  • Hair loss treatment folk remedies

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    The density of the hair depends mainly on the thickness of the skin layer covering the head, in which the hair bulbs are located. With a thin fat layer, the hair is always thin.

    To increase this layer and give the hair nutrition, help such tools:

    1. Wash the head with bran broth. Take half a pound of bran for two glasses of water, give two times to boil, squeeze well and add this to the water for washing.

    2. Rub twice a week in the roots of the hair burdock oil with some perfume to soften the burdock odor. Wash your hair while doing this every week.

    3. Wash your head always with serum( a good Muslim remedy).If someone after the whey gets temporarily hard hair, then rinse them after washing with clean water.

    4. It is well strengthened hair with this lipstick: clean, interior, melted pork fat ( glass) is well wipe with a few drops of Peruvian balsam and this lipstick twice a week wipe the head.

    5. Very good means for growth and density of hair - this is rubbing the solution of tar. Do once a week.

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    6. Mix in half cologne and fresh cow's milk, with this compound, wipe the head, then dry and 5 minutes.comb with a rough brush, passing from the forehead to the nape, from the temples to the crown.

    7. From hair loss is very helpful in washing the head in infusion nettle. For a glass of boiling water take a teaspoon with the top dry dried nettle leaves, insist for 20 minutes.

    8. Rub on the scalp bulbous or birch juice with alcohol or cognac and decoction of the burdock root. This same agent is good for hair growth.

    For plentiful dandruff, it is necessary to wipe the skin on the head with a mixture of castor oil and purified kerosene in equal parts two times a week.

    9. Cut your hair when the moon is waning - you can not. The old Russian sign, but proven many times.

    These are the recommendations of Dr. O. Morozova.

    Specialist in folk medicine VK Totrov advises with hair loss, dandruff and itch of scalp the following remedies:

    1. Creeping thyme grass - 30 g, willow bark - 30 g, bark of oak - 15

    The bark of oak and willow must be kept in water for 6-8 hours, then the collection is boiled in 1 liter of water for 15 minutes. Strain and rub in the head 2 times a day with alopecia.

    2. For six weeks a day shave his head and rub one week with onion juice, another - juice of garlic.

    4. The bark and rhizomes of the willow, burdock roots are equal parts.4 tablespoons of raw material boil for 3-5 minutes.in 1 liter of water.

    Wash your head with a decoction three times a week.

    5. Leaves of nettle and coltsfoot - 3 tablespoons boil in 1 liter of water for 6 minutes, drain.

    Three times a week, wash your head with this decoction.

    6. Hop Hops - 1 piece, burdock roots - 2 pieces, heather grass - 2 pieces, nettle stinging - 2 pieces.7 tablespoons of raw material boil for 5 minutes.in 1 liter of water, drain.

    Wash your hair three times a week.

    7. Willow bark - 20 g, burdock roots large - 20 g. Boil in 1 liter of water for 15 minutes, strain, wash your hair three times a week.

    Folk medicine knows that walnut helps to strengthen hair, so you need to eat 3-5 nuts every day.

    8. Seborrheic eczema is successfully treated with orange crusts, , which are applied overnight to diseased areas.

    9. Ordinary eczema: Take 1 tablespoon of burdock root and dandelion, harvested and dried in autumn. In the evening, pour 600 ml of cold boiled water, boil for 10 minutes in the morning.

    Take 4-5 times a day for 120 ml.

    Well-known physician PM Kurennoe offers original folk remedies for dandruff and for hair rinsing:

    Remedy for removing dandruff

    Dandruff, or moulting, is especially common among villagers. It is also known as the scab. Dandruff is painless, but unpleasant. In each locality they get rid of it in their own way.

    A. Collect herb whole-leaf grass. Grass after harvesting it( always in the dry days of June - July) is carefully dried somewhere under the roof of the shed or even better in the attic. Further brand all-leaved tongue is pounded in a mortar and powder mixed with melted cow butter so that an ointment is formed. She is plastered with a head, tie the last with some kind of handkerchief or clean cloth. Lubricate once a day, doing this until the dandruff disappears. After a day or two, wash the head with warm water. If there is a lot of hair on the head, then washing can be done with soap. But use soaps need very little.

    Take the grass of the ordinary Blackheads and make a decoction of it. This decoction in a warm form is washed head twice or three times a day. After washing, do not wipe the head until dry, but leave it damp.

    Anti-dandruff remedy for dry hair

    The following substances are taken for the preparation of this remedy: cinchona crust - 10,0, wine alcohol - 100,0, rose oil - two or three drops, castor oil - a teaspoon.

    Ingredients should be rubbed into the scalp once a day. Treatment continues until the disappearance of dandruff.

    Anti-dandruff remedy for oily hair

    This medicine contains the following substances: sulphate quinine - 2.0, lactic sulfur - 1.0, Peruvian balsam - 3.0, American petroleum jelly - 30.0, butter of orange flowers - five drops.

    The way of using this ointment is the same as in the previous recipe.

    Folk remedy for dandruff

    Take the roots of burdock, put in a cauldron filled with water at your discretion. Put on the stove. Boil until boiling, so that the roots are sated, and the water boils out a little. Cool the broth and strain through a rag, drain, and roots discard.(The roots of burdock should be freezed during preparation, in this form they are fit for a new collection, but in heat they rot).

    This broth soaks the head every day, which leads to hair softening. Dandruff is destroyed, and hair grows quite quickly.

    Folk remedy for hair loss

    Rub onion juice with cognac and decoction of roots of burdock. Very good tool. One part of cognac should be taken four parts of onion juice and six parts of decoction of roots of burdock. For the same purpose, peasants often rub their heads with a cut onion and rub the kerosene with good quality.


    A. Beat fresh egg with a small amount of water and add a pinch of royal borax. This wash your hair.

    B. Melt half a ounce of good soap in four ounces of cologne and add half an ounce of distilled water. Keep container tightly closed.

    1. Burdock large ( roots) - 15 t, St. John's wort perforated ( grass) - 15 g, tripartite stripe ( grass) - 15 g, immortelle sandy ( flowers) - 10t, chamomile pharmacy 10 g, corn stalks with stigmas - 10 g, tansy ( flowers) - 10 g, aralia Manchurian ( roots) - 15 g.

    For infusion take 10 g of raw material, pour 1 glass of hot water andkeep in sealed enamel ware in a water bath for 15 minutes, cool for 45 minutes, remove the remaining raw materials andthe volume of the resulting broth to bring boiled water to the original.

    Use 1/3 - 1/2 cup infusion over 30 minutes.before meals 3 times a day for the treatment of alopecia,

    2. Yarrow common ( juice).Fresh juice mixed with olive oil in a ratio of 1:10 is effective for furunculosis, cutaneous tuberculosis and severe hair loss. Dressings change once a day.

