
How to get rid of a woman's mustache - a woman's mustache

  • How to get rid of a woman's mustache - a woman's mustache

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    The understanding of beauty in the modern world is very different from the view that existed in the past centuries. Despite some permissiveness and even insolence in choosing clothes and appearance, which is justified by modern style, certain rules and frameworks do exist, dictated at least by the rhythm of modern life. For example, it's difficult for us to imagine a modern girl walking slowly in a park, wearing a massive dress up to the floor, with a hem stretched over many supporting hoops in the form of a pyramid. It's also difficult to find a girl who would feel absolutely comfortable if her mustache were present on her face. On the contrary, current fashionistas remove everything that is found on any part of their skin, sometimes up to the eyebrows.

    And here about two hundred years ago the aesthetic concepts and standards of beauty were somewhat different, and the attitude towards the girl with the mustache over the upper lip was completely different. This was perceived as the uniqueness and individuality of the lady, and did not in any way affect the quality and quantity of her male environment, and consequently, there were no problems with marriage either. Today the fact of the presence of vegetation above the lips of a girl is assessed as a delicate and very unpleasant problem. The mood of a woman can seriously and permanently deteriorate, if over time, individual dark hairs are multiplied. With this they will never accept and act because they are firmly convinced, firstly, that the mustache is the privilege of men, and secondly, because they do not want to become like a representative of a certain male group with excessive make-up on the basis of such a piquant "decoration"face.

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    Decisive actions and their causes

    Antennae in women

    Before taking radical measures to remove the compromising fact, it is still necessary to understand the reasons for its presence. After all, it is possible to "break the wood", especially if you know the prerequisites for the emergence of undesirable vegetation on a gentle girl's face. It does not just happen. ..

    The appearance of hair on a woman's face called a disease would be wrong. But, nevertheless, in order to learn how to get rid of a woman's mustache, a doctor's consultation will be required. First of all, it is necessary to meet with an endocrinologist and gynecologist, because the main reason may be a violation of hormonal balance, which can be restored. And, therefore, the change in appearance is a reparable matter. In such cases, a course of treatment is appointed, which will suspend the process. The hormonal background of each person has its own characteristics. Most often, vegetation on female skin appears due to the elevated levels of the male hormone in the female body. The fluctuation of its level even within the limits of the norm can cause this undesirable effect.

    Please note! To provoke a piquant problem with highly noticeable hairs above the lip, hereditary predisposition, menopause, puberty, gestation, adrenal disease, prolonged use of contraceptive hormones and even stress can result.

    If the metabolic processes in the body are not violated, you can get rid of tendrils even at home. There are many ways - from professional cosmetology to folk, which is worth talking about.

    Folk cosmetology

    Tweezers for plucking

    As a girl to get rid of barbels, found in an unauthorized place, independently, knows folk medicine.

    • First of all, it is worth mentioning a method that allows you to get by with "little blood" - this is regular( once a week) hair removal with tweezers( tweezers).This simple tool can be successfully replaced by an ordinary draft drawing pen. This procedure is recommended by folk cosmetology after a shower( that is, with steamed skin), with good lighting: the skin is stretched and the hair is pulled out with a sharp movement in the direction of their growth.
    • The next method is to discolor the hairs with 3-6% hydrogen peroxide solution( 1 tsp) and 5 drops of ammonia. Within 2-3 days, with a cotton bud, the solution is applied to problem areas, left to dry, then these areas are wiped with diluted lemon juice, dried and lubricated with an emollient cream( eg, a baby's cream).Hydrogen peroxide can replace perhydrol ointment. Antennae not only become invisible, but also completely disappear.
    Walnut shell

    The appearance of hair in unintentional places can be prevented by the following non-radical methods:

