
How to lay a sleeping hyperactive child - we put the child to bed

  • How to lay a sleeping hyperactive child - we put the child to bed

    Hyperactivity is not a phenomenon that is incomprehensible and new for modern people. According to statistics, in every third or fourth family a hyperactive child is born. At first, parents normally perceive the excess mobility of their child and the unbridled desire to know everything and see everything, but already to school and in senior garden groups, excessive "liveliness" becomes an obstacle to knowledge. Child psychologists define the super-mobility of children as a syndrome of motor hyperactivity and attention deficit. It is difficult for a hyperactive child to focus on any one subject - he is interested in everything at once.

    The first signs of hyperactivity

    Signs of activity

    How to determine if your kid is hyperactive or is he just very alive? In addition to common signs with ordinary active children, hyperactivity manifests itself in a manner of speaking quickly, moving fast, touching and snapping, pulling your hands. Such children are unbalanced in their behavior, their mood often changes: at one point, a giggly laughter can turn into loud sobbing. Hyperactive children like to be in the center of attention, to be in the crowd of noisy mischievous people, to start this crowd, often show leadership talents. But because of the inability to concentrate on one thing, they are often scattered, not collected and clumsy. Tired and tired for the day, a hyperactive child by the evening is still in a hurry to learn all the new and interesting - his cognitive activity does not weaken. During the night rest the children turn around, see various dreams, in which they also run somewhere, they will learn something.

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    Such a disease, or rather, a feature of the nature of the child, as hyperactivity, manifests itself in the first years of life. Daytime sleep often becomes a real problem for excessively agile children. It is often very difficult to force them to comply with the regime in preschool institutions, not to mention the diet. At the first suspicions parents should address to the expert. An experienced psychologist will put an accurate diagnosis and tell how to put a hyperactive child to sleep, so that fatigue does not accumulate, and the kid could joyfully and cheerfully know the world around him.

    Reasons for the formation of hyperactivity

    Causes of hyperactivity

    Psychologists do not know for sure what causes hyperactivity. There are several points of view:

    • Genetic predisposition;
    • Consequence of the socio-psychological situation;
    • During childbirth there were birth injuries.

    It does not matter what exactly caused hyperactivity - it is important to correct it correctly and in time. Thanks to the assistance of a qualified psychologist, parents manage to quickly and effectively teach the baby to control actions, emotions and impulses.

    How to help fall asleep to a hyperactive child

    Providing a quiet sleep to a hyperactive baby is not easy, but we must try.

    1. Throughout the day, but especially closer to the evening, you should refrain from communicating with the child on high tones, abuse and quarrels. Do not constantly focus on the excessive mobility of the baby, he is not to blame for this, he was just such a born.
    2. It is very important to praise the baby, but without fanaticism.
    3. Psychologists advise to introduce fewer restrictions for the hyperactive child.
    4. Clear mode of the day."Cause time - fun hour."All day must be planned: rise, breakfast, walk, etc. Strict adherence to the regime will give the child confidence. Even during a trip to a new place, the baby can fall asleep easily, if before the otboy the usual home ritual of going to sleep will repeat.
    5. Active games You should give preference to active games. During walks and classes the child will squander energy, which will certainly cause fatigue, so sleep will be stronger and calmer. Among the great variety, team games of a non-aggressive nature should be chosen. Although, some psychologists argue that aggressive games help to throw out negative energy. If the child wants to hit someone, then let him bat on the ground, if he wants to throw stones, then give him the ball - let him throw it into the wall, etc.
    6. Do not forget about baby food. Harmful food, full of fats and carbohydrates, undoubtedly burdens the stomach and the body of the child. He can feel uncomfortable, experience discomfort. Need healthy food: it is preferable to use sour-milk products, fresh vegetables and fruits, cereals, low-fat varieties of meat, fish. The liver is one of the most homogenized products. Eggs and kiwi are a vitamin bomb.
    7. Drug therapy involves the use of special medicines. Tablets and syrups are prescribed by a doctor, because these drugs have a depressing effect on the nervous system. Use the medication after consultation with your doctor and in strict accordance with the recommended dosage.
    8. Massage has a soothing and relaxing effect. Warm Mom's hands, gently massaging the child's body, have a striking effect. Ignorance of the massage technique does not mean that you should abandon such a simple and effective means. Let the love for the child guide the hands while they move along the small back, handles and legs.

    Parents of a hyperactive child have a hard time. And not only because it's hard for the baby to keep up. Other parents and children often complain, which is always unpleasant. It should be remembered that a hyperactive child is not worse and not better than the rest. Hyperactivity is not a disease. Love, responsibility, care and rigor, taken in the right way, will help the child overcome all difficulties.