Insidious disease of hypertension - causes and symptoms
The main causes of hypertension are excess weight and stress
Hypertension, or high blood pressure( BP) is a real disaster of our time, the scale of which is constantly growing. Earlier elderly people suffered from high blood pressure, but now this illness is much younger - a lot of young people and even schoolchildren get to the hospital with the diagnosis of hypertension.
The main symptoms of hypertension ^
Doctors call hypertension a "silent killer", which creeps quietly and imperceptibly. Therefore, it is extremely important to detect the first symptoms of hypertension as early as possible in order to prevent its further development. The first and most important symptom is an increase in blood pressure above normal.
According to WHO, normal blood pressure is not higher than 140/90 mm Hg. Pressure above 160/95 mm Hg is considered elevated and requires treatment. In addition, of the most common symptoms of hypertension, attention should be paid to pulsating headaches in the occipital region, pain in the heart, dizziness, sleep disorders and sudden mood swings.
It should be noted that if you notice the first symptoms of the development of hypertension in time, eliminate the causes of its appearance and start the treatment in a timely manner at the first stage, then it is treated very successfully. Otherwise, the disease progresses, leading in the most severe cases to hypertensive crises and strokes.
Causes of hypertension ^
Doctors claim that the main cause of the development of hypertension, as well as of all cardiovascular diseases, is an increase in body weight above the norm and even on its upper border. It is believed that every extra 5 kg increase blood pressure by 5 mm Hg and increase the risk of diabetes. For example, with obesity of the first degree, the risk of diabetes increases threefold, the second degree - 5 times, and at the third degree - as much as 10 times.
Be sure to calculate by formula your normal weight and try to achieve its good performance. The body mass index( BMI) is calculated very simply - for this, divide your weight by the height in the square. Then, on the BMI scale, determine if your weight is normal. Normal counts BMI from 18.5 to 25, the figure is more than 25 means that you are overweight or obese. In this case, you need to urgently review the diet to a healthy and healthy diet.
As you know, obesity often leads to unhealthy food, most often semi-finished products, fast foods, muffins and sodas. Such food is very harmful, because it lacks protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and fiber, necessary for the normal functioning of the body. But in excess there are fats, especially trans fats, which are considered fat-killers of a person because of their extreme harmfulness, which provokes cardiovascular diseases and is called the main culprits for the development of hypertension.
In addition, this food contains a lot of harmful cholesterol, the excess of which has the property of depositing on the walls of arteries in the form of plaques, clogging the vessels and provoking strokes. And the lack of fiber and carbohydrates in foods does not give a feeling of satiety, so a person eats much more than he needs, and after eating a rich dinner, after a while again feels hungry. Therefore, with malnutrition, weight inevitably grows, obesity appears, which is the most common cause of the development of hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases.
It is very useful to eat porridge, more vegetables and fruits, greens, sour-milk products that will not only quickly bring weight back to normal, but also, due to the availability of fiber in your make-up, normalize the work of the intestine. This is extremely important, because properly working intestines in time displays out toxins and toxins, preventing their reabsorption and intoxication. Experimentally proved that only one weight loss can significantly reduce blood pressure and cholesterol level without tablets.
Physicians are also called one of the main causes of hypertension stress, resulting in the discharge of a huge amount of adrenaline - a stress hormone. A direct relationship between the level and frequency of nervous tension and the development of hypertension is established. Very often, permanent negative emotions, depression and anxiety play the role of a trigger mechanism in the development of hypertensive disease. Moreover, it is believed that in a better position are those people who can cry out and talk out, feeling a sense of relief than those who try to hide their reaction and irritation, holding everything in themselves - this is the most pernicious for the nervous system.
Completely avoid stress, of course, will not be able to anyone, but in your power to achieve a reduction in mental stress on the body. If something bothers you and causes anxiety, try to consider the situation in detail, how to arrange it on the shelves. Very often, on a detailed examination, it turns out that the problem is not really worth the eggs. Sometimes it is enough to take the first step towards solving the conflict situation in order to get relief and peace of mind.
People who try to calm down and relieve stress with cigarettes and alcohol make a mistake, as this increases the risk of developing hypertension. Nicotine, present in tobacco, reduces the flow of oxygen to the tissues of the heart, and also helps to destroy cells of arteries and blood vessels. It is experimentally confirmed that each cigarette smoked immediately increases the pressure by 15-20 units and stores it for half an hour;Alcohol, however, this risk doubles.
Alcohol and hypertension physicians are called a deadly duet because, with frequent use of alcoholic beverages, such symptoms of hypertension as regular pain in the heart and occipital region only increase. Studies conducted for more than 20 years in South Korea have shown the risk of premature death from heart attacks and strokes in people with high blood pressure who regularly missed a glass. And, if the weekly dose of alcohol reached 120 grams, the risk of death increased 12 times.
Very regular on every night walks. Walking, according to experts, is the best way of physical exertion for sick and weakened people, as well trains the heart and blood vessels, and also provides a sound and healthy sleep, which is essential for strengthening the nervous system and preventing hypertension.