
Can I smoke during pregnancy - smoking during pregnancy

  • Can I smoke during pregnancy - smoking during pregnancy

    Smoking started several years before conception may not affect the development of the fetus and the well-being of the woman herself. But smoking, starting from the second trimester, is very unfavorable for the child and increases the risk of fetal abnormalities. The consequences of smoking most often are bleeding from the uterus, miscarriages, premature detachment of the placenta and bursting of the bladder, premature birth.

    The relationship between smoking pregnant and the weight of a child is clearly pronounced. In the overwhelming majority of cases, children born to smokers' mothers have a low birth weight. Underweight is the cause of the development of numerous childhood diseases, and in rare cases - the death of a baby after birth.

    Risk Factors

    When answering the question "Can I smoke during pregnancy?" All possible risk factors should be considered.

    1. Influence on the embryo Influence on the embryo. The baby is surrounded by tobacco smoke when her mother smokes. A small heart is beating faster, not getting the right amount of oxygen, which contributes to its incorrect development. In rare cases, the baby can appear even with brain hypoxia. This is because in the placenta carbon dioxide has free access through the blood of the mother. The baby's blood is saturated with it more than oxygen. Until the twelfth week of pregnancy, the embryonic period lasts, followed by a fetal period. The first ultrasound examination falls precisely on the first or second month of embryo development. Scientists have found that male embryos are more susceptible to tobacco smoke. Therefore, women expecting the birth of a boy, are more likely to develop dysfunctional development.
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    2. Effect on the course of pregnancy. There is a growing risk of abortion and premature birth. Smoking women often give birth to dead children. This is due to the same reason for the lack of oxygen in the blood. Breathing is the most important function of the human body. The future person is simply vital to get the right amount of oxygen.
    3. Influence on the newborn. Women who smoke women are born with a low body weight, which causes the development of many diseases and the frequency of their occurrence. Defective development of the fetus also characterizes mostly women who smoke. Some diseases have an irreversible process.
    4. Effect on older children Effect on older children. A smoking mother harms not only the new man developing in her bosom, but also the older children who are near her. Regular inhalation of tobacco smoke helps inhibit the response and functions of the central nervous system of schoolchildren.
    5. A smoking mother causes harm to her body. Destroying their lungs and other vital organs, it deprives their bodies of the ability to function properly. The narrowing of the vessels, which occurs when smoking, inhibits blood circulation. The heart begins to work in a more intense rhythm.
    6. You can not pass by cancer. Smoking mother puts at risk of development of oncology not only itself, but also the future child. Such children belong to a group of people predisposed to cancer.

    How to behave properly?

    Refusal to smoke

    Before you conceive a child, you should give up your bad habits, including smoking. Quitting smoking after learning about pregnancy is not recommended. The female body is used to a regular dose of nicotine. Therefore, it is desirable during the first trimester to reduce this dose to a minimum, preparing the body for a cessation of tobacco.

    It is not uncommon to make such a step. Physical and psychological dependence is the guarantor of further smoking. But the possible mental and physical deviations in the new man is a sufficient incentive for many women.