
What to do with alcohol poisoning - alcohol poisoning

  • What to do with alcohol poisoning - alcohol poisoning

    The use of alcoholic beverages in large quantities at various parties and festivals threatens with serious and unpleasant consequences. Every person is obliged to know how much alcohol can be consumed without worrying about the serious consequences. Even a very insignificant excess of the individual norm of alcohol, threatens with considerable troubles, not only with respect to health, but also with respect to the reputation, which is rather difficult to restore later in the eyes of others.

    As a rule, first people try to find a tool that facilitates alcoholic intoxication, and then think about what to do with alcohol poisoning.

    What can not be done

    Excessive consumption of alcohol

    People who often drink alcohol, of course, know that it is impossible to try alcohol on an empty stomach. Even after a small amount of alcoholic beverage, got into an empty stomach, you need to eat a fat, high-calorie meal.

    In the process of consuming hot drinks, smoking will only significantly increase the state of human intoxication. Therefore, if you still can not avoid smoking while taking alcohol, then it is better to go out for a short while to fresh air. Thus, you will protect your health from excessive intoxication, and from poisoning with alcoholic beverages.

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    Seriously intensified intoxication is carbonated cooling drinks, which contribute to increased absorption of alcohol into the blood, but juices are allowed to drink. Do not increase the risk of excessive intoxication and serious alcohol poisoning by "increasing the degree".

    "Cure" alcohol poisoning

    Activated charcoal for poisoning

    Modern pharmaceuticals do not stand still and produce a large number of various special preparations that are intended for the treatment of alcohol poisoning. But there are still folk remedies that really help to cope with this most popular disease. Before rendering any assistance, it is necessary to take into account that it should be provided immediately, there is no need to wait and hope that intoxication will pass by itself. Stomach, as with ordinary food poisoning, must be washed. The patient should be allowed to drink water diluted with activated charcoal or baking soda.

    For any symptom, from the following list, a fatal outcome is possible: fainting, rapid pulse, heavy breathing, - therefore, urgently call for an ambulance! Before the arrival of doctors, do not let the victim lose consciousness, rinse his stomach and turn on his side. Further treatment will be done by professionals.

    Home remedies

    First aid for poisoning

    Usually, if a person exhibits the first signs of alcohol poisoning, he is taken to the street, unfastened clothing and induce vomiting artificially, as they say, with "two fingers".Next, you must attach a wet napkin or ice to the patient's head and, if possible, make an enema( the water should be cold).In this situation can help and mustard plasters, attached to the calves and feet, hands, as well as to the nape and the spoon.

    A person who has received alcohol poisoning should take ammonia alcohol inside( up to ten drops in half a glass of clean water) or you can periodically give him a sniff. Take ammonia is better every fifteen minutes. If there is no such substance, then you can replace it with vinegar or horseradish.

    After encountering this kind of poisoning, doctors introduce special drugs that can destroy all the ethyl alcohol that is in the stomach of the affected person. Oxygen is supplied to the intestine in large quantities, which is necessary for the efficiency of the alcohol dehydrogenase enzyme, which blocks alcohol intoxication. And with it, oxygen starvation is blocked in human tissues.

    Methyl alcohol

    Try to use a small amount of alcohol in a variety of situations, and best of all - stop drinking, absolutely! And in any case, do not try alcoholic drinks of questionable quality! After all, there is another type of alcohol, which externally and taste is no different, but it is poisonous. From a sample of methyl alcohol you at best will go blind forever, and at worst - a fatal outcome.

    To protect yourself, there is such an experiment that allows you to make sure of the quality of alcohol. The copper wire is red hot and put into alcohol. If you feel the barely perceptible smell of formalin( usually it is present in the morgue), then boldly pour out this poison! And also you can go to the local police station and take with the guts of the carefree producer of alcoholic beverages.

    Useful tip: to eliminate the toxic properties of alcohol will help real honey, especially fructose, contained in it. To feel the effectiveness of this drug, you need to take 150-200g of honey for two meals. If a person is unconscious, quickly and strongly rub the patient's ears - this will provide a rush of blood to the head and bring him to life.