  • Breastfeeding - feeding infants

    Mother nature, having created a man, took care of the continuation of his family. The truth here is that she was not particularly original and used the already "proven" method of feeding infants - with the help of breast milk - the ideal food for physical growth and mental development. Man, in turn, desiring to prove to himself his ability to subdue and improve nature( and also partly in order to "get rid" of mothers from the need to be around their children around the clock and giving them the "opportunity" to go to their workplace), created an artificialsubstitute mixture. That is why today every mother in a civilized country can choose her own option: thoracic , artificial or mixed infant feeding.


    The best option for both the baby and the mother is the nutrition of the infants in the first months of his life only with breast milk. But in order to get breastfeeding, the woman will have to:

    • come to the firm opinion that mother's milk is a really useful and individually tailored food for her baby, not only taking into account the current state of an ever-growing child, but also including those elements, which for some reason did not reach the baby for nine months of pregnancy;
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    • prohibit all representatives of its closest circle to doubt the mother's ability to feed the crumb with breast milk, and also offer a bottle with a mixture for each "convenient" case;
    • to explain to the baby's daddy that the baby needs a compulsory and almost constant presence of the mother in the immediate vicinity of him, including at night( in other words, the crumb "spends" on the matrimonial bed for about a year).

    Breast feeding regimen for full-fledged breastfeeding implies full compliance of the mother with the schedule established by the "culprit" itself, that is, the baby should be fed "on demand"( every time he shows his desire, and also offering him a breast to calm and before going to bed).At the same night feeding the baby when you are together in the same bed is much easier: Mom does not have to wake up completely to roll up the crumb under his barrel. The main condition - each time give the baby another breast, so that there is no stagnation of milk. For the same reason, it is not recommended to sleep on the stomach or stay in one awkward position for a long time.

    How to increase the amount of breastmilk

    There are several other requirements that mom must follow in order to increase the volume of her milk:

    • Do not give the baby a baby's dummy, but calm him by putting it to your chest;
    • do not rely on the amount of milk drunk for swelling or emptying the chest, and count wet diapers( not "diapers") per day - they should be more than six;
    • do not patch the baby with water while breastfeeding and have not introduced complementary foods( that is, until the baby has the first tooth);
    • eat the same way as you did during pregnancy, and introduce new foods into your diet in small portions, monitoring the well-being of the crumbs( some products can cause unpleasant sensations in the tummy of the baby).

    If you have any questions about breastfeeding a young mother, you can contact the appropriate specialist at the children's polyclinic for help.

    Baby crying during feeding

    Not all days of breastfeeding will go smoothly and calmly. Influence on behavior of the kid can render not only its state of health, but also inoculations, and erupting teeth, and even visiting of visitors. Therefore, situations where the baby is crying during feeding can be caused by different reasons:

    • pain in the tummy( press the crumb with the tummy to your chest and walk with it for a while, you can also throw it lightly over your shoulder so that its arms hang over your back - this will help it to regurgitate and empty the intestines);
    • with a stuffed nose( cleanse the baby's nose with wet flosses from cotton wool daily, and in emergency situations, also gently drip into his nose an ordinary physical solution for inhalations that you can buy at any pharmacy for a couple of dozen rubles);
    • overexcitation( try to rock your child in a dark, quiet place);
    • tired back( lie with him on the bed and feed the baby lying);
    • fever( measure the crumb temperature, even if it has cold legs and handles, you can knock down the temperature with the help of children's rectal suppositories - candles with medicine);
    • lack of hunger( or if you distracted him from a very important, from his point of view, case - for example, examining a chandelier);
    • A number of other reasons, which you will have to install by searching all the options.

    Feeding with mixture

    Breastfeeding with

    mixture Unfortunately, not all mothers choose breastfeeding for their babies. The reasons can be different, including important ones( for example, a serious illness of the mother) and not very much( for example, the girl is afraid of spoiling the shape of her breast, although her volume ceases to increase in the last month of pregnancy).

    For those who want to at least partially save breast milk, mixed feeding of infants is suitable. In this case, after the mother feeds the baby, he is offered a bottle with a mixture( and not vice versa).The "minus" of this method consists in a different way of sucking the crumbs of mother's breast and a bottle( it's easier to do from it), and the baby starts to get confused. As a result, in most cases, the child chooses a bottle and refuses breast milk.

    However, there is another method of mixed feeding, when the mother misses one or two feedings for some important reasons. In her absence, the baby feeds from the bottle with a mixture of dad or other relatives. Mom will have to express milk until there are crumbs nearby, so as not to diminish its output( after all, the kid will not have time to "issue" an order to him on time).

    If the mother leans toward artificial feeding, she should know that feeding a baby with a mixture does not provide her baby ALL necessary for his growth and development of substances, giving only the most necessary. In this case, the feeding regime of the baby is better set by the hour, since the crumb often reaches for the bottle not because of hunger, but wishing to suck for comfort. In this situation, you can not do without a "dummy".

    Introduction of complementary feeding

    Give your child a full-value mother's milk, do not rush to introduce complementary foods, if your baby is gaining a monthly weight( or exceeds it), and also cheerful and quickly develops. You can only give the baby something to lick( for example, a peeled apple), since the natural gag reflex( which usually lasts until the first tooth appears) will push out any food, except milk, from his mouth.

    The appearance of one tooth can serve as a signal that the baby has moved to a new stage of development and in the diet of infants it is possible to introduce vegetable mashed potatoes( preferably self-made rather than purchased in the store).Here, too, should be very careful, because factory-made puree sometimes causes a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the baby's blood, which pediatricians do not warn. To raise the level of hemoglobin, you simply stop giving the baby puree, transferring it for a couple of weeks to a purely diary diet( breast milk or mixture).