
What are the causes of hypertension of the teeth. Diagnosis and treatment of the disease

  • What are the causes of hypertension of the teeth. Diagnosis and treatment of the disease

    Hyperesthesia is called increased tactile and pain sensitivity. Hyperesthesia of teeth occurs for various reasons. Basically, in the process of the onset of hyperesthesia of the teeth, there is an increased permeability of the enamel, as a result of which the nerve receptors of the tooth begin to feel pain even if the hard tooth tissues are not damaged. As a rule, the enamel is erased to the dentino-enamel layer.

    Causes of the appearance of hyperesthesia of teeth

    With hyperesthesia of teeth, sharp pain sensitivity is observed in response to a temperature, physical or chemical stimulus. People with this pathology note unpleasant sensations, similar to the feeling of ossomin in the mouth. When inhaled, cold or hot air can also be pain.

    Over time, hyperesthesia of the teeth can occur even with the use of sour, sweet, salty or spicy. In this case, the nature of pain from periodically appearing passes to the constants. This only indicates that the maximum depth of enamel damage has been reached.

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    During pain, increased salivation is noted, and patients take a forced position during a meal, trying to touch cheeks to the teeth with minimal contact. In this case, the puffiness of the face is observed.

    At this stage of the disease, the process of oral hygiene becomes painful. This creates a chain reaction, which consists in the fact that the lack of proper care causes the appearance of plaque and the appearance of caries, which leads to a worsening of the condition.

    As a rule, teeth hyperesthesia occurs when the neck of the tooth is exposed, and this is the starting point for the appearance of pain. Pain can be caused by certain diseases associated with calcium deficiency, as well as inflammatory diseases of gums, caries and other types of tooth lesions.

    Hyperesthesia of the teeth can be local in nature and general. Local hyperesthesia is also called non-systemic, and generalized or systemic hyperesthesia occurs with certain pathological conditions of the body. Such cases are noted in most cases of hyperesthesia.

    The pathological conditions that cause hyperesthesia of the teeth include:

    • psychoneurosis;
    • menopause;
    • of the endocrine system;
    • hormonal imbalance;
    • diseases of the digestive system;
    • metabolic disorders;
    • infectious diseases.

    Hyperesthesia of hard tooth tissues arises suddenly. Pain can not only occur suddenly, but also suddenly go away. Most often, hyperesthesia occurs in people aged 30-60 years, and women suffer from this pathology more often than men. Doctors associate this with the fact that at a younger age, dentin is not so much abraded, whereas at an older age it is more sclerotic.

    Hyperesthesia of the enamel occurs in the cervical area of ​​the tooth, since the enamel layer there is thinner than in the tooth tissue itself. In this part of the tooth can begin caries, which can cause subsequent hyperesthesia.

    To the raised sensitivity of a teeth nonprofessional treatment of carious cavities of a tooth, and also non-observance of proper technique of filling and etching of nervous tissue of a tooth before removal of a nerve result. The integrity of the enamel may be impaired due to chips that occur due to a tooth injury or fracture of a part of the crown.

    Recently it has become fashionable to whiten your teeth, but professionally, without causing injury to the enamel, only a professional of his craft works. Unprofessional whitening can lead to thinning and premature erasing of the enamel followed by hyperesthesia of the enamel.

    Frequent bleaching can occur as a result of increased sensitivity, especially if there is an inherent weakness of the enamel and a tendency to develop caries.

    In older people, hyperesthesia may be due to improperly installed prostheses. The mechanical trauma that occurs when wearing such prostheses can also cause hyperesthesia.

    In young people, hyperesthesia occurs due to a short upper and lower bridle, which leads to an incorrect process of chewing, speech and other functions where teeth or gums are involved.

    Rigid toothbrushes, improper or frequent use of dental floss, and lack of protection for teeth whitening can also be the cause of the problem.

    Treatment and prevention of disease

    In the diagnosis of hyperesthesia, treatment is carried out in accordance with the degree of enamel damage. To begin with, it is necessary to eliminate all the causes that could lead to the formation of fine enamel.

    When the diagnosis of hyperesthesia of teeth treatment is carried out under the supervision of a dentist. Together with him should choose a toothpaste, which has a curative and protective effect. Such a paste should contain potassium salts, sodium fluorides, calcium salts, citrates and strontium chlorides. From time to time, you need to change the paste.

    The same thorough selection must go through and a toothbrush. It is unacceptable to use hard brushes, on the contrary, they should be very soft. You can brush your teeth or rinse your mouth after each meal. The purification process must be light and atraumatic.

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