    3. Bulb onion ( juice). 1 part cognac, 4 parts of filtered juice, 6 parts of broth roots of burdock. Rub into the scalp. Cover the head with a towel to warm for 2 hours, then wash. Repeat weekly.

    4. Onion ( juice).Rub onion juice with cognac and strong condensed broth of burdock roots. For 1 part of cognac take 4 parts of onion juice and 6 parts of broth of burdock roots. It is considered a good tool among the people.

    From dandruff:

    1. Nettle, ( leaves).100 g of crushed nettle leaves cook for 30 minutes.in 0,5 l of table vinegar and 0,5 l of water, strain, cool. It is recommended for washing hair and rub in the roots of hair.

    2. Nettle nettle ( leaves) - 20 g, leaves of coltsfoot - 30 g, rhizomes of ara - 30 g.

    6 tablespoons of the mixture boil for 10 minutes.in 1 liter of water, wrap up for 1 hour warmer, cool, drain. Broth wash your hair 3 times a week for dandruff and hair loss.

    3. Willow white ( bark) - 20 g, burdock root - 20 g.

    4 tablespoons of the mixture boiling for 15 minutes.in 1 liter of water, cool and strain. Rub into the scalp with hair loss, with dandruff and itching of the head.

    4. Thyme creeping ( grass) - 20 g, willow bark - 20 g, oak bark - 20 g.

    4 tablespoons of the mixture boiling for 15 minutes.in 1 liter of water, cool, drain. Rub into the scalp with hair loss, dandruff and itching of the skin.

    5. When itching the head, oily skin and dandruff, it is useful to rub a mixture of 10 g birch tar, 20 ml castor oil and 100 ml alcohol. You need to rub the mixture a few hours before washing your hair.

    1. Nettle nettle ( leaves).100 g of crushed leaves pour 0,5 l of the dining room vinegar and 0.5 liters of water and cook for 30 minutes, when it cools down, squeeze. Broth wash your hair before going to bed without soap. Bulgarian recipe.

    2. Bow onion ( juice).Take a small head of onions, peel it, grate it, wrap it in gauze, folded several times. Rub into the scalp. After a few hours, rinse and rinse your head. It is advisable to shave shorter at the same time. After several procedures, dandruff disappears, itching disappears, hair strengthens, hair color is restored, hair becomes elastic, soft.

    The procedure is carried out every other day. The course of treatment can be continued for 3-4 weeks.

    3. Seabuckthorn buckthorn ( fruits, leaves).2 tablespoons of fruits and leaves brew 2 cups of boiling water, insist 2-4 hours in a tightly closed container, drain. Drink 150 ml 2 times a day before meals in the morning and evening. Rub into the scalp for a night every day.

    Infusion of fruits and leaves is consumed orally and externally as a means of strengthening hair in baldness.

    4. Onion ( juice).Rub onion juice with cognac and strong condensed broth of burdock roots. On 1 part of cognac it is necessary to take 4 parts of onion juice and 6 parts of broth of roots of a burdock.

    5. Castor oil. Mix the oil evenly with 96% alcohol. Rub with a swab in the scalp. After 3-4 hours wash the head with baby or lanolin soap. Rinse with acidified water. Acidified water is done like this: in the water for rinsing squeeze juice 1/2 lemon or 1-2 tablespoons of vinegar.

    6. St. John's wort ( grass).1 tablespoon chopped herbs pour 0.5 liters of vodka and insist for a week. Store in a tightly closed bottle. It is used for rubbing into the scalp 1-2 times a week in order to strengthen and improve hair.

    7. Honey natural. In boiled water, slightly warm - no more than 40-50 ° C add honey: 1 liter of water 2 tablespoons. This water moisten the head or rub into the scalp 2 times a week. Strengthens hair and promotes their growth. 8. Air marsh ( rhizome) - 20 g, burdock ( root) - 20 g, marigolds ( flowers) - 10 g, hops ( fruits) - 15 g.

    Mix the brew in 1l boiling water, leave for 2 hours and drain.

    Wet your head for the night with hair loss.

    1. Hair loss( alopecia) - 1% solution of mummy( 1 g per 100 ml of water) on infusion of burdock and mint. A mixture of 50% burdock root and 50% mint.1 tbsp. Spoon the mixture into a glass of boiling water to brew like tea.1 times a day rubbed into the scalp.

    2. Burning alopecia - 3 g of mummy per 150 ml of water. Add 150 g of distilled water. The solution should be rubbed into the hearth once a day.

    1. The grass( branches) of juniper.

    This grass should be mixed equally with birch leaves. Handful of the mixture boil in 3 liters of water for 5 minutes. Wrap for an hour warmer. With this decoction wash your hair and rinse. Strengthens the hair.

    2. Onions.

    Take a small onion head, peel it, grate it, crush the into the gauze folded into the several times. Rub into the scalp. After a few hours, rinse, rinse your head. It is advisable to cut shorter at the same time. After several procedures, dandruff disappears, itching disappears, hair strengthens, the color is restored, the hair becomes supple, soft.

    3. Onion juice.

    Rub onion juice with cognac and strong condensed broth of burdock roots. One part of cognac should be taken 4 parts of onion juice and 6 parts of the decoction of burdock roots. It is considered a good tool among the people.

    4. Sea-buckthorn crustaceans.

    Infusion of fruits and leaves is consumed orally and externally as a means to strengthen hair in baldness.

    2 tablespoons of fruit and leaves to brew 2 cups of boiling water, insist 2-4 hours in a tightly closed container, drain. Drink 150 ml 2 times a day before meals in the morning and evening. Rub into the scalp for a night every day.

    5. Castor oil.

    Castor oil mixed equally with 96-degree alcohol. Rub with a cotton swab into the scalp. After 3-4 hours wash the head with baby or lanolin soap. Rinse with acidified water. Acidified water is done this way: in the rinse water, squeezed juice 1/2 lemon or 1-2 tablespoons of vinegar.

    6. Burdock root.

    A mixture of 20 g of burdock per 200 ml of water cook on low heat until half the original volume, so that the broth was thickened. Then mix it in half with pork or interior fat by heating, pour into a pot, close the lid, cover with dough and put in the oven or oven for several hours. After the cooled thickened mass drain the water, if it is. Ointment is a good remedy for hair growth. It is even better to lubricate the scalp with fresh burdock juice. Dig up roots, rinse quickly with cold water. Very quickly grate and squeeze the juice. Do this quickly because the grated root is very quickly oxidized in the air and darkens. This juice can be preserved with alcohol. When rubbing this juice should be diluted in half with water. Rub 2-3 times a week.

    7. Birch is white. Decoction of birch leaves is washed head with hair loss.

    8. Nettles are dioecious.

    With increased sebum, dandruff, hair loss, it is recommended after washing the head and drying the hair, rub the nettle leaves into the scalp: brew a tablespoon of leaves with a glass of boiling water, insist 1.5 hours, drain. Apply once a week for a long time.

    9. Nettles.

    100 g of crushed leaves pour 0.5 liters of water and 0.5 liters of vinegar. Cook for 30 minutes. When it cools, squeeze. With this decoction, wash your hair in the evening before going to bed without soap.

    10. Kostyanka.

    The whole plant with a root. Decoction of plants with a root is washed with a head for dandruff and for hair rascheniya.

    11. Chernogolovka common.

    3 tablespoons of herbs boil for 10 minutes in a closed liter container. Insist, wrapped, 4 hours, strain. Use for washing your head for dandruff and for baths and washing in inflammatory processes. Decoction of herbs is considered an effective tool for dandruff.

    12. Wormwood of Chernobyl.

    Broth of Chernobyl, if you wash your face twice a day, promotes the growth of hair( beard) on your face.

    13. Collection number 1.Thyme - 20 g. Willow bark - 20 g. Bark of oak - 20 g.

    4 tablespoons of the mixture boil for 15 minutes in one liter of water. Cool, filter. Rub into the scalp with alopecia.

    14. Collection number 2.Willow bark - 20 g. Burdock root - 20 g. 4 tablespoons boil in one liter of water. Cool, filter. Rub into the scalp with hair loss, dandruff and luda skin.

    15. Collection number 3.Rhizome root is 20 g. Burdock root - 20 g. Marigold flowers - 20 g. Hops cones - 20 g.

    Mix the brew in one liter of boiling water. Insist 2 hours, strain. Wet your head at night with hair loss.

    16. Collection No. 4. Leaves of nettle - 30 g. Leaves of coltsfoot - 30 g. Rhizomes of calamus - 30 g. 6 tablespoons of mixture boil 10 minutes in one liter of water. Wrap for one hour warmer. When it cools down, drain it. Broth wash your hair three times a week for dandruff and hair loss.

    17. Lemon and vinegar.

    Rinse your hair several times with warm water with the addition of natural lemon juice or table vinegar: for one liter of water, 2 teaspoons of lemon juice or 2 tablespoons of vinegar.

    1. Never wash your head with hot water, only moderately warm.

    2. Never wash your head with tap water. Be sure to boil, soften it, make a decoction of herbs for washing your head.

    3. Keep your head from the cold, so as not to chill the roots of hair, protect from heat and sun.

    4. In hair loss, baldness, it is useful to systematically consume seabuckthorn berries or drink a decoction of young branches and wash the head with this decoction. It is good after washing to rub in the head sea buckthorn oil - 2 times a week.

    5. Grass( branches) of juniper mixed equally with birch leaves. Handful of the mixture boil in 3 liters of water for 5 minutes. Wrap for an hour warmer. With this broth wash your hair and rinse. Strengthens the hair.

    6. Onions. Take a small head of onions, peel it, grate it, wrap it in gauze, folded several times. Rub into the scalp. After a few hours, rinse and rinse your head. It is advisable to cut shorter at the same time. After several procedures, dandruff disappears, itching disappears, hair strengthens, hair color is restored, hair becomes elastic, soft.

    7. Onion juice. Rub onion juice with cognac and a strong, brothed broth of burdock roots. One part of cognac should be taken 4 parts of onion juice and 6 parts of broth of burdock roots. It is considered a good tool among the people.

    8. Burdock root. A mixture of 20 grams of burdock per 200 g of water cook on low heat to half the original volume, so that the broth was thickened. Then mix it in half with pork interior fat by heating, pour into a pot, close the lid, cover with dough and place in an oven or oven for several hours. After the cooled thickened mass drain the water, if it is. Ointment is a good remedy for hair growth. It is even better to lubricate the scalp with fresh burdock juice. Dig up roots, rinse quickly with cold water. Very quickly grate and squeeze the juice. Do this quickly because the grated root is very quickly oxidized in the air and darkens. This juice can be preserved with alcohol 1: 1.When rubbing this juice should be diluted in half with water. Rub 2-3 times a week.

    9. Castor oil mixed equally with 96-degree alcohol. Rub with a swab in the scalp. After 3-4 hours wash the head with baby or lanolin soap. Rinse with acidified water. Acidified water is done as follows: in water for rinsing squeeze juice 1/2 lemon or add 1-2 tablespoons of vinegar.

    10. Collect No. 1. Thyme - 20 g, willow bark - 20 g, bark of oak - 20 g.

    4 tablespoons of the mixture boil for 15 minutes in 1 liter of water. Cool, filter. Rub into the scalp with hair loss, dandruff and itching of the skin.

    11. Collection № 2. Willow bark - 20 g, burdock root - 20 g.

    4 tablespoons of the mixture boil for 15 minutes in 1 liter of water. Cool, filter. Rub into the scalp with hair loss, dandruff and itching of the skin.

    12. Gathering No. 3. Nettle leaves - 30 g, leaves of coltsfoot - 30 g, rhizomes of calamus - 20 g.

    6 tablespoons of the mixture boil 10 minutes in 1 liter of water. Wrap for 1 hour warmer. When it cools down, drain it. Broth wash your hair 3 times a week for dandruff and hair loss.

    13. In boiled water, slightly warm - no more than 40-50 ° C, add honey: 1 liter of water 2 tablespoons. This water moisten the head or rub into the scalp 2 times a week. Strengthens hair and promotes their growth.

    14. Wormwood of Chernobyl. Broth of Chernobyl, if you wash your face twice a day, promotes the growth of hair( beard) on your face.

    15. Rinse your hair several times with warm water: for 1 liter of water, 2 teaspoons of lemon juice or 2 tablespoons of vinegar.

    16. Chernogolovka common.3 tablespoons of herbs boil for 10 minutes in a closed liter container. Insist, wrapped, 4 hours, strain. Use to wash your head for dandruff and for baths and washings in inflammatory skin processes. Decoction of herbs is considered an effective tool for dandruff.

    17. Kostyanika, the whole plant with a root. Decoction of plants with a root is washed with a head for dandruff and for hair rascheniya.

    18. Nettle.100 g of crushed leaves pour 0.5 liters of water and 0.5 liters of vinegar. Cook for 30 minutes. When it cools, squeeze. With this decoction, wash your hair before going to bed without soap. Bulgarian recipe.

    19. Decoction of birch leaves is washed head with hair loss.

    20. With increased sebum, dandruff, hair loss, it is recommended that after washing the head and drying out the hair, rub the nettle leaves into the scalp( a tablespoon of leaves should be brewed with a glass of boiling water, infused for 1.5 hours, filtered.) Apply once a week for a long time.

