
Crafts for children 4-6 years: tips on how to take a child and develop small motor skills

  • Crafts for children 4-6 years: tips on how to take a child and develop small motor skills

    The greatest pleasure for children is to play or do something with their parents. It is very good to make it a rule to devote one day a week to a joint game with children. At the same time, it is possible to do something useful and interesting for both parents and children.

    If the child is from 4 to 6 years old, then you can deal with him with handicrafts from improvised material. This will teach him the accuracy, patience, help develop his imagination and work skills.

    Crafts for children 4-6 years old - just necessary for development.

    We will give you only a few options for such crafts. Next thing is your fantasy.

    Toy from a sock

    Surely you have children's socks at home, which are already small for your child, or he had a heel rubbed, lost a pair( this also happens).From old children's socks it is very convenient to make funny crafts.

    Take a sintepon or cotton wool for packing and instruct the child to tightly fill the socks. It is necessary to fill them up to the heel, and leave the neck free. Now take a wooden spoon with a long handle and place it in your toe, with the handle out.

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    We received a blank for the toy. Now it's the most interesting thing. It is necessary to sew eyes from buttons, ears from pieces of a fabric, a bow and ribbon. One toy you can make yourself and show the child how and what to sew. The next toy let the child do himself. It can be a horse, a dog, a cow or a lamb.

    Such simple crafts will be quite possible for children of this age.

    Wings of fairies

    This hand-made article will become a gift for girls. First you have to work hard. Surely you have at home preserved cardboard boxes from various household appliances. Cut out the wings. They can be of completely different shapes: long, like a dragonfly or round, like a butterfly.

    Now it's up to the kids. Instruct them to paint the wings in different colors and decorate them with ribbons, pebbles, beads and sparkles. When the wings dry, tie gum or string to them so that the child can wear them freely.


    In rainy, cold weather, when you can not go outside, the child can be occupied with an applique. You can, for example, make greeting cards with your own hands. To do this, take a colored cardboard - let the child choose the color.

    Any material is suitable for application. It can be the remains of a packing mesh for bouquets, various ribbons, small buttons, pieces of fabric. If you have old things left of cloth with a pattern, then instruct the child to cut out the pattern from the fabric. Then these fabric patterns can be nicely placed on cardboard, glued, decorated with sequins - and the card is ready.

    So you can come up with a variety of handicrafts from the handy material for children 4-6 years old, from which you will enjoy not only the child, but you yourself.

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