    • Infusion of datura seeds on vodka( seeds are ground, poured vodka to the consistency of thick sour cream and insist for three weeks) or use a decoction of this plant( 150 g per 1 liter of water).To abuse a poisonous plant - a dope - is not necessary, but the effect of blurring problem areas with such infusion or decoction is the most effective once a day - the hair falls out and does not appear very long.
    • Decoction of the ground walnut shell( 2 tablespoons in 2 glasses of water is prepared by slow stirring on a small fire for 20 minutes).Applied either to wipe the skin with hairs, or as a compress. A dry shell can be burned, the ash mixed with water and the resulting gruel applied to the mustache until they disappear completely.
    • Nettle oil( pharmacy or infusion of nettle seeds in vegetable oil for 1 week), the effect of which will be very rapid. The oil should be kept on the right side of the face for half an hour. Garlic juice squeezed from peeled garlic teeth.

    Independently to get rid of shocking every morning in mirror reflection of hair in not put place the girl can and by means of gels and lotions for depilation. The principle of their action is that the enzymes contained in their composition, break down the hair follicles( hair shafts).

    Radical therapy

    Depilation of antennae with wax

    There are more radical ways to get rid of tendrils that are persistently trying to become even more "mustachioed":

    • Sugar depilation or shugaring. The pasta is prepared: in enameled dishes 10 st.spoons of sugar, 1 tbsp.a spoonful of water and a half lemon juice. On a quiet fire, the mixture is brought to a thick brown mass, which is applied warmly over the lip and covered with a strip of tissue. After the thickening of the mass, the strip is torn off with a sharp movement along the direction of hair growth. Irritation over the lip is softened by applying a soothing cream.
    • Wax depilation or waxing. Effective, but very painful procedure, which allows you to forget about the antennae for three weeks( the roots of the hair are not affected).It is carried out according to the instruction, which is attached to the set of components freely sold in the pharmacy.
    Please note! Depilatory methods should be applied only on dry, clean and skimmed skin in order to avoid any kind of complications - skin inflammation, dermatitis. The appearance of an allergic reaction can be checked beforehand, for which the test is carried out - the applied agent is applied to the wrist.
    Photoepilation of antennae

    Help to a girl who does not rely on success on her own can be rendered by professional cosmetology. Clinics and institutes of cosmetology, beauty salons can get rid of hair forever. Of course, it costs a lot of money. So:

    1. Electrolysis is the most reliable method, based on the effect of a weak electric current on the root of each hair. It is important to apply only to an experienced cosmetologist. In most cases, the removal is irretrievable.
    2. Laser hair removal is a safe, painless method of hair removal under the influence of a laser beam, in which melanin( the hair pigment in its stem and follicle) absorbs light waves, heats up and destroys growth cells and feeding follicle vessels. As a result, hair with a dead root falls after a few weeks.
    3. Photoepilation is a progressive, expensive, fast and painless way of removing hair with the help of high-pulse light. Time of procedure: for a lip 1 minute, for a chin - 5 minutes. It may take several procedures. Short beams of light, acting on the hair follicles, stop their growth. Deletion for several years.
    4. Chemical depilation is a less expensive method with the use of chemical depilatories, leading to severe skin irritation. It takes special care and carrying out a test for the allergic reaction of your body.
    Creams that slow hair growth

    The consequences of such radical methods of removing the antennae, like sugar and wax strips, chemical depilation and hair removal by plucking can be more effective and lasting if you use special creams that slow down hair growth. They are rubbed into the skin twice a day for one to two months.

    Please note! It is absolutely not recommended to shave the hair on the face. Any cutting of the hair leads to an even more active growth of the hair. Prove it is not difficult - we are taught from childhood that the tree is cut so that in the new season it has new, even more magnificent branches. After shaving, the active growth of even more rigid hair over the upper lip will be provided to you.

    There is hair on the face of every person with the only difference that some have light and thin ones, others have dark and hard ones. A modern set of methods of getting rid of the female mustache - from everyday to professional - helps to help even the darkest-haired girls with their bright appearance.


    For more information on home methods for getting rid of unwanted hair, see the following video: