
How to grow eyelashes - how to quickly grow long eyelashes

  • How to grow eyelashes - how to quickly grow long eyelashes

    Long eyelashes, for sure, the dream of every woman, because to exaggerate their importance is simply impossible. The eyes are the mirror of our soul, then the eyelashes are a luxurious frame of this mirror, which gives the look of attractiveness and expressiveness. But, unfortunately, not everyone can boast of such wealth - fluffy and long eyelashes. And not everyone can afford to constantly build them up. But absolutely everyone is able to make sure that their eyelashes are long and healthy. Several secrets that help to grow long eyelashes further in the article.

    To date, there is a huge amount of funds, promising almost instantaneous eyelash growth. But who knows what the composition of such funds? You can grow thick eyelashes and not leaving the house. And even no miracle-recipes will be needed.

    What determines the growth of eyelashes

    Growing eyelashes

    Really from what? And what do you know about them? For example, many know that eyelashes live very short and grow and fall out faster than any other hair on the human body. Life expectancy of eyelashes is approximately 170 days. Growing up to some incredible lengths they can not, at most, you can expect this increase in length by about 15 percent of what eyelashes were before the treatment( the average length of the upper lashes is 1 centimeter).Everything else that you promise in the commercials is nothing more than a marketing move that provides the best sales.

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    And in general, if you really want to grow eyelashes, even though you have pretty good eyelashes, you'll have to grieve, most likely, you will not notice any difference. If you want to increase eyelashes at least twice, you'll have to resort to the popular procedure for eyelash extensions today. Just do not forget that it is impossible to call it absolutely harmless to our body.

    Term of growing

    To grow thick eyelashes, you need a period not less than a month or two. But, we hasten to please, the first results can be noticed in a week. What are eyelashes? The same hair as everyone else, so for their growth you can use exactly the same means that you use( or do not use) for rapid hair growth: masks and massages. But there is one problem. .. Eyelashes are very close to the eye and the components of the same masks can get into them, which will not cause anything good, except allergy and irritation.

    All these advertised tools, are they safe at all? Such rapid growth of eyelashes can cause only one component - hormones. If you take such a long time, eyelashes can really grow, but again, not everyone who uses miracle drugs. In addition, the thickness and thickness of the eyelashes, they absolutely do not affect. And, unfortunately, eyelashes when they are applied, begin to grow randomly, like bushes, which does not look beautiful at all. Want the same effect as in advertising? Forget it, it just will not happen.

    How to grow eyelashes

    To grow eyelashes

    In order to grow eyelashes, you need to do the following:

    1. Every day, massage the eyelids;
    2. Then apply the oil that promotes the growth of eyelashes;
    3. After a day, it is necessary to make a mask;
    4. Once a week - a special compress.

    Oil for growth

    Oil for eyelashes

    You can easily make this oil yourself, because all you need is an empty bottle of carcass( wash it thoroughly with water until the brush is completely clean), oils and vitamins A and EYou can store this mixture in the refrigerator, or you can simply in your cosmetics cabinet, room temperature does not hurt him at all.

    The following oils are best for stimulating the growth of eyelashes: almond, peach, olive and grape seed oil. Remember! Such recommended castor and burdock are not suitable for this step, they are necessary for masks! These oils can not be left overnight on eyelashes. Otherwise, nothing else but swollen eyes you will not notice in the morning.

    Mixtures of oils are more effective than one species alone. You can come up with such recipes yourself, only your imagination is needed here. When you apply oil, be sure to comb the cilia thoroughly. Only do this whenever possible so that they do not fall into the eyes, otherwise there will be a sensation of shroud or tweaking.

    Massage of eyelids

    Massage of eyelids

    If we want to grow hair faster, we massage the scalp. Why not do the same with eyelashes? At massage you can use any cosmetic oils, or generally do without them.

    The technique of massage itself does not differ from the one you apply in the massage of eyelids and the application of cream at night. Apply because? Just gently tap with the pads of ring fingers along the line of eyelash growth, over the upper eyelid starting from the nose, ending with the outer corner of the eye. And on the bottom in the opposite direction.

    Mask for eyelashes

    Oils for masks to some extent similar to those that you will apply on eyelashes every evening. But there are differences: the same castor oil in any case can not be left for a long time on the eyelashes, it should be washed off after about an hour.

    Castor oil is the best that can be used to grow eyelashes. It can strengthen and moisten them, stimulate growth, make them longer, thicker and more beautiful. These oils need to be applied not only to the eyelashes themselves, but also to the eyelids and it can be done with a copious layer( but still, trying not to get in the eyes).

    Mask recipes:

    • castor oil mixed with rum in a 1: 1 ratio;
    • castor oil and rose oil 1: 1;
    • castor oil, aloe juice and chopped finely parsley.

    Eyelash compresses

    To grow long eyelashes, it is good to make herbal compresses. Perfectly fit: cornflower( does not irritate the eyes), mother-and-stepmother, chamomile and calendula. You can take ordinary black tea

    Application: brew your favorite herbs and insist them for about 20 minutes. Then you arm yourself with cotton discs( take a little more), moisten them in broths, put them on eyelids and go to bed for about half an hour. After they have passed, remove the discs, allow the eyes to dry, and then apply the oil for the eyelashes.

    Make such compresses better once a week and use for the broths not the same grass, but several different ones, alternating them. That's all the secrets of eyelash growth.