
How to remove stretch marks on the abdomen after childbirth: prevention, folk remedies, proper nutrition

  • How to remove stretch marks on the abdomen after childbirth: prevention, folk remedies, proper nutrition

    Pregnancy is a very important and welcome event, but with it it can also bring anxiety. Very much it would not be desirable after sorts to recover or spoil a figure by extensions. But how to remove stretch marks on the abdomen after childbirth, if they are already beginning to appear?

    If you see that the skin appears thin strings of stretch marks, you should revise your food as soon as possible.

    We make adjustments to the food

    Do not abuse flour products, sweet, fried, spicy, that is all that can trigger the development of fat formation.

    This is bad not only for the future mother, but also for the baby, since it is completely dependent on the mother and can gain weight while still in the stomach. And this is not necessary, since a large child is an automatically difficult birth. In some cases, large children can cause serious ruptures or even give a reason for caesarean section.

    Methods of fighting stretch marks

    As a struggle with stretch marks, you can use contrast shower, massage washcloth, rubbing specialized creams from stretch marks. When buying such creams, pay attention to the presence of the inscription "for pregnant women."This is necessary, since everything that a pregnant woman rubs into the skin affects the child.

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    If this does not help, and the issue with stretch marks remains open, then you need to resort to heavy artillery - cosmetology procedures.

    For a more effective result, it is better to contact a beautician who will compile for you a list of the procedures necessary for correcting the figure specifically for your case.

    Deeper is considered laser grinding. It can help in cases where scars are shallow and small. The extreme measure in the fight against stretch marks is plastic surgery. It is able to remove all the errors of the figure with the least residual manifestations. But do not forget that this is still an operation, so think about whether it should be done.

    In general, there are a lot of ways to effectively combat stretch marks. Orientation in them should take into account the characteristics of the body. Most of these methods are universal, and their effectiveness increases with a combination of several methods and provided that the struggle began at the earliest stages of the formation of stretch marks.

    Prevention as the best tool in dealing with stretch marks

    Treat stretch marks before their appearance, especially if there is a genetic predisposition to the condition. There are simple rules that will help improve skin tone and density, which will protect against the formation of scars.

    1. Breast skin is especially prone to the appearance of postpartum defects. During breastfeeding, it is not recommended to use restorative drugs, so it is best to take care of the body in advance. Rubbing in the skin of the breast of vegetable or children's oils and contrast shower have long been considered the most effective methods.

    2. Principles of nutrition are subject to revision. The diet must be diversified with protein products, they stimulate the production of elastin and collagen fibers. Fruits, vegetables and greens should be present on the menu daily. From flour products will have to give up, they destroy collagen fibers and stimulate the growth of connective tissue.

    3. From lack of moisture tender skin of the chest and abdomen will become dry and wrinkled, which can become an excellent base for stretch marks. Water should be supplied to the body in sufficient quantities, but it is necessary to control the absence of swelling of the tissues.

    4. Special seamless bras will help to keep the shape of the chest, and bandages - an excellent remedy for stretch marks on the abdomen.

    5. Special cream from stretch marks can be used not only to eliminate already formed scars, but also as a preventive measure. Women who use such recommendations in practice will quickly get rid of aesthetic defects in the first months after delivery or even prevent their appearance.

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