
How to cure alcoholism - how to cure alcoholism without the knowledge of the patient

  • How to cure alcoholism - how to cure alcoholism without the knowledge of the patient

    "Alcohol brings joy and sorrow.
    Joy imaginary, grief present"
    © А.В.Melnikov

    Alcoholism is a serious disease that destroys not only the body of a drinking person and his psyche, but also crippling the lives of alcoholic family members. Relatives of a drinking person live in constant stress, and as a consequence - depression, nervous disorders and cardiovascular diseases. Alcoholism is not a personal illness, it is a family illness.

    Tens of thousands of people die of alcoholism every year in Russia. Their deaths are caused by concomitant diseases: cerebrovascular, cardiovascular, digestive, cirrhosis. Here you can also include suicide, accidents due to alcoholism, alcohol poisoning.

    To fight this addiction you need to start not when a person "lies around the fence", but when he drinks the first extra glass.

    To begin treatment of alcoholism, you need, first of all, to understand that this disease is in the head of the patient. Treatment will only be effective when it affects the consciousness of the alcoholic. Despite all the insidiousness of alcoholism, sober consciousness guarantees a sober way of life.

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    How to cure a sick alcoholism written a lot. In one the authors are unanimous - all methods of fighting alcoholism are based on two axioms - self-motivation or self-awareness and purification of the organism - detoxification or withdrawal from drinking-bout. Only then a person receives complex therapy, which affects both consciousness and body. The state of health thus will improve, it will become similar to that which was before the beginning of "abuse".But this can not last for a long time in itself, it must be maintained by various methods of treatment.

    Conditioned reflex therapy

    This is one of the methods used that makes it possible to cure alcoholism without the knowledge of the patient . The method is based on the fact that a special drug is poured into the alcohol, causing the urge to vomit. The use of alcohol in the future causes a vomitive reflex. Especially this method is effective for women who are more disgusted than men.

    It should be noted that the treatment of a patient without his knowledge of Russian law is considered an offense. Therefore, it is better to avoid alcoholic relatives.

    Sensitizing therapy

    This is a radical in its effect method. In the body of an alcoholic, a drug is injected or stitched, which provokes alcohol intolerance. The use of alcohol at the same time is fraught with serious consequences, therefore from the patient before the introduction of the drug, a receipt is taken in that he realizes "what the stack may result in."

    One of the most famous drugs is Esperal, causing in the body an incompatibility in alcohol with subsequent intoxication. The nervous system suffers, there is an intolerable headache, excruciating vomiting, eyesight deteriorates. The cardiovascular system reacts with sudden pressure spikes, cardiac spasms and sharp pains in the heart area.

    At the first signs of incompatibility of alcohol and Esperi, it is necessary to call a doctor-expert in narcology who will introduce an antidote and carry out detoxification.


    Conversations with a therapist, which are of an explanatory nature, will help the patient find himself in some important occupation, distracting from the addiction, to find a goal for which a patient with alcoholism wants to change his life.


    Can hypnosis cure alcoholism? In people with lungs, consciousness is distinguished by a high level of perception. It is this quality that is used for hypnosis, under which an alcoholic is inspired by aversion to alcohol. Sessions can be individual or group.

    Is it possible to cure alcoholism with hypnosis? Naturally, in individual sessions, their effectiveness is higher, since the impact on the patient's brain is more directional. In a group session, hypnosis is not so suggestive, but such an effect can be quite strong.


    These are copyright, patented methods of treatment that each doctor applies depending on their individual methods.

    Home treatment

    Thoughts on how to cure alcoholism at home come to many people not by chance. The reasons for this are high prices for medical services, sometimes poor quality of services themselves, shame and embarrassment, which the patient experiences. Home treatment does not provide for self-medication. To get rid of alcoholism at home means to be treated not in a hospital, but at home, under the supervision of a doctor. This method has both advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, the patient can live at home in the usual conditions, with the family, and on the other - sometimes it happens that isolation, changing the circle of communication is the most effective method in the treatment of alcoholism.

    How to cure alcoholism with folk remedies? For this purpose, a good help is the decoction of St. John's wort, which must be taken before meals in the morning and at lunch. For two weeks, it disgusts alcohol. You can also use a decoction of unpeeled oats seeds with the addition of calendula flowers. The craving for alcohol at reception of broth before meal considerably decreases.

    It is believed that the addiction to drinking is due to a lack of potassium in the body. Therefore, regular consumption of honey in food, in which a high content of potassium, reduces craving for alcohol.

    Beer alcoholism

    Statistics say that dependence on low-alcohol drinks develops 4 times faster than from strong ones, and it's much harder to cure beer alcoholism. In addition, beer lovers often experience such diseases as hepatitis or cirrhosis, atherosclerosis and disorders of the central nervous system.

    According to the concentration of ethyl alcohol, 1 liter of beer is equal to 150 ml of vodka, and the degree of poisoning depends on the content of ethyl alcohol in the blood. A small dose of a strong drink causes a rapid intoxication, and a large low-alcohol drink - a slower and not so strong, but the concentration of ethyl alcohol in the body will be the same.

    Many people do not pay attention to this serious problem, considering beer a "soft drink".After one traditional beer festival in Bavaria, which consumed 5 million liters of beer, more than 200 people were taken to hospitals unconscious.

    Bismarck once said about beer: "From beer people are made stupid, lazy and powerless."And, indeed, scientists have found that drinking beer causes a decrease in the body's secretion of testosterone - the male sex hormone, which leads to an increase in the mammary glands and an expansion of the pelvis, and in addition to obesity.

    Until recently the term "beer alcoholism" did not exist - excessive consumption of beer was not considered an addiction. But, as practice shows, beer quickly causes alcohol dependence, the dose of its reception increases, and then the person gradually and imperceptibly turns to stronger drinks.

    The treatment of beer alcoholism implies the same methods as usual - various drug and psycho-therapeutic methods.