Lishay in humans: types, symptoms, causes and treatment
Types of hair loss in humans: treatment and diagnosis
Lisha called a large group of skin infections, transmitted by a contact-household way from an infected person or animal and manifested as an itchy rash or inflamed spots on the skin or mucous membranesspan of.
How to diagnose and treat a person's diarrhea ^
Treatment of a person's deprivation must necessarily begin with a visit to a dermatologist who can correctly determine the type of infection and prescribe an effective treatment. In the arsenal of physicians now there are many precise methods and devices for diagnosing the disease.
For example, a special "black" Wood lamp available in modern laboratories allows you to detect infected areas of the skin in a few seconds and accurately establish the pathogen( virus, fungus, etc.).Folk methods of treatment are also possible, but only after a complete examination and no contraindications.
Depending on external and internal pathogens, the following types of lichen are distinguished, requiring different approaches to treatment:
- Bubble( herpes, or cold on the lips);
- pink lichen Gisera, or pityriasis;
- is a red lichen planus;
- ringworm;
- multicolored, or pityriasis lichen;
- herpes zoster.
Pink Liver of Gisera ^
Pink lichen, having the second name of Gisera's lichen, is an infectious - allergic disease( not contagious) that usually occurs in people with reduced immunity. Most often they fall ill in the spring and autumn, when the immunity is especially weakened, and also after the transferred cold infections.
The disease begins with the appearance of a rounded pink or pink-yellow spot( 2 or more centimeters in diameter) called the maternal plaque, on the skin of the trunk. The plaque begins to peel off and a few days later it spreads smaller( 0.5-1 cm) rashes across the entire body, sometimes on the limbs.
The causative agent of infection is not precisely known, however, there is an assumption that it can be caused by the herpes simplex virus type 6.Special treatment of pink lichen is usually not required, as the disease in most cases passes independently after 1.5 - 2 months:
- For the fastest recovery, it is not recommended to wet and rub the affected areas and to avoid direct sunlight and sweat on them to prevent excessiveirritation and itching.
- In addition, during illness it is necessary to wear only natural linen and observe a hypoallergenic diet.
- From the diet it is necessary to exclude smoked, pickled, spicy dishes, coffee and alcohol, as well as allergenic products such as honey, chocolate, eggs, citrus fruits, nuts.
- With severe itching, the doctor will recommend effective antihistamines and ointments.
Red lichen ^
Red flat lichen can affect not only the skin, but also the mucous membranes( in 40 - 60% of cases localized in the oral cavity), hair and nails. The body is most often located on the elbows, underarms, abdomen, lower back, thighs, lower leg and forearms.
Although the causes of the disease are not thoroughly studied, it is noted that it is often combined with diabetes mellitus, gastrointestinal tract diseases and liver cirrhosis. In addition, hereditary predisposition is possible, moreover, most often the relatives are ill in the second and third generations.
The disease manifests itself initially when immunity is compromised due to unfavorable factors - injuries, hormonal and metabolic failures, infections, psychoemotional stresses, chemical, domestic and medical poisoning. Eruptions usually have a red or pink color, small in size( up to 1 centimeter in diameter), rough - scaly to the touch and have a polygonal shape with a depression in the middle.
Treatment of red lichen planus, due to the fact that this disease is chronic and not dangerous, should begin with the elimination of the risk factors that led to the disease. To do this:
- sanitizes foci of chronic infections,
- eliminates occupational and household hazards,
- corrects immunity,
- prescribes hormone-containing drugs.
If the disease is accompanied by depression and insomnia, caused by intolerable itching, the patient is prescribed antidepressants and sedatives that reduce itching and normalizing sleep.
As a rule, with well-chosen treatment, significant relief occurs within 1 to 2 weeks, and after 1-1.5 months the rashes completely disappear, without repeated relapses. However, in some cases, the disease can take a chronic form, in which the rashes appear systematically, several times a year.
To avoid exacerbations, it is very important to strengthen the overall immunity - for this you need to eat right, eating more fresh fruits and vegetables, tempering and regular physical education.
