
How to get rid of scratches on the face - Get rid of the scratches on your face

  • How to get rid of scratches on the face - Get rid of the scratches on your face

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    How to get rid of scratches on the face? This question interests many, because sooner or later they can appear. But if the men scars on the face only adorn and give them masculinity, then for the woman - this is a real tragedy.

    In the article we will dwell on how to get rid of scratches on the face, and we will offer the basic recommendations.

    What to do if there were scratches on the face

    If there were scratches

    A face is a business card of any woman, therefore, any detail may spoil the image, appearance, and mood. Especially when it comes to scratches. The appeared red strip will necessarily strike the eye, disfiguring the face and bringing with it a large amount of aesthetic displeasure.

    Many women decide to just mask the scratches, using the corrective tools for this: a foundation, flesh-colored patches and other cosmetic refinements. In addition to this, a change in the hairstyle is also in progress. Women, using women's tricks, release the bangs, form curls and so on.

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    Naturally, such solutions are correct. But the most important thing, which you can not forget, is that you need to treat the scratches. Small wounds dry and heal can very quickly. But the deep damage to the skin will require very close attention. With this phenomenon, you must always contact a surgeon, and immediately. The fact is that over time the wound will disperse, and the face will "beautify" the seam and scar. Similar neoplasms dissolve very long, and sometimes they can remain forever.

    But, as it was noted, the negative consequences arise if the scratch is not processed, but only masked. With proper treatment, the scar is not formed, or it will be barely visible for a short period of time.

    Let us dwell in more detail on how to properly care for the scratches on the face in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

    Correct technology of treatment of shallow wounds

    Decontamination of

    First we will prepare what will be necessary for the correct processing of scratches. Be sure to purchase:

    • any regenerating ointment( for example, "Levomekol");
    • cotton wool or sticks;
    • undiluted alcohol;
    • scrub;
    • iodine;
    • hydrogen peroxide.

    Now proceed. First, as soon as a scratch has appeared, it is recommended to wash it immediately. But this should not be done with water and other liquids. The best remedy, which has a unique disinfecting effect, is hydrogen peroxide.

    If the wound is deep enough, it should be rinsed several times. You need to do this by slightly pushing the skin. Especially actual disinfection, if a scratch made any animal, no matter whether it's home or not. In the event that there is a fear that the animal is rabid, it is recommended that you immediately go to the emergency room to perform the necessary vaccination.

    Next, take a cotton pad, or sticks, wet them in alcohol, and wipe a neat scratch. The best option: to hold the cotton pad( or cotton swab) for a few minutes on the scratch.

    It is recommended to do something similar to an alcohol compress. Naturally, it is necessary to suffer some time, as it will pinch. But you need to keep in mind that such a phenomenon is the first sensation, if you "endure" it, then after a while there will be a feeling of warmth. Therefore, it is better to wait a little.

    The next important step in how to get rid of scratches on the face is to handle the damaged space. At night, it is necessary to treat the scratch with iodine. Do not apply too thick a layer, as it is not always completely absorbed before the morning hours.

    Iodine is able not only to kill microbes, but also to dry the wound. This goal can serve as a green. But you need to keep in mind that it can not be washed off for a very long time. Moreover, green has only disinfecting properties, but not resorbable.

    This procedure should be repeated as many times as necessary. If it is correctly carried out a few days later a crust is formed, which is strictly forbidden to rip off. The appearance of the crust will signal that the wound has begun to heal. If in some places it is not completely formed, then the area of ​​the scratch begins to increase. Naturally, the time then will need more healing, so it is recommended that you wait until the crust itself comes down.

    If the wound does not heal in any way, it is better to use wound healing and regenerating ointments, based on the instructions for use. To get rid of the skin from the scar or scar, it is recommended to regularly use ointments or scrubs that have fruit acids. Due to this effect, stimulation will constantly occur in the cells of the damaged area. The skin will begin to be updated, and the scar will quickly resolve.