
How to increase the pressure - increase the pressure in the home

  • How to increase the pressure - increase the pressure in the home

    Lowered blood pressure, that is, a lowered tone of the vessels is called hypotension. People suffering from this ailment, in other words, hypotonic, often feel headache, periodic dizziness, weakness, fatigue, apathy and a decrease in the overall performance of the body. In extreme cases with hypotension, syncope is possible.

    But how to increase the pressure? This can be done in various ways, everyone can choose for themselves the most suitable and effective.

    How to increase blood pressure

    If you need to quickly increase the pressure should:

    1. Make yourself a strong green tea that will cheer up no worse than coffee, while not causing harm and increased stress to the heart;
    2. Eat a few pieces of chocolate with a high percentage of cocoa. After all, together with the pressure, the sugar content in blood usually decreases, which will make good chocolate. Instead of chocolate, you can also eat a handful of dried fruits( for example, dates, dried apricots or prunes) or a few spoons of honey;
    3. instagram viewer
    4. Take a contrast shower, using alternately cool and hot water for 5 minutes. This is very invigorating, will increase pressure and will serve as a good training for blood vessels;
    5. Eat something salty, for example, a piece of hard cheese, since salt also raises blood pressure;
    6. To drink a glass of natural pomegranate juice, which raises the pressure on an equal basis, and sometimes even better than tea or coffee;
    7. Rapidly rub the muscles of the legs, massaging them from the ankles, rising higher, to do an easy massage of the waist and abdominal muscles. Also, it's nice to do foot massage. This helps to increase the speed of circulation and increase the pressure;
    8. Use the proven method of acupuncture: push under the nose to the point and hold for one minute, and then relax your fingers. So it is necessary to do 5-10 times;
    9. To drink an ascorbic acid tablet;
    10. Fortified with citrus: especially lemon and oranges;
    11. Sit or lie down so that the legs are above the level of the head, stay in this position for at least 10 minutes and the pressure will rise;
    12. Make massage of the neck-collar area, which quickly disperses blood and precedes pressure increase;
    13. Take 30-35 drops of ginseng root tincture, which tones well and promotes pressure increase. It is also possible to use tinctures of zamaniha, aralia of Manchurian, peony, magnolia vine and eleutherococcus. Any of the tinctures can be purchased at the pharmacy. These compounds are best not to be taken before bedtime, as in some cases they can lead to insomnia;
    14. Drink a tablet of citramone if other methods are not currently available to you.

    How to increase the pressure at home

    And now let's proceed to regular procedures, after which there is an increase in the reduced pressure and its stabilization:

    • course of 10 procedures of electrophoresis with caffeine. Appointed physician-physiotherapist;
    • hydromassage course, designed to strengthen the vessels and normalize the pressure;
    • a two-week course of massage of the neck-collar area, which improves blood circulation.

    Also for the normalization of low blood pressure very well help the methods of phytotherapy, the most proven of which are:

    1. Approximately 28-30 grams of thistle should be poured with about two cups of boiling water, after the broth has cooled it will need to drink four times a day for two-quarters of a glass;
    2. Ten grams of immortelle pour 20 ml of boiling water and take a decoction of thirty drops before eating twice a day;
    3. Pink tincture tincture is taken on 15 drops approximately 2-3 times a day in the morning half an hour before meals. Eat less than a month. You can resume your appointment after a three-month break;
    4. Compound collection for which you need about forty grams of licorice root, thirty grams of chicory, thirty grams of fiber, fifteen grams of juniper, twenty grams of dandelion roots. Two tablespoons( table) of this collection should be poured with five hundred ml of boiling water, insist 11-12 hours and get the infusion received during the day in small portions, starting from the moment of awakening. This infusion is better to use for a month and a half;
    5. Another very good compound collection, for which approximately twenty grams of yarrow, thirty grams of licorice root, thirty grams of pochechuyonogo highlander, thirty grams of mountain ash and forty grams of hawthorn are needed. As well as in the case with the previous one, two tablespoons( canteens) should be stewed with five hundred ml of boiling water, leave to infuse for 10-12 hours and drink the infusion during the day in small portions, starting from the moment of awakening. This infusion is recommended to be consumed within a month.

    In order to stabilize the lowered arterial pressure, one can resort to methods of referring traditional Chinese medicine - acupuncture. By pressing on some well-known points on the body, it is possible to significantly increase the reduced pressure:

    1. The first point is located on the outer part of the shin. It is necessary to put four fingers upwards from the stone on the ankle. If the little finger touches the bone, the point is above the index finger.
    2. To find our second point, you need to put your right hand on your stomach. The index finger should be under the navel. If all is true, the dot will be under the little finger.
    3. Our next point is on the back of the head. It is necessary to put a hand to the back of the head so that it touches the little finger of the right ear, and put four fingers between the lobes. The point will be on the index finger.

    But, perhaps, the most important way to normalize the pressure is to change the lifestyle and habits of the hypotonic. General recommendations for maintaining normal stable blood pressure are as follows:

    Morning physical activity
    • to deal with, it is best to do a small exercise every morning without overloading yourself, and helping the body to wake up, improve blood circulation, train the cardiovascular system. That is, the motor activity must be regular and constant, must become a habit;
    Shower in the morning
    • take in the morning a contrast or circular shower;
    • sleep at least 8-9 hours a day, observing the sleep mode, lying down and waking up at the same time, without knocking down the biorhythms of the body;
    Clean drinking water
    • to consume more pure drinking water, especially during the hot season;
    Products to increase pressure
    • to consume more foods containing various vitamins, lean on citrus fruits, pomegranates, berries and dried fruits;
    Walk in the fresh air
    • walk more often outdoors, go walking and swimming;
    Herbal tea
    • prepare yourself a herbal collection of hawthorn, leaves of shepherd's bag and mistletoe( all in equal proportions), pour boiling water one tablespoon per 200 ml of water, insist for about 11-12 hours and drink in the morning before breakfast;
    It's right to get out of bed
    • it is necessary to try to rise from the bed correctly: to rise not quickly, but for a while to lie down. It is not superfluous to perform several slow movements, stretch, move to a sitting position and then get up;
    • observe not only the sleep mode, but also the diet, that is, eat at least 6 times a day in small portions and try not to eat about 3 hours before bedtime;
    • you need to create hobbies or hobbies that create a positive emotional background and bring pleasure.

    Due to all of the above, we get a wonderful combination of a healthy body and a healthy spirit!