    21. Sea buckthorn is crushed. Infusion of fruits and leaves is consumed orally and externally as a means to strengthen hair in baldness( 2 table spoons of fruits and leaves brew 2 cups of boiling water, insist 2-4 hours in a tightly closed container, strain.) Drink 150 ml 2 times daily before mealsmorning and evening, rub into the scalp for the night on a daily basis).

    22. The following collection is also used:

    rhizome aira - 20 g, burdock root - 20 g, marigold flowers - 10 g, cones hops - 15 g. Mix brew 1 liter of boiling water, insist 2 hours, strain. Wet your head at night with hair loss.

    In order to keep the scalp and hair clean for the severely ill, a short haircut is recommended. Hair should be washed at least once a week, and a febrile patient with heavy sweating 1 time in 5 days. It is better to wash your head with spermaceti, lanolin or baby toilet soap. Household soap to wash hair, head and body is not recommended. After washing, wipe the hair with a dry and soft towel. Comb your hair every day. Long hair for women must braid in braids. The comb for combing the hair should be sparse, with blunt teeth.

    It is better not to use a comb, but a massage brush, as when combing her hair, the blood circulation of the scalp improves.

    The patient should have a comb, a brush, a towel. Use other people's toilet items is unacceptable.

    At all times, thick, fluffy, soft, shiny hair of a pleasant shade was the dream of every woman. And the luxurious hair of Veronica - the faithful friend of the ancient Greek astronomer Ptolemy will forever remain in the memory of mankind in the name of the distant constellation. ..

    Not all, however, are awarded this gift by nature. Most often, hair is a lot of trouble. After all, beautiful hair is the result of good health, full nutrition, the right way of life.

    Very often, problems with hair are caused by a deficiency in the body of a micronutrient. For example, as a result of lack of iron and copper, the hair becomes brittle, brittle, and split. The lack of these trace elements contributes to the fact that the hair grow dull, gray hair appears.

    As you remember, stone oil is rich in trace elements. This is what explains its beneficial effect on the hair.

    Of course, to make up for the lack of trace elements in the body, the stone oil is used inside as a solution. But, in addition, the stone oil solution can also be applied externally - rubbed into the scalp after washing.

    By the way, the indispensable condition for the beauty of hair is proper care, and its basis is cleanliness. How often should I wash my hair? There is no unambiguous answer to this question: to determine some strict regime of washing the head - say, once every 7 or 10 days - is pointless. There is one universal rule that I myself adhere to: the hair needs to be washed when they become dirty.

    Before you start washing your hair, you need to comb it with a brush. The head is well moistened with water. Our grandmothers used to wash their hair well, usually using rain or snow water. In our time, environmental disasters do this, of course, should not be. It is better to add to the hard tap water to soften a bit of borax or baking soda, usually 1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water. The water must be warm. The shampoo is diluted with water, then applied to the hair and rubbed with massage movements, adding a little water to form a plentiful foam. If the hair is not very dirty, then the second time to wash them with shampoo should not be. Then head thoroughly rinse.

    For the last rinse it is useful to use cool water - this will cause the blood to flow to the scalp and make the hair shiny. After washing, it is advisable to dry hair with a towel.

    Now you can apply a solution of rock oil( 3 grams per 2 liters of water).The solution is rubbed, massaging the scalp. After washing, dry your hair outdoors.

    After a few such procedures you will feel their positive effect: the hair will become soft and shiny. And with the regular use of stone oil, they will become a real decoration.

    Required: 1 tbsp.l.red wine, 2 tbsp.l.cream, 1/2 tsp.oil from germinated wheat.

    Method of preparation. Combine the cream with the wine and mix well. Pour in the same oil from the germinated wheat( the latter can be replaced by olive or vegetable).Mix the mixture thoroughly until smooth.

    How to use. Apply to damp, clean hair, rubbing it gently into the scalp, rinse with warm water after 15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with a towel,

    Requires: 1/3 cup red wine, 1/4 cup birch( onion) juice, 70 g of decoction of the burdock root

    Method of preparation Fresh birch sap can be replaced with an equal amount of onion juice. Take it through the meat grinder or grate on the grater and squeeze the juice through the folded gauze several times. Mix it with red winem and decoction of the burdock

    How to use: Rub the prepared formula into the scalp 1-2 times a week before washing your hair, if necessary, store the medicinal product in a cool, dark place, tightly closed

    Required: 1 teaspoon honey, 50 g red wine, 1 garlic clove

    Preparation: Honey mix with grated garlic, add red wine.

    Method of use. The resulting juice rub into the roots of hair, wash off not earlier than in half an hour. This mask should be applied to damp, clean hair.

    Mustard mask for hair growth:

    Mix two tablespoons of powder with two tablespoons of vegetable oil. Then add 2 teaspoons of sugar and a little water. You can add egg yolk. Everything, the mask is ready!
    We put mustard on the scalp, try not to apply the mask to the tips of the hair, because the mustard dries the hair. To protect the tips, I lubricate them with olive oil for the duration of this procedure. We wrap the head first with a plastic cap and then with a towel. We keep the mask for about half an hour, if you can endure more - it will only be better. I wash off the mask with shampoo, you can wash it off and just with warm water.

    Hair growth mask with ginger and oil:

    What you need: one tablespoon of sesame oil( can be replaced with the same amount of jojoba oil) and one tablespoon of finely chopped or grated fresh ginger.
    How to use: mix ginger and oil well to make a homogeneous mixture. Apply it to the scalp and rub it gently, but with vigorous massage movements. Keep the mask for about half an hour. After this, rinse your hair thoroughly with warm water.

    Stimulating hair growth mask with honey and onion

    What you need: finely grated onions and good honey. The recommended proportion is one to four: for one piece of honey, take four pieces of onions.

    How to use: the mask is applied to the scalp and gently rubbed into the roots of the hair. Keep it for 40-45 minutes. After that, rinse well with warm water. It is advisable not to use shampoo or take the most mild shampoo, intended for daily use.

    Infusion with growth effect for all hair types

    What you need: one tablespoon of a mixture of medicinal herbs( one part of chamomile, one part of yarrow, one part of sage, one part of celandine).

    How to cook: take half a liter of boiling water, pour a mixture of herbs, cover with a lid or a plate and insist 30-45 minutes.

    How to use: cool the resulting infusion, strain it. Rub it into the scalp or rinse your head after washing your hair.

    Requires: for 1/2 cup of vodka and milk.

    Method of preparation. Mix the milk with the vodka.

    How to use. Wipe the scalp, then dry the hair with a towel and massage lightly with a special hair brush.