Ringworm: treatment and symptoms ^
Ringworm in humans: treatment at home
Ringworm, unlike pink and red flat, is a very infectious disease caused by the fungus microsporium. The incubation period usually lasts from 5 to 7 days, but sometimes the disease manifests itself only 2 months after infection from the infected person or animal.
As microsporium is well spread in water, it can be infected in the pool, sauna or bath. That is why, at the first sign of infection, it is not recommended to take water procedures, so as not to spread the lesions all over the body.
The first symptoms of infection on the skin appear in a few days, in the form of small round reddish pinkish red, covered with small scales. If the fungus affects the scalp, visually the symptoms can not be detected immediately, since they begin to appear only when the hair is already heavily falling out.
The cause of hair loss is caused by the fact that the fungus grows into the hair and causes them to break off, leaving short fragments, or "hemp" 2 mm high - 2 cm with a gray coating of mushroom spores.
Treatment of ringworm is carried out after careful laboratory diagnosis - scraping from the lesion, examination of the culture under a microscope and examination under a Wood lamp. Foci of the disease are treated with special antifungal agents, then repeated crops are carried out. Complete cure of the disease is diagnosed only after a double negative culture, carried out with an interval of at least a month.
Shingles and prophylaxis ^
Shingles, or medically, herpes zoster, is caused by varicella-zoster virus Varicella Zoster( herpesvirus type 3), which is present in the body in almost every person and is activated by weakening immunity( stresses, infections,trauma, hypothermia, radiation and chemotherapy, HIV).
All people who once had chickenpox, herpes zoster for decades, are in the body in a latent, dormant state, not behaving themselves and waiting for "favorable" conditions for themselves. Herpes zoster is contagious and can be transmitted to children and adults who have not had chicken pox, contact - household and airborne droplets.
- The disease begins, usually with unclear pain along the nerve( intercostal, trigeminal, facial), sometimes accompanied by burning and increased sensitivity of the skin.
- After a few days on the skin appear rashes in the form of bubbles with transparent contents, moreover, they are always on one side of the body and are shrouded in nature.
- Often the lymph nodes increase on the affected side.
- Along with pain, sometimes there may be intoxication - headache, fever, nausea.
Treatment of herpes zoster is not difficult, especially if it is started within 2 days of the onset of the rash. Herpes zoster is well influenced by antiviral, anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics.
Only in some cases, in the presence of complications, antibiotic treatment may be required. The duration of the disease is 3 to 4 weeks. After the bubbles burst, they will cover with a crust and completely heal, the patient ceases to be infectious and does not require isolation.
Colored, or varicoloured ^
Colored lichen, often called otrebusal lichen, is a fungal disease caused by developing in the stratum corneum skin fungus Malassezia furfur and Pityrpsporum orbiculare. It also has one more characteristic name - sunshine, or a sun fungus, because it manifests itself, as a rule, after exposure to the sun. Therefore, it is diagnosed, most often, among residents of hot countries with a humid climate.
The main condition for the appearance of a sun fungus is increased sweating. In addition, it is noted that some diseases - tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus and oncological diseases, can provoke its manifestations. The disease is conditionally contagious, because, when infected, not all people have clinical signs of the disease.
- The incubation period can last from several weeks to several months, until there are provoking factors - reduced immunity, sun exposure or sunbeds.
- At the beginning of the rash, they look like small pink spots with clear boundaries, however, as the fungus multiplies, the spots merge, forming large foci with uneven edges of yellow, pink and brown hues on the back, chest, neck, shoulders and even on the head.
Treatment of multi-colored lichen is favorable, relapses occur rarely. After examination and diagnosis of the fungus, the doctor prescribes antifungal preparations for internal and external use, local antimycotic ointments, lotions and sprays. In addition, during a hot time the patient is recommended to sunbathe in the sun - this helps to destroy the fungus.
Despite the multicolored pityriasis lichen is a non-dangerous disease that is well treatable and does not pose a threat to health, it can cause many people psychological discomfort and complexes, so its prevention should be comprehensive and aimed at eliminating the causes of the disease and preventing new relapses.
On the question of how and how to treat lichen, doctors like to repeat that our health is in our hands and the best treatment for depriving, as well as from most other diseases - hardening, rational nutrition, physical education, strengthening of immunity and personal hygiene.