Than to treat stomatitis in pregnancy - the main methods
Therapy of many diseases( if not to say that all) with different states of the body has different results. For example, then what to treat stomatitis during pregnancy can be of little effect in case of concomitant HIV infection.
Features of stomatitis
Inflammation of the oral mucosa or stomatitis refers to the category of fairly widespread pathologies. It is found in every second inhabitant of the planet at least once in a lifetime. Therefore, stomatitis in pregnancy is a frequent occurrence.
This is important! In itself inflammation of the oral mucosa is not a separate nosology. It is understood as several similar diseases. They differ only in the causes and certain features of the clinical picture.
The main causes leading to the development of the inflammatory process in the oral mucosa include the following:
- Infections. They are bacteria, viruses, fungi. It is not yet known why the microflora can lead to damage to the mucous membrane. But the role of the introduced microorganisms is known topline.
- Allergic reactions. The defeat of the mucosa is associated with the hyperreactivity of immunocompetent cells.
- Dihydratation of the mucosa due to excess fluid loss by the body. This is typical for a long gastroenterocolitis( occurs often with intestinal infections), sugar and diabetes insipidus, excess dosage of diuretics.
- Violation of the rules of personal oral hygiene. This can, both inadequate and excessive brushing of teeth or the use of antiseptic solutions for mouthwash.
- Avitominosis. It concerns only carotenes. Oncological process of the nose and / or mouth.
- Diseases of the salivary glands, leading to their hypofunction - reducing the secretion.
- Allergies.
- Traumatization of the oral mucosa.
There are several variants of the disease. Accordingly, etiological factors are distinguished by catarrhal, allergic, herpetic, aphthous, fungal, vesicular stomatitis.
Clinic and Diagnosis
Clinical manifestations of stomatitis depend on immediate causes. But common for all options are the following symptoms:
- Inflammation of the mucosa. It is edematic, hyperemic.
- Pain in the oral cavity. Especially it concerns affected areas.
- The presence of pathological changes in the mucosa. With vesicular and herpetic stomatitis, vesicular( small blisters) rash is noted. In the case of traumatic, aphthous, ulcerative stomatitis, there are defects on the oral mucosa.
Also some variants of the disease are characterized by systemic manifestations of pathology. When herpetic stomatitis is observed hyperthermia( fever) and the phenomenon of intoxication syndrome: benign pain, weakness.
The course of the inflammation of the mouth is possible only in the form of acute pathology. Chronicle of the process is possible with immunodeficiencies. But stomatitis in pregnant women does not take the form of a chronic infection, although a decrease in protective "forces" takes place. The fact is that inflammation of the oral mucosa is associated not so much with general immunity, as with pathological deviations of local protective reactions.
Diagnosis of stomatitis is not particularly difficult. These diseases "are visible on the face".It is important to find out the immediate cause. On this depends how to treat stomatitis in pregnant women and other categories of patients. Because during gestation, most drugs are prohibited for use because of their unwanted effects on the child.
Treatment of stomatitis during pregnancy
The course of the disease is such that the effects of stomatitis during pregnancy do not pose a danger to the unborn child. But to treat this pathology is still necessary - it takes away "strength" from the woman's body.
Among all preparations for pregnant women, local remedies are most suitable. All systemic medicines are relatively contraindicated. For example, interferons( they are used for the therapy of herpetic stomatitis) are not prescribed to pregnant women due to lack of data on their effect on the fetus.
Therefore, the question of how to treat stomatitis in pregnant women always means local therapy. But here there are some nuances. In addition to traditional recipes, traditional medicines are needed. If this is not possible, the rate increases by 2-3 days. The multiplicity of the use of funds remains the same.
The most common treatments for stomatitis are folk recipes for "ointments", decoctions, infusions from natural ingredients. The restriction is imposed on the use of fermented milk components. They are undesirable because of a decrease in overall immunity. Therefore, their use has the risk of activating its own conditionally pathogenic flora.
Traditional therapy drugs are partially approved for use. This miramistin, chlorhexidine, metrogil, etc. Restriction is imposed on iodine-containing drugs. So, they are well absorbed( absorbed) in the oral cavity and can have a systemic effect on the body.
Symptomatic therapy is indicated only in extreme cases, under the supervision of a physician.
- Paracetamol and ibuprofen are permitted among antipyretics.
- Vitamins are allowed all, but only if necessary and normal allergic history.
- Painkillers are prohibited.