
What is useful bath - indications and contraindications

  • What is useful bath - indications and contraindications

    Bath is a wonderful place where a lot of people - families or friendly companies - go on holiday or mark a solemn event with great pleasure. How useful is the bath so much that this procedure has been popular since ancient times to this day? In fact, the merits of a real Russian bath can not be overestimated. Taking a bath or shower will never give you the same feeling of lightness, purity and renewal as a visit to the steam room. The sauna is certainly useful for both physical and moral health, this is a great place to pay attention to yourself and your body, improve your health and improve your mood.

    In order to maximize the effect of the procedures, it is worth visiting the sauna about once a week. With a view of hygiene with itself it is necessary to take rubber slippers or slates, a bath rug on a bench and a personal basin. In order not to spoil the hair and not overheat the head, it is not superfluous to purchase a special cap.

    Please note! Before entering the steam room, it is worthwhile to stand a little under a warm shower or sit in the dressing room to warm up the body.
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    All about the useful properties of

    Useful properties of a bath are its effect on almost all organs and systems of the human body. It excellently restores and strengthens the body, helps in improving immunity and thermoregulation.

    First of all you should visit the bath at the first signs of a cold. The main thing is to thoroughly sweat in the steam room - in a well-steamed, hot bath most of the pathogenic bacteria die, not only on the skin, but also in the internal organs. And if you splash on the glowing stones eucalyptus, fir or birch infusion, then the risen steam will help clear the throat and nose.

    On stones you can splash useful infusion
    Please note! Bath treatments, thanks to the warming effect, are generally very useful for the respiratory system, which is worth paying attention to smokers.

    With proper use of baths are eased, and in some cases even chronic respiratory diseases are cured. In the steam room you should always use a broom - it injects even more hot air, medical substances, evaporating from leaves, destroy pathogenic microorganisms, and essential oils improve metabolism.

    In addition, the bath perfectly helps with rheumatism, radiculitis and other joint or muscle pain. Bath procedures are very useful for those involved in sports, hard work, and high physical activity. Bath in general improves the protective-adaptive capabilities of the body. It is useful to steam when stretching and dislocating, the bath helps the body regenerate muscle tissue, dissolves the joints in the joints and warms the diseased bones.

    Useful for muscle pains

    Remarkably, the sauna affects the heart and blood vessels, improving physical performance. When the high and low temperatures alternate, the heart muscle strengthens, which reduces the risk of an infarction attack.

    Please note! The cores before going to the bath must necessarily consult with a doctor.

    Bath steam improves blood circulation, because the capillaries and vessels start to work better, saturating the body with oxygen and nutrients: the stagnation of blood is eliminated and excessive cholesterol settling on the walls of the vessels is eliminated.

    Due to increased perspiration, various toxins and toxins are removed from the body, edemas are reduced by discharging the kidneys, and the effect lasts up to six hours after visiting the steam room. However, you should be careful - in order to avoid disturbance of the salt balance, you should not bathe after intense loads associated with increased sweating.

    Contrasting douches in the bath have a positive effect on the digestive system and intestines, and also contribute to weight loss.

    Containing dousing

    A good bath and for the health of the psyche. Many, coming out of the steam room, feel refreshed and rested, as if born again. This is due to the fact that during the stay in the heated bath the blood flow to the brain weakens, which leads to a decrease in emotional activity and mental relaxation of the body. The headache and excessive nervousness disappear, unpleasant thoughts go away, the mood improves. That is why it is good to visit the bath at the weekend - it perfectly eliminates the stress that has accumulated during the work week. It is very useful during the steam room to give on hot stones an infusion of valerian, mint or motherwort - they perfectly relieve nervous tension and promote a restful sleep. However, if the procedure is not carried out correctly, for example, if you stay in an over-heated sauna for too long, well-being may, on the contrary, worsen - there will be anxiety, fear, general weakness, sleep will deteriorate and appetite will decrease.

    In the struggle for beauty

    Helps to clean the skin

    Well, of course, the bath is very useful for the skin. Cosmetics and polluted air very badly affect her condition. At home, the skin is cleaned only superficially. However, in the bath the pores are opened, helping the skin to cleanse itself of toxins, old dirt and harmful substances. The influx of blood to the surface of the skin helps it to recover, in addition, the work of the hair follicles improves, the hair on the head grows better. Bath glow kills pathogenic bacteria on the body. In addition, it is very good to walk on a steamed skin with a broom, for example birch or oak. This will help improve the condition of the inflamed skin, and with regular use, even relieve sweating. In addition, when using a broom, massage of the entire skin occurs, and essential oils, which at this time stand out from the leaves, improve the metabolism, saturate the skin with useful substances, regenerate and disinfect it. With the help of a broom and hot steam, the dead skin layer is removed, it starts to breathe and rejuvenates from the inside, becomes elastic and elastic, regardless of skin type. For example, oily skin is slightly dried, and dry, on the contrary, receives the necessary nutrition and hydration.

    Thanks to the unique "training" of the skin, the bath perfectly helps to fight with the appearance of wrinkles and regulates the work of the sebaceous glands. To strengthen the vessels after the steam room, it is good to pour cool water. It will also have a positive effect on the scalp. Most importantly, be sure to be washed after visiting the steam room, otherwise all harmful substances will penetrate back into the skin. In general, while the skin is steamed - it is perfectly prepared for various cosmetic procedures, which is very important for a woman. You can buy special bath linens, massage brushes and graters for heels, apply a variety of scrubs and masks, both purchased and home-made. By the way, anti-cellulite wraps and cream perfectly work in the steam room. Hair, and even the body, you can rinse with water, left from baking the broom for a better effect.

    Perfectly suitable for cosmetic procedures
    Please note! Thanks to improved metabolism, the removal of excess fluid from the body and a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, bath procedures help to lose weight and correct the figure.

    In general, visiting the steam room is useful for the female genitourinary system - the bath improves the health after miscarriages and abortions, with abnormalities of the uterus and ovaries and other gynecological diseases. However, there are contraindications - for example, after recently transferred operations, childbirth or with acute inflammatory processes. Before visiting the bath you should always consult a doctor. The bath very easily relieves the condition with menopause, removing the physical and moral disorders associated with it.

    Also the bath is useful for young girls, because with regular visits to the bath the ligaments become more elastic, which will help with childbirth, and those who have given birth will improve lactation and relieve nervous tension. For pregnant women, the bath is useful because it reduces swelling and improves blood circulation.

    Of course, the sauna is useful for men. In addition to relieving tension and alleviating pain in muscles and joints after heavy physical exertion, bath procedures perfectly help to strengthen and strengthen the male body. Also, the bath positively affects male potency, treats diseases of the genitourinary system and struggles with premature ejaculation. Most importantly, do not overdo it, because high temperatures negatively affect the male reproductive capacity.

    In any case, before visiting the bath, it is recommended to read the list of contraindications and consult a doctor.