
Treatment of nail fungus with folk remedies - nail fungus

  • Treatment of nail fungus with folk remedies - nail fungus

    Fungal nail infections( onychomycosis) can be caused by various pathogens and occur with rubromycosis, epidermophytosis, trichophytosis and favus. However, the clinical manifestations of all these diseases are the same:

    • the affected parts of the nails are thickened due to subungual hyperkeratosis( excessive proliferation of nail cells and nail bed);
    • the color of the nails changes to dirty gray or yellowish;
    • can be observed partial destruction of the nail along its edges;
    • in the first stages of the disease on the nail often appear gray-yellow linear or rounded inclusions.

    Prevention of fungal nail lesions

    Treatment of nail fungus with folk remedies or with the use of drugs is always complex and time-consuming. First of all, doctors-mycologists recommend to establish the type of pathogen( this will determine which drug and according to what schedule you will be prescribed - nizoral, lamizil, giseofulvin, etc.).

    But even if you prefer the treatment of nail fungus with folk remedies, do not forget to follow certain rules:

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    • fungi are passed from person to person( through clothing, objects, skin particles, on which the mycosis pathogens are left), so use only individual things( especially in baths, swimming pools, sports halls);
    • as an attractive environment for fungi is human sweat, watch for personal hygiene( treat the emergence of intertrigo, regularly change socks, wash your feet every day);
    • pathogens of fungal nail lesions die only at high temperature, therefore during treatment, and also after it, it is necessary to boil all the things touching the body( including bed-clothes) for at least 10-15 minutes;
    • shoes are recommended to thoroughly treat 1% formalin solution( fungi will die after about 20 minutes), and furniture and floors - chloramine solution( mycosis pathogens "will not last" more than 40-45 minutes);
    • cure existing diseases of internal organs and skin, strengthen your immunity - this will allow the body to fight with fungal pathogens more effectively;
    • , if you visited public places where you could "pick up" a fungal disease( pool, showers, baths, etc.), when you get home, wipe your feet and shoes( from inside) with cotton wool soaked in 9% table vinegar( you canuse and apple cider vinegar) - healthy human skin will react as if you are wiping it with water;
    • wear only cotton socks, not synthetic, so that your feet do not sweat, especially in cheap shoes made of artificial leather.

    Folk remedies

    Foot bath with salt

    There are several ways to treat nail fungus with folk remedies, some of them require a long time and constant repetition( until complete cure):

    Method one: every day before going to bed, wash your feet thoroughly with soap, then moistenin wine or table vinegar clean socks and squeeze them. Wipe your feet and nails with cotton wool, also soaked in vinegar, and put on your prepared socks( they are recommended to sleep through the night).

    Method two: before going to sleep, immerse your feet in a basin with cool water, having dissolved in it one tablespoon of salt and soda, for 10 minutes. After that, rinse your feet with clean water and carefully wipe them with a towel.

    Method three: find the tea mushroom, cut( or tear off) a small piece from it and attach it to the damaged nail. Top cover everything with cellophane and bandage your fingers with a bandage or a piece of gauze. Do this for the night, and in the morning carefully, but carefully clean the softened nail from the inside with a toothpick or pointed match, cut off excess part of the nail and flush your feet in a solution of potassium permanganate. Then put on clean socks.

    Method four: Prepare a decoction of milkweed on a water bath: half a glass of dry herb one glass of boiling water( keep the fire for about thirty minutes), cool, strain through a strainer or gauze. Collect hot water in the basin, add a decoction and steam your feet for at least half an hour. Then carefully wipe your feet. The procedure can and should be repeated 10 times or more.

    Method five: take a large clove of garlic, peel it and chop it( better chew).Put the resulting mass on the damaged nail and attach it to the top with a piece of bandage( so that the bandage does not come off at night, put on clean cotton socks).Most likely, it will hurt, but repeat the procedure will have until the full growth of a new clean nail.

    Steaming tray

    Method six: prepare the ointment, cut off your legs well in the evening, then wipe them dry and apply ointment on the nails and toes, to improve the effect, add a bandage in several layers, place an ointment on it and attach it to the damaged nail, wrap the foottop with a plastic bag and secure with a bandage. In the morning, soften the nail cut, and repeat the procedure daily until healthy nails grow. To prepare the ointment, take a washed chicken egg, put it in a jar( 500 ml) and pour into it the vinegar essence so that it completely covers the egg. Put the jar in a dark place and wait for the complete dissolution of the shell. The remaining film from the egg is removed and discarded, and add the butter to the mixture( all rub to make a uniform composition).

    Method seven: mix in a jar with a tightly closed lid( not metal), equal parts of the vinegar and glycerin( the mixture should be stored in a cool dark place).Three times a day, lubricate this ointment with fingernails and fingernails, then allow the mixture to soak( this will take about 20 minutes) and put on clean socks.

    After carrying out the above procedures, be sure to wash your hands with soap and then wipe them with table or apple cider vinegar so that the skin does not dry, you can then use a hand cream or olive oil.