
Treatment of mastopathy with folk remedies - folk remedies for mastopathy

  • Treatment of mastopathy with folk remedies - folk remedies for mastopathy

    Mastopathy is a benign disease of female mammary glands, manifested in abnormal growth of breast tissue. At the same time, glandular and connective tissues proliferate and form seals and cysts.

    This disease is called fibro-cystic. Most often mastopathy affects women of childbearing age( 25-45 years).There were cases when this disease manifested itself in men, but they are isolated.

    Signs of the disease

    One of the signs of mastopathy is the appearance of chest pains. Moreover, the nature of this pain can be completely different: dull, aching, a feeling of tightness, which increases before menstruation. Sometimes the pain has a local character, sometimes gives in the arm or shoulder blade.

    Pain can occur both continuously and with some periodicity. But basically, it depends on the menstrual cycle.

    Specialists note that approximately 12 percent of all patients never experienced any symptoms of mastopathy, such as pain or discomfort in the chest. While in medical examinations, they showed exactly the same changes as patients who experienced pain.

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    Another sign of breast mastopathy in the breast tissue. Such seals have difficult to define boundaries and fuzzy outlines.

    In addition, approximately 10% of women have enlarged lymph nodes in the armpits.

    Almost all women suffering from mastitis notice an increase in the volume of the breast. And such an increase can reach significant sizes( 10-15%).From the nipples appear discharge, which are brown, greenish, whitish or bloody.

    Sometimes in the mammary glands there may appear nodes having different sizes and clear contours. Treatment of nodal mastopathy with folk remedies is not the best solution. Since with such a course of the disease, surgical intervention is usually necessary.

    Causes of the disease

    The causes leading to the development of mastitis can be called:

    1. diseases and disorders of the nervous system( neuroses, stresses, depression);
    2. liver disease;
    3. of the thyroid gland;
    4. hormonal imbalance.
    5. heredity. This is one of the most important factors for the appearance of mastopathy. Therefore, if your mother suffered from this disease, it can also be passed on to you by inheritance. Therefore, do not neglect preventive examinations at the mamologist.
    6. A fascination with sunburn. Experts believe that excessive sunbathing can also be called the cause of the disease. In this case, it does not matter whether you are sunbathing in a natural way or when you visit a solarium. Harm your breasts you apply in both cases.

    Do not be discouraged!

    Do not be discouraged

    Of course, it's good to say, but what to do to those who have an unpleasant diagnosis confirmed?

    The main thing is do not go into hysterics and depression and, of course, do not expect that the next stage is breast cancer. This is not true! According to scientists, mastopathy rarely degenerates into a malignant form. In addition, treatment almost always leads to success. The main thing is to understand as soon as possible that you have mastopathy.

    It is very important that you start to adhere to a healthy lifestyle, eliminate alcohol and cigarettes, and introduce proper nutrition. And in this regime you have to live all your life, because, unfortunately, mastopathy is a disease that can return when you absolutely do not expect it. In addition, the treatment of mastopathy with folk remedies gives very, very good results.

    What to use inside?

    What to apply inside

    Grass is a red brush. It can be called the most important grass for women and their health. To date, find it is not difficult, but a couple of decades ago only experienced herbalists knew about it.

    The red brush helps with myomas, erosions, adnexitis, endometriosis and, naturally, with mastopathy.

    This herb has a remarkable ability to regulate the functioning of the thyroid gland and the entire hormonal system. In addition, it can eliminate the very cause that contributes to the appearance of mastopathy.

    You can buy it in two forms: alcohol and raspypnom. You will have to choose what is more convenient in your particular case. The course of treatment is no less than six months, but after it passes you can drink a red brush for prevention.

    This herb is good for all types of diseases, so do not think that treating folk remedies with fibrous mastopathy is a waste of precious time.

    Burdock roots are famous for their anti-tumor and( even!) Anti-cancer properties. On the basis of this plant produce a very useful drug called "Burdock root extract".It is worth it, unfortunately, not cheap, but does your own health have a price?

    You can just brew the roots of burdock and drink this broth throughout the day. To make it you will need just a tablespoon of roots. Just fill them with a glass of boiling water and let it last about 30 minutes.

    Very effective and such a collection: motherwort, yarrow and a string. All ingredients take 2 tablespoons and pour 1 liter of boiling water, it is best to brew infusion in a thermos. Let the herbs stay for about an hour, after which you can drink 200 ml each time before eating. There are examples when women suffering from mastopathy drank this infusion instead of tea and their disease completely disappeared.

    Another wonderful collection: mint leaves, valerian root, chamomile flowers, caraway seeds, fennel fruits. All ingredients are taken in equal proportions.

    One tablespoon of the mixture pour a glass of boiling water, give half an hour to brew. Drink half the glass three times a day before meals.

    Such a collection, among other things, has an excellent effect on the stomach.

    The following collection also proved to be a very effective remedy against mastopathy. So, take in equal parts of the immortelle, the hips, the valerian root, the turn, the motherwort and the oregano, brew the resulting mixture with boiling water and drink as a tea for two months. After their lapse, it is necessary to take a break, and then drink another course.

    A useful recipe: cook 2 tablespoons of seeds of common dill in a glass of milk. Then let it stand about two hours. Eat half a glass of infusion before meals for three weeks.

    What to apply outside?

    What to apply outside

    Again the burdock, but only now its leaves. Apply them at night to the chest, just do not forget to properly fix them.

    Ingredients: castor oil, pulp of fresh burdock burdock, 100 grams of honey and juice of two lemons. All the ingredients mix well and place on a linen napkin. Then fix it on your chest as securely as possible. To conduct such a "procedure" is necessary every day for 3 weeks.

    Treatment with cabbage leaves also works great for all types of diseases. Do not forget about the treatment of diffuse mastopathy folk remedies. It is possible that you will not have to undergo other procedures.

    You can simply apply to the place where you have a seal, fresh cabbage( pre-lubricate the breast with butter).

    You can skip the cabbage and curdled milk through a meat grinder and make a cake out of the resulting mass. Then put it on a linen napkin and attach it overnight to the chest. If you have such an opportunity, you can wear a napkin even in the afternoon.

    When mastopathy is very well proven beetroot mixed with honey. To prepare the medicine: grate the fresh beet and add honey to it. Then put the resulting mass on a leaf of cabbage and attach it to the chest. It is believed that the beets remarkably dissolves the seals.

    An ancient proven method - rye cakes. Prepare them in this way: 3 tablespoons of rye flour, mix with egg yolk and a tablespoon of honey. The resulting cake should be applied to the breast every day, for 3 weeks.