
Contests for the New Year 2016 for adults - competitive program

  • Contests for the New Year 2016 for adults - competitive program

    The new year 2016 is the year of the Fiery Red Monkey. Everyone knows that a monkey is a pet that prefers to be in the circle of its relatives and friends. This is how it is recommended to celebrate the New Year this year: at home, in a cozy atmosphere, a familiar company, in the circle of close friends and relatives. However, everyone also knows that monkeys are quite creative and mischievous animals that like to jump, jump and scream. They are very fond of various interesting games and entertainment.

    Each company, whatever one may say, likes fun, holiday, joy, cries, noise, and especially on New Year's Day - the main holiday, which seems to charge energy and mood for a whole year. On how to meet the New Year will depend on and further developments in the year.

    Contests can be standard and not very

    New Year's competitions always create a different atmosphere, they entertain guests and make their mood even more cheerful and joyful. It is best, of course, to prepare games and contests in advance, because, as a rule, nothing happens spontaneously or you may not find yourself at home of some items that are extremely important in this or that contest. It is best to think about the entertainment program in advance of the holiday and thoroughly prepare for it.

    instagram viewer

    The most standard competitions are competitions for the best toast, verse, congratulations. They can be spent with children. But the most interesting is always the competitions for adults. What kind of games and entertainment can be invented for adults in the New Year, so that everyone was fun and interesting.

    Those who are longer than

    All present should be divided into two teams. Everyone must take off his things, these can be decorations and clothes. Things are removed as much as you want, but the winner is the one who has a chain of things longer. A merry mood is guaranteed one hundred percent. And the best moments are shot on cameras. How ridiculous it will be to review these pictures in a few years.

    Creation of Santa Claus

    Dressing Santa Claus

    Female representatives - Snow Maidens should choose some man - Santa Claus. Snow Maiden with the help of improvised funds should dress up his Santa Claus, and "independent experts" will appreciate, whose Father Frost is better.

    Get into the. ..

    For the contest you need to choose men. Also it is necessary to find an empty glass bottle( it is possible from under champagne / wine / vodka), a rope and a pencil. The rope is attached to the belt, and a pencil is attached to its end. It is necessary to get into the bottle with a pencil. Who is faster to do it, he won.

    Russian folk in the genre of eroticism

    Based on Russian folk tales

    Participants are invited to some well-known fairy tale, which should be told as much as possible in an erotic voice.

    Eat me

    Prepare some jelly in advance. And the participants will have to eat it as fast as possible with the help of matches and toothpicks - an unforgettable sight.

    Partner's help

    The contest requires couples - a man and a woman. One hand needs to clasp each other around the waist, and with a free hand you need to untie and pull out the shoelaces from the shoes.

    In the apple


    Between the legs a man must clamp an apple. It is required that the girl ate the apple without helping her hands. If the apple falls, then the pair loses.

    Sensitive ass

    The contest needs women. They become to all the present person, and on the chair they put an object. The woman sits on a chair and as soon as possible must determine what kind of thing it is.

    Light test

    Air ball

    Men are selected. Their task as soon as possible to inflate the balloon without the help of hands. So we will check who smokes and who does not.

    Please note! Each contest must have some kind of prize or promotion. Or vice versa, who lost, for example, he washes the dishes in the morning or something like that. So always play even more interesting.


    A very common and fun game that is great for large companies. You need two teams. One wants to show some word or phrase to a representative of another team. And that team should solve it as soon as possible. Time to guess. A team that turned out to be quicker and smarter is rewarded with some symbolic prizes.

    Actually there are a lot of contests for different holidays. The main thing is to be able to organize this holiday, prepare for holding these competitions and make the mood for your guests. In this case, the holiday will be one hundred percent successful.