How to relieve pain with menstruation
Almost all women expect the advent of critical days with special alertness. This is due to the fact that during menstruation, very many of the fair sex feel not only the appropriate discomfort, but also quite strong pain in the area below the navel, transmitted to the lower back and the sacrum.
As a rule, such pain begins to appear even a few days before the onset of menstruation, and with the intensification continues during all subsequent critical days.
It is worth noting that, in addition to unpleasant pulling sensations, during this period, women can feel general malaise, weakness, dizziness, nausea, lethargy, etc. In addition, during menstruation, girls often bloating, gas,excessive puffiness and constipation. That's why in such periods, women are too whiny, irritated and even slightly aggressive.
Many doctors recommend in such situations simply to lie back at home and not load yourself with any mental or physical work. However, in the modern world, not every woman can afford the luxury of not going to work and spending the whole day in bed. That is why today there are many ways of how to relieve pain with menstruation.
Causes of pain
Already a long time among doctors is a dispute about why during a month-old girl experiencing very strong pulling pain. As a rule, this fact is explained by the fact that during the menstrual period, the girl's uterus begins to actively contract, thereby causing the corresponding unpleasant sensations. In addition, very often intense pain is associated with excess in the female body of the hormone prostaglandin, which causes even greater movements of the uterine cavity.
It should be noted that until now many doctors can not come to a common denominator and finally decide whether it is normal that during the months most women feel pain in the lower abdomen or is a sign of any deviation.
While doctors are solving this issue, many girls are only interested in one thing: how to ease the pain with menstruation and get rid of all premenstrual syndromes.
Ways to survive critical days without pain
Method one - exercise. Of course, not every girl will dare to this way. After all, during menstruation, the body of a woman is subjected to tremendous stress, and, by charging, these unpleasant sensations are also accompanied by muscular pain. However, it is worth noting that with monthly it is recommended to perform only light exercises that accelerate blood circulation and give the body a special tonus.
If the pain is so strong that there is no way to make squats, slopes, etc., then it's better to just walk in the fresh air for one or two hours.
The second way is medicines. Modern pharmacy chains are full of all sorts of packages with painkillers. That's why many women, at the very first signs of premenstrual syndrome, try to quickly take a couple of magic pills that will relieve their body of pain and pain.
It should be noted that the most popular and popular pain medications are such drugs as analgin, spazgan, baralgin, solpadein, no-shpa and ketans. All of them are aimed at making the spasms as quickly as possible and minimizing the existing pains.
However, it is recommended to take these drugs only in very extreme cases, when the pain becomes simply unbearable.
Method the third - sparing diet. Quite often during menstruation, pain begins to increase only because women abuse heavy meat dishes, which can aggravate, so difficult for the body, the situation. That is why doctors recommend during the critical days to adhere exclusively to the vegetarian diet. In other words, already in the premenstrual period, girls should abandon any meat products, chicken, as well as fish, dairy products and eggs. In addition, it is strictly forbidden to use different marinades, home salinity, spicy and spicy dishes, coffee, confectionery, fresh pastries, bread, etc.
In order to alleviate the pain, it is advisable to choose a seasonal fruit and vegetables, as well as greens and lettuce leaves. In addition, every day you need to drink a few glasses of freshly squeezed juice, herbal decoctions, water, fruit drinks, compotes, etc.
It is also worth noting that when you are on a monthly basis, it is highly recommended not to overeat. The diet should be light, nutritious and satisfying, and also split into several parts, which must be eaten every three or four hours.