    Hair loss remedy

    Required: 1/2 cup vodka and birch juice, 50 g burdock roots, 250 ml water.

    Method of preparation. Root the burdock with boiling water and boil for 15 minutes, cool, strain. Add the remaining ingredients to the broth.

    How to use. Rub the mixture into the scalp once a week.

    This product is effective not only with hair loss, but also to stimulate their growth, gives hair shine and softness.

    For weak hair, massage with sea salt is very suitable.

    Wash your head with shampoo. Apply a little wet sea salt to the scalp. Put your thumbs on your temples, and with the pads of the other fingers, massage the entire head in a circular motion from the periphery to the center. Then put the thumbs under the ear lobes and continue the massage on the back of the head to the center of the head. Now put the palm of the left hand on the forehead, the right - behind the neck, gradually move them towards the top of the head. So you need to rub the salt for 10-15 minutes, and then thoroughly wash the hair. The course is 5-7 times for 2 weeks.

    Citrus juices strengthen and stimulate hair growth.

    This is a very convenient way of hair cleansing, if for some reason you can not or do not want to wash them with water. Dry shampoo is ideal for all types of hair. It cleanses the hair of dirt and sebum. For the preparation of dry shampoo, prepare the following components:

    50 g. Violet root;

    25 grams of semolina or rice flour;

    10 drops of lemon essential oil;

    10 g of essential oil of neroli( oil of orange flowers).

    In a large bowl, mix the violet root and semolina or rice flour. For flavoring in the mixture, add the essential oil, as it should mix everything. Keep in a tightly closed jar.

    How to use? Tilt your head, comb the hair forward and, starting from the neck, rub a small amount of mixture into the head.

    Brush the natural bristles carefully comb the hair, distributing the mixture evenly over the entire head. Throw back the hair and remove the remaining grains of the mixture. Hair will become clean, soft and fragrant.

    50 g of sugar;

    250 ml of boiling water;

    30 ml( 2 tablespoons) of old beer;

    - 15 drops of lemon essential oil or neroli oil.

    Melt the sugar in boiling water and leave to cool. Add beer and essential oil( this is important for removing the smell of beer).

    Apply to wet or damp hair. The lotion can also be used when laying hair on curlers. The remaining liquid is stored in a plastic bottle with a nebulizer and spray on the hair in between wash your head or with repeated hair styling.

    This product will help to strengthen the overdried and split hair. Take:

    50 g of coconut oil;

    50 g of cocoa butter;

    30 ml( 2 tablespoons) of almond oil; .15 drops of essential oil neroli.

    In a small saucepan, melt coconut oil with cocoa butter, then remove from heat and pour almond oil. When the mixture is slightly cool, add the essential oil of Neroli.

    Apply a small amount of this mixture to the dry ends of the hair, leave for 20 minutes, and then rinse your head thoroughly. The cream can also be used as an intensive nutrient for hair care. Simply rub, massaging, in the hair and scalp, cover the head with a towel to keep the heat and leave for 20 minutes. Then wash your hair with shampoo.

    After washing it is very useful to rinse hair with a little water with lemon juice. They will become beautiful and silky. This is the simplest recipe for rinsing. But there are others.

    Rinser for straight and soft hair Prepare herbal infusion: 15 g( 1 tablespoon) of rosemary leaves pour 1 glass of hot water. Allow to brew for 15 minutes, strain and add the juice of 1 lemon and 30 ml( 2 tablespoons) of strong beer. Stir well and apply to hair.

    For herbal infusion, take 15 ml( 1 tablespoon) of mint leaves, 15 ml of leaves of rosemary and juice of one lemon. Pour 300 ml( 1 cup) of hot water. Leave to infuse for 15 minutes, then strain.

    Rinser for light hair Mix freshly squeezed juice of 2 lemons with water in equal amounts. Apply to damp hair, comb and leave for 15-20 minutes, then rinse.

    Pour 100 grams of dried chamomile flowers 500 ml of boiling water. Let it brew for half an hour and rinse your hair - they will become soft and shiny.15 g( 1 tablespoon) saffron pour a glass of hot water. Let it brew, strain.

    Conditioner for dark hair

    Mix 1 cup of strong black coffee with freshly squeezed lemon juice, apply on clean hair and leave for 30 minutes, then rinse.

    Mix 2 egg yolks, 1 egg whites, 1 teaspoon of honey, juice of one lemon and 5 ml of vegetable oil. Massage into the scalp, wrap with a towel, hold for 10 minutes and then rinse thoroughly.

    If from the wrong coloration or discoloration you have thinning hair and their tips are split, the matter can be corrected. Buy vitamin A in the pharmacy-for oral administration, trim the ends of the hair carefully, and rub the mixture of lemon juice( 2 teaspoons) with castor or burdock oil( also 2 teaspoons) regularly into the scalp.

    If the hair is dry, after washing, rinse them with nettle infusion( 500 grams of dry herbs brew in 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist, strain).And in fatty hair, half an hour before washing, rub a mixture of lemon juice, aloe juice or agave, honey( all - 1 teaspoonful), yolk of one egg and 1 mashed clove of garlic.

    Helps stop hair loss and get rid of dandruff. Ancient recipes recommend rubbing the scalp with lemon juice - it is believed that it is enough to do this several times to stop the irritation of the scalp and the associated itching.

    Mix 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, 1 aloe leaf, 1 onion juice, 1 egg yolk, 1 tablespoon of castor oil( you can add 1 tablespoon of henna) and rub into the scalp for an hour or two before washing( plaited hair with a handkerchief)Rinse with warm water with baby soap( it is not recommended to use shampoo in this recipe).Carry out this procedure once a week. Duration of treatment is several months. It's also good to massage the scalp with this solution.

    With diluted orange juice or lemon juice, you can lubricate hair when winding them on curlers.

    In winter, our hair especially needs additional moisturizing and nourishment. Try to help them, from time to time using a special mask.1 tablespoon of wheat grains, grind, add 15 g of olive or refined sunflower oil, heat on fire. Apply on hair and scalp. Wrap for 10 minutes with a towel, then rinse the mask with water acidified with lemon juice( but not with acid).Do this procedure once a week, it helps hair regain lost keratin, gives them shine.

    If the hair begins to fall out intensely after pregnancy, do this mask for a month: peel 2 onions and 1 head of garlic, chop it in a mortar, add 2 teaspoons of lemon juice to the mixture, salt on the tip of the knife. To repel the smell of garlic and onions, drip a few spirits into the mixture. Apply the mask to the scalp, after 1-2 hours wash it and rinse the head with 1-2 liters of water with 1 lemon juice.

    The unique biological complex of aloe juice helps to keep healthy hair in excellent condition, strengthen weak, needing support, and restore the structure of damaged hair.

    Hair conditioner: 100 ml of juice is mixed with 0.5 liters of grape dry wine, it is insisted for 2-3 days, periodically whirring. Rub the remedy into the scalp - this is not only a therapeutic measure with the already begun hair loss, but also preventive.

    Recipe for the care of weak brittle hair and for combating hair loss: 1 tablespoon of sliced ​​aloe leaves( it is better to take biostimulated raw materials) should be boiled in 0.5 l of water for 10 minutes. Cool the scalp with cold solution. Repeat these procedures every evening for a month.

    Required: 1/2 cup of beer, 1 tbsp.l.herb Leonurus, 1 tbsp.l.herbs of violet tricolor, 1 glass of vegetable oil.

    Method of preparation. Grass the herb with vegetable oil and beer, let it brew for 12 hours. Heat the mixture in a water bath for 30 minutes. Then strain.

    How to use. Oil rub into the scalp 2-3 times a week. The course of treatment is 10-12 procedures. If necessary, you can repeat it after 3 weeks. The oil is used as a remedy for dandruff and for strengthening hair.

    Required: 1 cup of beer, 1 raw egg yolk, 1 st.l.tinctures of calendula.

    Method of preparation and use. Mix the yolk with marigold tincture and beer and apply the mixture on the hair. Tie your head with a handkerchief or wrap it with cellophane. After 20 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water. This procedure is carried out at least once a month. The mask gives hair a lively shine and beauty and prevents the appearance of dandruff.

    Hair loss is often confused with their breaking. In order to understand what exactly happens to your hair, take the fallen hair and carefully examine it from two sides, if necessary - under the magnifying glass. If the end of the hair has a thickening( hair bulb), then this hair really fell out. If there are no bulbs on the fallen hair, it means that the hair just broke and you are holding in his hands just his broken piece. In the same way, check a few more hairs, since hair loss can be combined with their breaking. In contrast to breaking the hair, which is usually caused by improper care, the basis for hair loss can lie a lot of reasons.

    According to the latest data, normally the amount of hair loss should be no more than 35-40 pieces per day( with thick hair - up to 100 pieces).

    You can also do the following test: take a strand of about 15 hairs and pull more hard in the root area;you have more than 3 hairs left in your hand, which means that your hair really falls heavily.

    Without carrying out this test and not counting the hairs, you can also focus on your own observations: once you notice that you have more hair on your comb than usual, it's time to see a doctor. However, if you have had short hair before, and now you have long hair, the amount of hair loss may seem more to you than usual - due to the increase in the volume of hair loss. Although in fact, hair can fall out at you all in the same amount.

    Reinforced hair loss can be the result of improper hair care - too frequent use of hairdryers and other types of hot styling, frequent painting and chemical additives( especially if low-quality chemical hair colors are used or they are kept on the hair longer than the time required), prolonged and frequent stays oncold without a hat. On the other hand, hair often falls out due to failures in the whole body, for example, due to a lack of certain trace elements( iron, zinc, etc.), a deficiency of protein foods, vitamins.

    Other causes of hair loss include hormonal imbalance, the reaction of the body to certain medicines, surgery with general anesthesia( hair falls out 3-4 months after the operation), chemical, radiation, industrial poisoning, skin diseases of the head, long-term chronic diseases(for example, intestinal dysbacteriosis), the influence of the atmosphere of industrial cities and megacities.

    Only a trichologist can receive a comprehensive treatment. The doctor will tell you how to normalize the food, prescribe the intake of certain dietary supplements and vitamins. External hair treatment may include the use of nourishing, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, exfoliating, antiseborrhic drugs, as well as vasodilating and antiandrogenic agents. They will help restore hair and improve their growth. Massage of the scalp and physiotherapy procedures may be recommended. In the treatment of hair loss is widely used mesotherapy - a method in which the skin at a shallow depth with a very thin needle injected the drug. The composition of the drug depends on the problem that caused hair loss, but there are universal prescriptions. Also used are various medical masks.

    As an additional( but not basic!) Methods of treating hair loss after consultation with your doctor, you can use home-made products. All of the following are applied to clean hair, wet after washing.

    1. One or two bags of colorless henna( depending on the length of hair) should be poured into a nonmetallic container. Henna pour a small amount of very hot water, almost boiling water. Stir henna until a slurry is obtained by brushing the hair. Take one ampoule of vitamin B6, open and pour into the mixture. Stir the mixture again. Allow the mixture to cool slightly to make it pleasantly warm.

    2. Apply the mixture to clean damp hair along the entire length. Massage your skin.

    3. Put a cellophane cap on your head.

    4. Top with a towel. Leave the mixture on the hair for 15-40 minutes.

    5. Wash your head with warm water.

    This mask can be done 2 times a week for 1 month.

    Mask with burdock oil Mix 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar or lemon juice, 1 teaspoon honey and 1 egg yolk( with fatty hair is not used yolk, and the whole egg).

    Warm up in a water bath, stirring until the mixture is warm. Remove from heat, add 3 tablespoons burdock oil. Apply to the scalp and massage. Wear a cellophane cap, top with a towel. Wait 1 hour, then wash off the mask with shampoo.

    During life, almost every woman faces this or that hair problem: they can cut, break, fall out, dandruff and other troubles may appear.

    A number of difficulties of this kind can be eliminated by cosmetic means. For example, it is enough to pamper your hair with balm, temporarily stop using dyeing, and less often use a hairdryer - and your hair literally comes to life, becomes shiny, silky, dense. However, if the cause of the hair problem lies somewhere inside the body, then you can, on the contrary, miss the precious time and waste money on cosmetic products. Therefore, if you have any troubles with your hair or scalp, immediately consult a trichologist. Such a doctor works in medical centers and specializes precisely in such problems. Diagnosis occurs in several stages.

    The first step in the diagnosis is talking with the patient about complaints, the duration of the disease, the nature of its course, the presence of the same in relatives, etc. The second step is a visual examination of the hair and scalp.

    The third step is computer microscopy, which allows you to learn all about the condition of the hair follicle, the functioning of the sebaceous gland, etc. If it is a question of increased hair loss, then a trichogram is done - several dozen hairs( ideally 100 pieces) are taken for analysis and examined in detailunder a microscope, to determine the percentage of hair that are in one or another stage of development;the results are compared with the norm.

    For a more accurate diagnosis, your doctor may need your complete hormonal and immunologic profile, so you may need additional testing - for an extended range of sex hormones, thyroid hormones, cellular humoral immunity parameters, etc. Maybe you will also need to be examined for maintenancein the body of trace elements, so that in case of deviation from the norm, the doctor corrected this very reason. In complex cases, additional diagnostic methods are used.

    In the treatment of hair, consultations with a gastroenterologist, gynecologist, neurologist and treatment of a possible underlying disease may be necessary.

