
Treatment of periodontitis: the use of conservative methods and healing herbs

  • Treatment of periodontitis: the use of conservative methods and healing herbs

    Of all the known dental pathologies gloomy fame accompanies, perhaps, only periodontitis. The disease is characterized by the damaging surrounding tooth gum tissue inflammatory process. Despite the fact that the pathology is rapidly progressing, the loss of teeth threatens a person only in case of untimely treatment in the dental office. And the correct treatment of periodontitis allows you to forget about inflammation once and for all.

    If the disease is not treated, then a person can face such serious problems as raising blood sugar. Inflammatory process negatively affects the bearing of the fetus and can provoke untimely birth.

    Why does the disease develop?

    The key reason for the development of this dangerous pathology modern dentists consider the stagnation of blood in the gingival tissues. It occurs against the background of the use of products that do not cause the required loads on the jaw.

    Blood stagnation promotes the creation of an excellent nutrient medium for "living" infectious elements in dental stones.

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    Modern doctors identify the following reasons for the development of periodontitis:

    1. Poor oral hygiene.
    2. Errors of dentists during the filling of the seal.
    3. Pathology of the digestive tract.
    4. Abuse of nicotine.
    5. Pathologies of the salivary glands.
    6. Abuse of those medicines whose side effects cause dry mouth.
    7. Shortage of vitamins in the body.
    8. Accommodation in a region with poor ecology.

    The main signs of the pathology

    Symptoms of periodontitis are quite specific. The disease begins with the appearance on the teeth of a thin film of plaque, which is a consequence of the activity of processing food residues of bacteria.

    Despite the fact that during the cleaning of teeth a person eliminates pathological plaque, after a day it forms again.

    If the plaque remains on the teeth for longer than 3 days, it will be converted into a gingival under the gums.

    If the tartar is not disposed of in time, it will lead to the formation of gingivitis - a serious inflammatory process in the gums. Rapidly progressing, the inflammatory process accompanies the appearance between the gums and teeth of pathological pockets, where bacteria accumulate, as well as plaque and stone.

    The dentists note the following symptoms of periodontitis:

    • the appearance of blood on the gingival areas;
    • mobility of affected teeth;
    • gum hypersensitivity;
    • unpleasant odor from the mouth;
    • appearance of pathological pockets;
    • appearance of purulent discharge;
    • formation of interdental spaces;
    • presence of a painful syndrome in the affected areas;
    • change in taste sensations.

    When periodontitis develops aggressively, the tissues of the gums and teeth collapse rapidly. In other cases, the pathology is episodic and manifests itself with rather rare relapses.

    The algorithm of medical intervention

    The treatment of periodontitis depends on the degree of progression of the inflammatory process. Today, the algorithm for treating this pathology is as follows:

    1. Consultation of an experienced dentist.
    2. Elimination of pathological deposits.
    3. Therapy that cures the progression of the inflammatory process( includes local and general therapy).
    4. Sanitation of the oral cavity.
    5. Splinting.
    6. Surgical intervention.
    7. Prosthetics.

    Elimination of pathological deposits

    In the conditions of a modern dental clinic, the elimination of pathological deposits is carried out with the help of ultrasound. This is a rather painless and quick procedure.

    Treatment of the oral cavity

    Treatment of periodontitis, in addition to the elimination of pathological deposits and the provision of therapeutic procedures, includes the fight against the carious process. If the situation is critical, the doctor decides to remove the "dead" that prevent proper dentistry.


    The procedure of splinting is relevant in the case if the patient has teeth of the second-third degree of mobility in the mouth of the patient. The procedure of splinting is performed to strengthen the affected teeth, and also to stop the development of bone atrophy. Thanks to the splinting, the term "life" of teeth is noticeably prolonged.

    Surgical intervention

    The most popular method of treatment of periodontitis is surgical intervention. This is understandable, because only through a radical approach the dentist can stop the spread of the pathological process.

    The essence of surgical treatment consists in the fact that the granulation tissue affected by inflammation is removed from the gums, which appeared on the site of the resorbed bone.

    This is a fairly complex operation, requiring high qualification. Therefore, the choice of the clinic should be approached as responsibly as possible.


    This type of treatment is relevant for those patients who, during the progression of the disease, dropped some of their teeth. Prosthesis is considered the final stage in the treatment of periodontitis. It is on this favorable forecast.

    The main goals of prosthetics are:

    • restoring chewing efficiency of dentition;
    • reduced mechanical stress on "native" teeth;
    • offset offset;
    • restoration of aesthetic appeal of teeth.

    Folk wisdom

    Many people are interested in the answer to the question of how to treat periodontitis at home. Before you open the chest of folk healing wisdom, you should consult a doctor, since home treatment can not be independent.

    Treatment of periodontitis with folk remedies is:

    1. Application and rinsing( it is recommended to use camomile, yarrow, sea kale, St. John's wort and oak bark).
    2. Rinsing of the mouth( use the ground propolis mixed with St. John's wort leaves), which must be carried out at least five times a day.
    3. Use of sunflower oil( it should be kept in the mouth).
    4. Rubbing gums with yarrow juice.
    5. Reception of medicinal broths( a recipe is widely used, including pine needles, onion husks and rose hips).

    At last

    A huge role is played by preventive measures, which are recommended to give time in order to prevent relapses. Thus, a person at risk should carefully observe hygiene requirements and abandon destructive habits.

    It is recommended to include solid foods in your diet that promote natural massage of the actual zones and removal of pathological deposits. Particular attention should be paid to products that contain vitamin C.

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