
What date is the old New Year in 2015 - New Year in the old style in 2015

  • What date is the old New Year in 2015 - New Year in the old style in 2015

    Only in countries that celebrate church holidays on the Julian calendar, there is a tradition to celebrate the New Year two times. How many celebrate the old New Year in 2015, define simply - as in past years: the night of January 13th to January 14th.

    The history of the

    holiday Slavonic calendar

    Our ancestors-Slavs, like the sun worshipers, Persians, Indians, preaching the Vedas, considered the first day of the new year on March 21.Christianization of Russia introduced its own rules, and this day was postponed until March 1.In the fifteenth century, the Orthodox Church set a new date for the holiday - September 1.This approach was in keeping with the agrarian mood of the population. After harvesting and summarizing, it was possible to celebrate the end of the season of agricultural work safely, that is, the end of the working year. The whole country was walking at colorful fairs, long tables were laid for the population.

    Julian calendar

    The basis for the chronology of the Orthodox Church is the Julian calendar. It was developed by a group of Alexandrian astronomer scientists led by Sozigen. The same calendar was introduced on January 1, 45, before the birth of Christ by Julius Caesar.

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    Please note! Due to its inaccuracy for today, the difference with the Gregorian calendar is thirteen days.
    Julian and Gregorian calendars

    The Gregorian calendar is based on the cyclic circulation of the Earth around the Sun. One cycle is adopted for 365.2425 days. For four hundred years there are ninety-seven leap years. A new calendar was introduced in the Catholic countries in 1582 on October 4 by the Roman Pope Gregory XIII, from which he received his name.

    In Russia, a new style was introduced by Lenin's decree "On the introduction of the Western European calendar in the Russian Republic" at a meeting of the Council of People's Commissars on January 24, 1918.

    Notice Since that time, we have been using the Gregorian calendar, and the church celebrates the Julian calendar

    Features of celebrating

    Entertainment with friends

    Thanks to such an interesting intricacies of historical events, we also had another holiday: the Old New Year. This holiday was as loved as the New YearIt is not rare for old people to meet with those whom they did not have time to see on New Year's Eve on a New Year's Eve.

    The festive table is less abundant, the outfits are not so luxurious and brilliant,still remains at five with a plus

    Holidays in the mountains

    In the old New Year you can afford to go to the mountains or relax on the beach on some islands.

    Please note! Prices for vouchers by this time have already returned to their previous level.
    Gift for the old New Year

    It is not accepted to give gifts to the old New Year, but nobody is forbidden. Therefore, you can once again please relatives and friends with some nice souvenir. In addition, the old New Year is like a chance to correct mistakes made on the night of December 31 to January 1.



    All those who did not manage to tell fortunes and turn on New Year's Eve, can catch up. Divination on mirrors and maps has always been very popular. Someone likes to hug a fence and then with a sinking heart count "captured ribs".Someone prefers to write a wish on a napkin and burn chimes to burn it on a plate: what if it happens? How exactly to tell fortunes and whether it is worth doing it - to decide personally for everyone.

    How to celebrate the old New Year

    Relax with your friends
    Pay attention! The Old New Year falls on a night from Tuesday to Wednesday, and it's working days.

    Therefore, it is worthwhile to be somewhat cautious when choosing a spirit to celebrate. Of course, after a lot of food for the New Year and Christmas, you do not want to sit at the table and talk on trivial topics. I want something new, interesting. A good solution will be a trip outside the city. Of course, if weather permits. You can rent a small house or just go to one of the friends at the dacha. Entertainment for such an event can come up with a variety of. For example, who will best make a Christmas tree toy from improvised materials.

    Entertainment for the old New Year

    You can amicably and cheerfully decorate the Christmas tree in the yard with these ethnic ornaments and take a picture to commemorate this remarkable day.

    Snowball game

    Anyway, to meet the old New Year on the street is much more fun than at home or in a restaurant. You can make a snowman, play snowballs and remember forgotten children's games. After all, the New Year is associated with something magical, mysterious, with childhood, with childishness. Do not forget about the tickling scent of tangerines and shiny tinsel. In everyday fuss we forget about those children who are hidden deep inside us. And now a happy historical contradiction gave us another day when we can let these children go out, free their feelings and emotions and really, childlikely enjoy the Christmas tree smell, tangerines and wait for a miracle!


    The Old New Year gives everyone another bright moment in the year, another opportunity to take a break from fussy everyday life, forget about problems at work and meet friends.