
Than gargle at pregnancy - a tonsillitis at pregnancy

  • Than gargle at pregnancy - a tonsillitis at pregnancy

    No one is immune from respiratory diseases. Their aggravation usually falls on autumn, winter and spring periods, when low temperature and dampness provoke the development of many seasonal diseases. Pregnant women are not protected from such diseases.

    If you already have a sore throat

    Sore throat

    The difficulty lies in the treatment, not every medicine can be used. As is known, angina is provoked by bacteria of streptococci and staphylococci, with tonsils inflamed and swollen in the mouth, so even a seemingly simple sore throat may adversely affect the course of pregnancy. Along with medicamental treatment, it is recommended to gargle as often as possible. Because pregnant women can not use most of the drugs prescribed for angina, there remains the only way that successfully treats this unpleasant disease - it is rinsing the mouth and sore throat.

    What methods can help

    Rinse the throat

    A lot of solutions are used for rinsing, but not everything can be applied to a pregnant woman. Therefore, when friends advise effective recipes for rinses, do not risk your health and put your child at risk.

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    Doctor's advice on the treatment of

    Consult your doctor, who leads your pregnancy. Knowing the state of your body and all kinds of manifestations of allergies, he can give very useful advice.

    Essential alkaline solution

    Ingredients for rinsing the throat

    The most effective and safe way is to rinse the throat with a solution of soda and salt. Put a teaspoon of warm boiled water in a teaspoonful of both. Rinse this throat every hour. This is a very useful procedure that not only cleanses the throat of bacteria and mucus, but also gives a kind of protection. After all, after rinsing in the oral cavity, there remains an alkaline environment that does not allow harmful bacteria and microbes to linger there. The next day you can shorten this procedure and rinse every two hours, on the third day, respectively after three. The main thing is not to miss the moment when you realized that your throat is chilled and start treatment on time.

    There is one more tip: add a few drops of iodine to the salt solution, it also disinfects the oral cavity against the background of alkalis. But this advice can be used if you know firmly that you will not have an allergic reaction to iodine.

    We trust healing herbs

    Broth from herbs

    Safe rinsing is considered a rinse with broths of chamomile, sage, linden, eucalyptus, strawberry leaves. All these herbs successfully help in the treatment of angina. But do not overdo all these broths, choose a more suitable for you weed and apply, alternating with saline.

    Honey - panacea or source of allergy

    Honey rinse

    Those who do not have contraindications to the use of honey, you can prepare from it a rinse solution: one teaspoon of honey is added to the glass of warm water, everything is mixed and the throat rinses. You can cook this rinse on the basis of decoction from the leaves of plantain.

    Please note! Use honey in rare cases, as this is a strong allergen.

    Onion peel

    Onion peel for rinsing the throat

    Very good help onion husks. Take two onions, peel off the husk and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, simmer over a low heat for 10 minutes, cool to room temperature and use as a rinse. At all do not take this broth inside so as not to cause negative consequences.

    Broth of onion husk

    Beet is not only tasty, but also useful

    Use beet rinse, with the help of a juicer or in any way accessible to you, cook beet juice, pour into a glass of juice 1 tablespoon of vinegar, you can use apple. Do not touch the vinegar essence! Rinse your throat 5-6 times a day.

    Hydrogen Peroxide

    Hydrogen Peroxide

    If you often have tonsillitis, there is a very useful rinse recipe for a sore throat. For 1 cup of boiled, warm water, add 1 teaspoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide and rinse as often as possible. This is a very effective way to treat a cold throat.

    Furacilin tablets


    Doctors advise to use furacilin tablets for rinses, they will not harm your child and help in treatment. The effect of this drug can be equated to antibiotics.

    Please note! Despite the possession of a powerful antimicrobial property, furatsilin harmless to the body of the mother and her child, he provides invaluable help in getting rid of sore throat.

    Prepare 5 tablets of furatsilina for 1 liter of warm water, do not forget to grind them, so it will be easier for them to dissolve and mix thoroughly. Every time you rinse, pour a glass of solution and rinse your throat. You can additionally pour 1 spoonful of hydrogen peroxide into a glass of furatsilin solution.

    Garlic in rinse

    Garlic for treatment of throat

    Do not forget about garlic, it is simply irreplaceable in the treatment of any colds. But in our case we will use it only in rinses. Pour 2-3 cloves of garlic, pour a glass of warm water. Garlic should be infused for one hour, after which it can be used as a rinse, however, only if there is no individual intolerance to garlic, in this case, discard this recipe.

    During pregnancy, the expectant mother is responsible not only for herself and her health, but also for the life of her future child. With any discomfort, you should immediately contact your doctor who monitors your pregnancy. You can not do self-medication and hope that everything will be so simple, any decision taken on the use of a prescription should be discussed with the doctor, and you should not risk your pregnancy in vain.