
Why summer hair fall out - seasonal hair loss

  • Why summer hair fall out - seasonal hair loss

    All of us are waiting for the summer as a holiday. It is for this period that the majority of vacations, trips to the native Russian south and to hot countries occur.

    Finally, the waiting period has come to an end, you are happy to swim in the sea, sit in a deckchair by the pool, and then return home and admire the colleagues with a built-up figure and an even tan. Here only the head of hair for some reason began to thin out: combing in the morning, you with some anxiety find out on the crest of the bunches of fallen hair. It would seem, why in the summer hair fall out - in fact you have perfectly had a rest and perfectly feel you? There can be many reasons for this.

    About the causes of hair loss

    Hair and sun

    Consider them all in order.

    • Ignoring the headgear. If in winter most of the population is reluctant, but still wears a hat, realizing that otherwise one can get sick, in summer many walk with their heads uncovered. Why cover your head - it's warm? Indeed - the heat, sometimes even very hot. Sun rays mercilessly scorch your hair and scalp, damagingly affecting the hair follicles. To the high temperature of the environment is added the influence of ultraviolet radiation in unreasonable doses - and now the hair has faded and become brittle, and they have easily left your distressed head. And the next day it began to rain - on the one hand, it's nice, the air is damp, and on the other - how many chemical impurities fell on your hair along with rain drops! Previously it was considered useful to wash the head with rainwater - today it is rather a risk factor.
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    • A large number of foams and varnishes, fixing the hair. In the summer, all this overloads the hair, preventing hair from breathing.
    • Synthetic headwear. Under such a panama head skin preet, creating very uncomfortable conditions for the hair.
    • Means containing formaldehyde and alcohol. Use for hair care of such products, will further dry up the already suffering from a lack of moisture, hair. The same effect is produced by the chemical wave in the hot months - it is better to wait with a wave until the fall.
    Hair and seawater
    • Chlorinated pool water and sea salt. If you notice that your hair falls out badly, try after washing immediately wash your head with running water. Remember: in the winter after each session in the pool you wash your hair, why does it seem to you optional in the summer? The water in the open pools at the hotels is chlorinated no less than in the closed ones, which are in the sports complexes. And sea salt is useful in very moderate amounts: if it is not washed off from the hair, it will make them stiff, then fragile and, eventually, contribute to active loss.
    Weakened immunity
    • Weakened immunity and lack of vitamins. Of course, this sounds strange: weak immunity in the summer. But, if you think about it, it really is: during the vacation period, many people go on trips - explore new countries and cities, bask in overseas beaches. Long flights, unfamiliar climate - all this affects the health of the hair. They, too, like your body as a whole, require acclimatization. If you feel its effects no more than 2-3 days, then the hair will react to climate change more slowly and may start falling after returning home. Forget about the summer period about chocolates and cakes - lean on your own, native fruit, berries - this will strengthen the hair.
    • Stress. As in any other time of the year, in summer strong or chronic stress can become a trigger factor of hair loss. Just in the summer, when we often go with an uncovered head, it's much more noticeable. Recollect, whether there were recently at you strong( especially negative) experiences? Do not you feel depressed?

    Now that we have figured out the main reasons why hair fall out in the summer, let's try to help ourselves.

    Returns Hair beauty

    Hat from the sun

    First you need to buy a nice hat or light chiffon scarf - in short, the headgear that you especially goes. It is not necessary to wear it every day - enough to wear on hot days when baking the sun, or in the rain.

    Please note! You should get used to washing your hair properly - rinse it at the end of washing with cool, not hot water.

    Periodically, you need to make masks - for example, apply any vegetable oil to the hair( you can with the egg yolk).

    Please note! The burdock works particularly well - it was used by our great-grandmothers.

    You can cook from the bark of oak and onion husk broth, which, bringing to the density, rub into the hair and put on the hat. After 2 hours it should be washed off without shampoo - just water. In summer, parsley is available to all, from its shredded seeds, it also produces an excellent mask, which must be left on the head for the whole night. In the morning, rinse with plain water.

    Do not dry hair with a hairdryer

    Change your usual shampoo to a moisturizer. Throw before the fall away hair dryer and ironing for straightening. Before going out, apply an indelible conditioner to your hair with a good sunscreen. Reconsider your hairstyle: if you like to fasten the "ponytail" on the nape, refuse for a while from this hairstyle: maybe hair that no longer undergoes excessive tension and pressure will cease to fall out.

    Cut the tips of

    Specialists say that in summer, hair grows faster - so they do not have enough nutrition, they are more exposed to the drying effect of high temperatures. Often trim the tips, so that the hair is less curled.

    Do not forget about a good mood - even after experiencing a great grief or big troubles, do not let depression "eat" yourself - make yourself see around something joyous and good.

    If you follow these simple rules of care, then the hair will soon return to normal. They will fall out less, they will return to natural shine, softness and silky.

    Please note! If you notice that all the measures taken do not give the proper effect, and at the tips of the fallen hair, dark "bags" are visible - do not delay the visit to the doctor.

    Perhaps it's not about seasonal changes, but in some problems, for example, with the endocrine system. Then in time the begun inspection and treatment will promote preservation of health.

    Let your hair be strong and beautiful at any time of the year!