
How to get a ticket to the kindergarten, what documents are needed to put the child in the queue, an electronic record

  • How to get a ticket to the kindergarten, what documents are needed to put the child in the queue, an electronic record

    Many families are faced with the problem of placing a child in a kindergarten. To receive a voucher, they are recorded long before the need to lead the child to the kindergarten, and in some cities even before his birth. How to arrange a child in a kindergarten and how to get a ticket to a kindergarten? Let's try to understand the rights of parents.

    How to arrange a child in a kindergarten

    To begin to worry about entering a child in kindergarten, as a rule, you need, once you have received a birth certificate of the child.

    In many cities, district commissions for the reception of children in kindergarten operate. If earlier parents could bypass nearby kindergartens, choose the one that they liked, and enroll in the queue at the head of this kindergarten, now the procedure is as follows.

    First of all, you must go to the district commission, having:

    • birth certificate of the child,
    • passport of the mother or father,
    • medical report,
    • documents confirming the right to benefits, if any.
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    In the commission, parents write an application for the registration of the child and indicate "desirable" kindergartens.

    The Commission issues a notice to the parents about the registration of the child, which indicates the date of the decision to enroll the child in the kindergarten.

    The Commission has information on vacant places in the kindergartens of this district and issues permits to a particular kindergarten.

    After registering

    Registering a child for admission to the kindergarten does not guarantee that the child will enter the kindergarten. In kindergartens there may be no places, and you will be refused admission of the child.

    How do you arrange a child for a kindergarten?

    You can ask a commission for a temporary stay in the kindergarten. This means that your child can be sent to a kindergarten, not listed in the "desired" list, but in which there are places. In this case, the queue for the kindergarten is reserved for you, and as soon as there are places in your kindergarten from your list, you will be given a ticket to this kindergarten.

    If you were refused a permit, then try to write a statement to the head of the department of education with a request to check the work of the commission. If you have benefits for enrolling a child in the kindergarten, then be sure to indicate this in the letter. Further it is possible to continue to send complaints upwards on an administrative ladder or to address with the statement in regional court.

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