
Pediculosis in children: causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention, the main drugs for lice for children

  • Pediculosis in children: causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention, the main drugs for lice for children

    Almost every family has experienced such a phenomenon as pediculosis. For many parents, this causes a state of shock. It used to be that lice are a sign of uncleanliness. But it turns out, lice just like "clean" children. It is easier for them to suck blood when the head is washed.

    Where can children get lice?

    Children suffer from pediculosis much more often than adults, precisely because of frequent contact with other children. These are the main causes of pediculosis in children. Sadik, school or summer camp - children are constantly among the collective.

    Lice spread, creeping from one person to another, or by using common things: clothes, combs, towels.

    Symptoms of the disease

    Symptoms of pediculosis in children are as follows: if a child often scratches his head and his hair is combed under his hair, then this can be pediculosis.

    Inspect the child's head carefully. Is there nit there? Nits look like small bubbles with liquid. If nits are found, the child has pediculosis.

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    Treatment of the disease

    In the treatment of pediculosis in children, the scalp is treated with a special remedy. Now in pharmacies are sold many different drugs. The most effective of them are the following:

    "Para-plus" aerosol. Use this drug is allowed in children older than 2.5 years. Very efficient and easy to use.

    Various preparations based on permethrin: gel and lotion "Pepex", shampoo "Chigia", permetrine ointment. All these drugs can be used from two months.

    Drugs are very toxic, so carefully follow the instructions for use.

    After applying the drug, you need to carefully comb out the baby's head and select all nits, otherwise the pediculosis can begin again.

    Be sure to boil baby underwear, clothes, pillows, towels.

    Prevention of the disease

    For the prevention of pediculosis in children, it is necessary to inspect the child's head once a week. Explain to him why you can not use other people's things. You can in the shampoo, which you wash the child's head, add essential oils of tea tree or lavender. These smells scare off lice.

    Video materials on the topic of the article

    About pediculosis and scabies, Dr. Komarovsky tells:

    Means for lice:

    How to rid the child of lice:

    Case file: