How to get rid of allergies forever
Allergies are caused by pathogenic intestinal microflora
Scientists around the world are studying the causes of allergies, because in the last few decades in allthe world witnessed a rapid growth of allergic diseases and, according to WHO, every fifth child is born with an allergy.
What is allergy: causes, symptoms, modern therapies ^
Allergy is an individual reaction of the body to certain substances( allergens) after contact with them.
Along with the number of allergies, the list of allergens is growing, which even the most harmless substances seem to fall into at first glance. Now there are so many new allergens that it is not possible to be shielded from them and completely excluded from their diet and habitat.
Allergic reactions are capable of causing the following substances:
- food,
- home dust,
- pollen and down plants,
- pet hair,
- cosmetic products,
- medicines and more.
Symptoms of allergy manifestation in different people are also diverse:
- cough,
- sneezing,
- snot,
- pruritus,
- rash on the body,
- mucosal edema,
- asthma.
In severe cases, anaphylactic shock may occur - the most dangerous manifestation of an allergic reaction which, if not immediately treated, can lead to death.
If signs of anaphylactic shock such as convulsions, loss of consciousness, shortness of breath, vomiting, a rash all over the body, involuntary urination and defecation, you should immediately call an ambulance.
Modern drugs, widely advertised in the media, unfortunately, do not eliminate the causes of the onset and development of allergies, but are aimed only at eliminating its symptoms and alleviating the patient's condition.
Allergy treatment with medicines
Allergy treatment is carried out according to the standard scheme - first samples are taken to establish an allergen in order to exclude contact with it, and then antihistamines and immunostimulating drugs are prescribed. However, such an approach can in no way be called a cure, because to treat any disease it is important to establish the root cause that caused it, and to eliminate it.
Treatment of allergy by specific immunotherapy( SIT)
Also popular is treatment with specific immunotherapy( SIT), the essence of which is the regular administration of small doses of a specific allergen with a gradual increase, which stimulates the immune system and leads to resistance to it.
Treatment of SIT is long and more effective - the patient's need for medications is reduced, the symptoms are significantly reduced, which is especially important in cases of suffocation. SIT is the main method of treatment of bronchial asthma, with the help of which it is possible to achieve a long-term remission.
The method is certainly more effective than the simple use of antihistamines, but its drawback is that allergic reaction rarely occurs on a single allergen. Most often, there are several such allergens, and their number increases with time.
Having developed immunity to some one allergen, the body will begin to react to the new substance, and so on forever, since the cause of the allergy is still not eliminated.
Allergies useful for healing will help for good intestinal microflora ^
Causes of allergy: intestinal dysbacteriosis and pathogenic microflora
Scientists still can not pinpoint the causes of allergies, why some of the relatively unfavorable environmental and man-made conditions in some relatively healthy people cause allergies,but others do not.
But it has already been established absolutely sure that one of the main causes of allergy is a decrease in the amount of useful microflora in the intestine and its colonization by pathogenic microbes, which is called dysbiosis( dysbiosis).
Many people underestimate the role of useful microflora for normal functioning of an organism from lack of knowledge.
- Useful microflora of the intestine of a healthy person consists of 2-3 kg of microorganisms, which produce a variety of vitamins, hormones, amino acids and enzymes from the dietary fiber, increase immunity and hemoglobin, promote good absorption of iron.
- In addition, the beneficial intestinal microflora neutralizes harmful and pathogenic microorganisms.
If a person has a beneficial microflora in the intestine, she copes well with her tasks. If the amount of useful microflora decreases, which most often occurs in the treatment with antibiotics, then its place is immediately occupied by pathogenic bacteria that, without encountering active resistance, begin to multiply actively, causing inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.
Then pathogenic microflora begins to destroy the integrity of the intestinal mucosa and reduces its protective barrier function, as a result of which allergens and toxins can freely enter the body.
In addition, the pathogenic microflora begins to actively develop histamine and other substances that promote the development of allergies. Therefore, doctors have long known the pattern that it is worth curing dysbiosis, and allergic manifestations immediately recede, appearing less and less often or disappearing altogether.
- Dysbacteriosis contributes not only to the onset of allergy symptoms, but also to metabolic disorders, the development of cardiovascular and endocrine diseases and even depression.
- Scientists have found a clear link between the presence of dysbiosis and the level of anxiety of a person, which in dysbiosis increases almost 3-fold.
- And the fact that problems with skin, hair and nails can not be eliminated with any creams and cosmetics, without solving the problem of dysbiosis, has long been a secret to no one.
Therefore, it can be said without exaggeration that the beneficial intestinal microflora is the key to the health of the whole organism and every person should take care of it so that not only get rid of allergies for good, but also avoid many other diseases.
- To do this, you need to properly organize your diet so that the diet is dominated by rich in plant fiber and fiber products, especially vegetables, fruits, cereals from whole grains, bran bread, as well as sour-milk products.
- If you want to be healthy, do not overeat at all, arrange one-day starvations to help the body, since excess food is not digested and begins to rot in the intestines, poisoning it.
German doctor Max Gerzon, who studied the dependence of cancer diseases on nutrition all his life, writes in his book "Cancer treatment" that according to his research, out of 10 thousand cancer cases only one occurred from irreversible changes in the body, and all the remaining 9,999 are the result of poisoningown calories caused by overeating and malfunctioning of the intestine.
If you regularly take care of the purity of your intestines and the healthy nutrition necessary for a beneficial microflora, you will not only permanently get rid of allergies, but also avoid many serious diseases in the future.