
How to get rid of blackheads - get rid of acne

  • How to get rid of blackheads - get rid of acne

    The adolescent period of life is often accompanied by hormonal changes in the body. This leads to the appearance of problematic skin of the face. As a consequence, it causes unpleasant rashes( acne and acne), irritation and redness.

    Unfortunately, modern way of life, poor state of the environment, polluted air, hard water contribute to the appearance of skin imperfections at any age.

    Main causes of inflammation

    Incorrect nutrition

    Acne on the face may appear due to the following factors:

    • Hormonal disorders and malfunctions in the body. They are due to the adolescent period, the intake of medications, diseases of the thyroid gland.
    • Having bad habits. So, the use of alcohol adversely affects not only the entire body as a whole, but also has a bad effect on the skin condition.
    • Smoking. Poisonous resins contained in cigarettes and smoke from them, clog the pores of the skin, spread harmful substances. This also leads to problems with the skin.
    • Non-observance of the correct diet. Occurrence of acne is promoted by excessive consumption of flour products, sweet, salty, fatty, fried foods.
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    • Drinking carbonated drinks, convenience foods, fast food

    All these factors negatively affect the general condition of the body and disrupt its internal balance. This leads to problems with the face.

    Why acne and acne occur

    The onset of inflammation

    The presence of rashes on the face is a real problem for many teenagers. They help to reduce self-esteem and self-confidence.

    To combat them, you need to consider the underlying cause of acne and acne.

    If there is a violation of the natural balance in the body, it becomes saturated with greasy deposits. A large amount of fat produced under the skin, finds an outlet in the expanded pores of its surface. This leads to irritation, inflammation, acne and acne.

    Ways of struggle

    Treatment masks

    If you have rashes on your face, you should not give up.

    Please note! To solve the problem it is necessary to conduct complex treatment.

    Consider the basic ways of fighting how to get rid of acne:

    1. Control of diet and proper nutrition.
    2. Achieving inner harmony in the body.
    3. Use of quality cosmetics in moderation.
    4. Treatment of inflammation with folk remedies.
    5. Careful skin care throughout the day.
    6. Conducting professional procedures for cleaning and treating problem skin.
    7. Healthy lifestyle.
    8. Discarding bad habits.
    9. Timely treatment of emerging inflammations.
    10. . Doing sports in the fresh air.
    11. Regular cleansing of the face.
    12. Vitamin use.
    13. Use of specialized cosmetics.
    14. Consultation with a professional cosmetologist.
    15. Constant compliance with all requirements.

    Tips for proper nutrition

    Proper nutrition

    In order to normalize the natural hormonal balance in the body, it is necessary to observe proper nutrition.

    • Eating natural foods.
    • Refusal of sweet, smoked, fried and fatty.
    • Do not eat ready-to-cook foods.
    • Eat steamed, stewed or boiled dishes.
    • Use at least 2 liters of water per day. Refuse carbonated drinks, coffee, alcohol.

    Skin Care

    Facial Care

    For the control and treatment of rashes and acne on the face it is recommended to observe the basic rules of care for problematic skin:

    1. Cleaning. Be sure to wash yourself in the morning with the use of specialized cleansers for skin care.
    2. Humidification. Clean skin should be wiped with a lotion for oily skin. In its composition must be salicylic alcohol.
    3. Power. Apply on the moisturized face skin day cream with a soothing effect.
    4. Treatment. On the site of inflammation and eruptions locally, you can apply a small amount of funds for the treatment of acne.
    5. At least 2 times a week, you can carry out the procedure for the treatment and cleansing of the skin with the help of specialized scrubs.

    Therapeutic acne mask will also help to normalize the skin condition. Apply it once a week. The mask should contain the following components:

    • Zinc
    • Clay
    • Cucumber lotion
    • Chamomile extract
    • Salicylic alcohol

    To achieve the greatest effect, you can pre-steam the face to open the pores. Thus, useful substances penetrate the surface of the skin better.

    Proper skin care in the evening

    Skin care in the evening
    Please note! Wash with the use of specialized cleansers should be no less than 2-3 times a day.

    In the evening, before going to bed, you should also follow the basic rules for the care of problematic skin:

    1. Cleansing with cleansers.
    2. Removing daytime makeup.
    3. Cleansing the skin with tonic or lotion.
    4. Application of a night cream.

    Folk methods of acne control

    Broth chamomile
    Please note! No less effective and popular ways to treat acne. The remedy for acne can be prepared by yourself.

    Consider the most common means for treating rashes on the face:

    Chamomile broth .Chamomile is considered one of the most effective means in the fight against pimples. For treatment, you can use infusion of flowers instead of water for washing. You can also freeze it in ice cubes and wipe your face several times a day.

    Cucumber lotion .It narrows the pores well. For its preparation it is necessary to purchase in the pharmacy salicylic alcohol 1-2%.Cut cucumber in circles and pour alcohol. The lotion should be infused within 6 hours. The resulting lotion can wipe the skin in the morning and evening.

    Therapeutic mask with powder "Badyaga". For its preparation, hydrogen peroxide and "Badyaga" powder will be required. It can be purchased at a pharmacy. A small amount of powder( 3-4 g) is diluted with a solution of peroxide until the formation of gruel. It should be applied to problem areas of the skin for 15-20 minutes. Then, a light peeling is carried out with a washing brush or sponge. After removing the product, the cleansed skin is wiped with a tonic and moisturizer is applied.

    Sea salt

    Means for washing with hands .For the treatment of acne there is no need to purchase expensive cosmetics. So, an effective lotion for washing can be prepared at home. So, salt( preferably sea) should be dissolved in mineral water. With the resulting solution, wash your face. The procedure should be repeated at least 3 times a day for 2 weeks.

    Tincture of birch buds. Tincture helps to get rid of rashes. The kidneys can be collected on their own or purchased at a pharmacy. They should be filled with water and put on a slow fire. Stirring constantly, broth to boil. The ready mix is ​​insisted in a dark place for 3 days. The resulting decoction wipe the skin of the face in the morning and in the evening.


    Honey mask .Honey is famous for its unique healing properties. It is also able to remove inflammation of the skin and eliminate the problem of acne. To do this, a small amount of honey should be melt to a liquid state in a microwave or a water bath. Warm honey is applied to the skin and rubbed in a circular motion. The mask is kept for 10 minutes, then rinsed off with cool water. You can apply it 2 times a week.

    The problem of acne requires special attention.

    Please note! Only an integrated approach to treatment and daily compliance with the rules of skin care will save you from the appearance of acne and acne.