    Remember that hair reflects the state of human health in general. It is interesting that it is due to the condition of the hair that it can be determined that certain failures in the body occur before a person starts to disturb something.

    For hair loss, dandruff and itchy scalp for 6 weeks, you should shave your head every day and rub it with one week of garlic juice, the other with juice of onions.

    For dry seborrhea( dandruff), gruel from garlic and fresh nettle leaves, taken in equal parts by volume, spread on the scalp, trying to get to the roots of the hair, tied with a kerchief and leave for 15-20 minutes. Then wash off with warm acidified water and rinse the hair with a decoction of chamomile flowers.

    For baldness, gruel from 3 heads of garlic is mixed with 50 g of honey and rubed daily into the skin. The mixture can also be used in case of eczema or ulcer, and it is useful to apply a thick layer of it to the night for warts, bites or purulent wounds.

    Mix in equal parts by weight garlic clove and ivy leaves. Rub when hair falls in bald places for 5-10 minutes in the morning and in the evening every other day, in the interval to wash the head with a decoction of chamomile flowers. The course of treatment is 1 month. After a month's break, the course of treatment should be repeated if necessary.

    Mix in equal parts by volume ash of garlic and honey. Rub into the skin with skin diseases and in the scalp with hair loss.

    How to choose a shampoo to understand the good or bad shampoo you bought, pay attention to how the hair looks after washing. After using a good shampoo, the hair is soft, crumbly, combs well, shines, easily fit into the hair, the scalp is not inflamed and does not peel off. After using a bad shampoo, the hair remains heavy, does not lie, quickly becomes dirty, there is no shine, the scalp may itch and peel.

    Surfactants( surfactants), or, as they are also called, detergents. They are included in 95% of all existing shampoos. Perform the role of cleaning elements and are present not only in shampoos, but also in shower gels, cleansing lotions, etc. Surfactants are anionic, cationic, amphoteric and nonionic. Anionic surfactants are most often used.

    Cationic surfactants when exposed to the eyes cause irritation, which is why they are rarely used in cosmetics.

    In order of increasing quality of anionic and cationic detergents, they can be arranged as follows:

    Ammonium lauryl sulfate( Ammonium Lauril Sulfate)

    Ammonium Laureth Sulfate

    Sodium Lauryl Sulfate

    Sodium Laureth Sulfate)

    TEA lauryl sulfate( TEA I. auril Sulfate)

    TEA laureth sulfate( TEA Laureth Sulfate).

    At the same time, we in no way praise these detergents. On the contrary, we want to say that they are harmful to our hair and skin, since the same sodium lauryl sulfate destroys the structure of proteins( and bands, we recall, is mostly composed of proteins), and in general is a strong carcinogen. Sodium laureth sulfate is not much better - in contact with other ingredients it forms carcinogenic nitrates and dioxins.

    Amphoteric surfactants are used in the production of shampoos for dry and damaged hair, that is, in soft shampoos. The soft amphoteric surfactants are cocimidazoline and cocoamphoacetate. As for nonionic surfactants, they have good detergent properties( even in sea water), and the risk of skin irritation is rather small. A typical representative of non-ionic detergents is glycerol monostearate.

    In shampoos, several surfactants can be used, and they determine the quality of the shampoo in many ways. To reduce the harmful effects of surfactants, after washing, rinse your hair well and use conditioners.

    Obesity substances are needed in order to prevent dry hair. As obesity substances can act polyvinyl chloride, isopropyl myristate, Miglyol, olive oil.

    Reinforcing agents reduce foaming. Therefore, shampoos for dry hair often poorly foams. At the same time, if the shampoo gives an abundant foam, and after washing the hair has become light and fluffy, it means that a strong surfactant has been used and a few obsolete substances have been added. This shampoo is suitable only for a fat type of hair.

    Other components. The usual shampoo also contains consistency regulators, foam stabilizers, colorants, flavors. Thanks to the presence of these additives, shampoo has the necessary density, pleasant color, delicate aroma, it can contain mother of pearl, but all this creates only an external effect. A good shampoo, on the contrary, should not be bright in color and have a stupefying odor.

    Index of acidity( pH).On a good shampoo should be a note: "pH 5,5" or "pH-balanced" - this means that it has the same acid reaction as the hair. This shampoo just cleanses, but does not break the protective covering of the scalp. If the pH of the shampoo is less than 7, it is called acidic if the pH is 7 - neutral, if more than 7 - alkaline. The higher the pH of the shampoo, the more it dries the scalp and hair.

    Sunscreen filter( UV filter), which is part of the shampoo, protects from harmful UV rays, prevents hair from drying out. UV-filter must be in those shampoos that you are going to wash your head in the summer.

    Biologically active additives( BAA) contain the majority of shampoos. These are all kinds of infusions, extracts, plant extracts, vitamins.

    When buying a shampoo, pay attention not only to its composition, but also to its purpose. Buy what your hair needs( dry or greasy, dyed or damaged).

    If you have already come across the fact that after a shampoo, your scalp is itching and flaking, buy a shampoo of another brand. If the situation repeats, you may be allergic to some components. You'd better buy a product labeled "Hypoallergenic."

    Shampoos are made: in liquid form, in the form of powder and in a solid form( reminiscent of a bar of soap).

    Liquid shampoos come in:

    Shampoos for oily hair often contain a minimum of nutrients, but a large percentage of detergents that release the skin from excess fat. In such shampoos, tannic and antimicrobial substances are added, for example, horsetail extract, oak bark, mint, and essential oils of tea tree, cypress, salicylic acid, white clay.

    Even if you have oily hair, shampoo for such hair should be used no more than 1-2 times a week. On other days, if there is such a need, wash your hair with a mild shampoo for daily use.

    Shampoo for normal shoulders should be gentle and gentle. At the same time, this shampoo should clean the hair and do not dry the skin. Shampoo of this type contains an average amount of detergents. Nutrients are few here, but for normal hair this amount is quite enough.

    Shampoos for dry and split hair contain many moisturizing substances and fatty supplements. Also in their composition they have synthetic substances that make the hair smooth and elastic. The content of detergents in such shampoos is low. Shampoo for dry hair can contain coconut oil extract, jojoba oil or licorice, soy, calendula, white lotus flower extract and cornflower. The shampoo with sage, papain, horseradish, egg yolk will be useful to the visited hair.

    Shampoo for mixed hair is designed for hair, fatty at the roots and dry at the ends. Contains an average amount of detergents and various additives that are designed to normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands. Such a shampoo can contain an extract of comfrey, nettle, egg yolk, St. John's Wort.

