further understand your purpose, use one more exercise. Mentally return yourself to an iridescent childhood, and try to remember what you most liked to do and what you, as a child, dreamed of becoming. A pure child's soul at a subconscious level knows about its purpose, about the path to be taken. Feel like a child? Excellent. Now take a sheet of paper with a pen and answer in writing to four questions:

    • What did I want to become as a child?
    • What did I most dream about?
    • What did I particularly like at that time?
    • What activities fascinated me the most?
    Children's dreams

    Record the recorded answers several times. Have you become what you wanted to become as a child? Does it correspond to what you are doing today for your childhood dreams? How do you feel in the present role? Do you like everything in your life? If you answered yes to the last three questions, then everything is fine with you. In the opposite case, seriously think about changing the type of activity.

    Exercise 3

    Finally, perform the last exercise that we will call "Finding your destination in three days."To perform it, you again need a paper and a pen to answer several questions in writing in three days.

    • Day the first. What abilities and talents do I have? What can I do best?
    • Day two. What benefit can I bring to people? What my activities can bring the most benefit to society?
    • The third day. What do I really want to do? What kind of activity is closest to me? What kind of pursuits do I particularly like?

    Questions for each of the three days should be asked yourself throughout the day. All variants of answers should be recorded in detail for further analysis. The answers will necessarily indicate to you specific points of contact with your fateful destination.


    If you can not find your destination with the exercises described, resort to meditation. An indicator that you are on the right path will be a feeling of complete happiness that life is a success.

    Please note! Beginning the search for the meaning of life, stay calm and in no case do not drop your hands if you do not get a quick result.

    Believe in yourself and the universe will definitely help you!