    Shampoo "2 in 1" is a combination of "shampoo + conditioner."This tool is better not to use at all, since the conditioner and shampoo mixed in one bottle neutralize the effect of each other. The shampoo tries to purify the hair, pushing out the hair scales like a ripe cone;the conditioner, on the contrary, immediately smoothes out all the hair scales, preventing the shampoo from cleaning them. Therefore, it is advisable to use separately first shampoo, then - conditioner or balm.

    Of all hair types, shampoo "2 in 1" is most suitable for normal hair and is not suitable for dry hair. All over the world, the principle of "2 in 1" and "3 in 1"( shampoo + conditioner + balm) is gradually disappearing.

    Shampoo against dandruff should be used only after the appearance of this ailment.

    Shampoo cleans well the skin of many keratinized particles and contains additives that stop the formation of new dandruff: tar, zinc, etc. However, be careful: if you use this shampoo excessively, your hair becomes dry and dull. Shampoo against dandruff helps to eliminate dandruff if it arose as a result of improper hair care. Apply this shampoo should be 2-3 weeks. Then, if dandruff has passed, go to a normal shampoo, if not passed - use therapeutic shampoos.

    Shampoo for colored hair, in addition to additives that repair damaged hair, contains additives that do not allow the paint to quickly wash out. And this is primarily its value: with this shampoo, your hair color will be fresh and saturated longer.

    There are several types of shampoos: "For stained", and also "For dark", "For light", "For red" hair. The last three should be applied strictly in accordance with their hair color.

    Shampoo for men, since men tend to have a tendency to oily skin, usually contains drying components. And of course, the scent of men's shampoos is sharper. In the rest they are the same as for women.

    Polishing Shampoo. This shampoo is advisable to use before chemical wave or color. Shampoo is designed to remove sedimentation substances that remain after the styling agents and shampoos of the "2 in 1" type.

    The therapeutic shampoo has a neutral pH, is minimally aromatized, contains a lot of medical components. It is used after consultation with a doctor, but not always, but by a course. It is most often used to treat dandruff or hair loss.

    Dry shampoos are powdery. They are used for dry head washing without the use of water. Currently, dry shampoos are rarely used, for example, in cases of scalp, when the skin and hair are diseased and can not be exposed to water. The disadvantage of such shampoos is that the hair after use is often dull. Dry shampoo is good for use with oily hair, whose owners are distressed by the greasy appearance of their strands.

    Solid shampoos, or shampoos in chunks, are sold in specialized stores, where handmade soaps are also used. They cost more than ordinary shampoos, but at times much more effective, safer and more pleasant. Such shampoo has in its composition a lot of natural ingredients, which you can not doubt. One lump shampoo is enough for 7-8 applications.

    In such stores you can buy in pieces and therapeutic shampoos, pills with henna, etc. Solid shampoos attract their originality and spectacular appearance - they are often bought as a gift for someone.

    Every 2-3 weeks, maximum - after 4-6 months shampoo needs to be changed to another. Otherwise, the active ingredients of the shampoo cease to act on the hair, we do not think that we have acquired a fake.

    Using shampoo, do not expect miracles from it. Its main function is to clean the hair, not to heal and repair it.

    Exfoliating hair

    1. Before combing hair thoroughly comb it. It is necessary, that:

    at washing hair are less confused;

    remove a part of the dropped hair, particles of dandruff, dirt, styling agents;

    to improve blood circulation in the scalp, and then when washing, hair will receive more nutrients from the shampoo or balm.

    2. Make a head massage. It is especially necessary for owners of dry and colored hair, which, in addition, can massage burdock, linseed, castor or hemp oil in the head massage.

    3. Wet your hair.

    4. If the shampoo is thick, it should be diluted. To do this, a small amount of shampoo pour into the palm, add a little water and mix this solution with your finger. Then spread the shampoo between two palms.

    Modern shampoos have so strong detergent properties that 6 ml of shampoo can be enough for short hair, 8 ml for medium length hair, 10 ml for long hair. Using excessive amounts of shampoo harms the hair.

    5. While washing your head, you need to close your eyes. Apply the shampoo to the hair. Then carefully massage your skin with your fingertips( but not with your fingernails!).The most important thing is to treat the scalp. The scalp is massaged with circular movements, starting from the occiput to the forehead, without missing a single patch. During the foaming of the shampoo, you must make at least 20 massage movements.

    When washing hair, always move from the roots to the tips, since this direction coincides with the direction of the scales of the cuticle and less injures the hair. With a combined type of hair, when the roots of hair are greasy, and the tips are dry, there is no need to apply the shampoo all along the length, you can only treat the roots.

    During washing, try not to tangle your hair, especially if they are long. Also, do not rub the hair on top of each other, as if you are washing clothes so as not to damage the hair rods. Foaming the shampoo and cleaning the hair should be carefully, but quickly, so that detergents are not so actively penetrated into the hair and scalp.

    6. Foam is well washed off with clean, cool water - cool water will close the scales of hair. Rinsing hair needs a long time, spending on it at 3 or even 5 times longer than for applying the shampoo. To wash out hair it is necessary, making fingers of hands the same movements, as at a foaming shampoo. This rinse must last until the water draining from the hair becomes clean, without foam. To wash off the rests of shampoo is extremely important, otherwise the scalp may itch, flake off, and the hair itself will look dull. Pure hair when passing on them with pads of fingers produces a characteristic creak. However, creaking does not even produce clean hair after using balm, mask, after washing with some shampoos.

    If the hair is still dirty, the steps 4-6 of the hair washing procedure will have to be repeated. When you wash your hair again, you will need less shampoo than with the first soap. It happens that a certain area of ​​the head, for example, bangs, is not cleaned enough. Then the diluted shampoo should be applied only on this part of the head, foaming and rinsing.

    7. Clean the wet hair with a soft towel soak to remove excess moisture. The towel should be fresh, clean. Do not twist, squeeze hair or tie it in a turban. Chinese women, to give hair shine, wipe the hair with natural silk. To hair quickly dried, as well as to create a pleasant sensation of warmth, hair can be dipped with a warm towel - for this you need to preheat it on the battery.

    8. Towel on the shoulders and straighten the hair so that they are not lying under the towel, but on a towel. Wet strips of fingers spread over the strands, so that later it was easier to comb them.

    It is preferable to allow the hair to dry naturally. Leaving hair to dry, do not cover them with anything - hair should breathe. Periodically, in the process of natural drying, you need to lift the hair from the roots with your fingers and straighten them so that they do not dry out in the form of icicles. Wash your hair in the pelvis or in the water in which you took a bath, do not.

    If in view of your employment you forgot to buy shampoo, you can wash your head with improvised means. Greasy hair can be washed with a solution of mustard, diluting 1 tablespoon of mustard in 3-4 liters of warm water. Hair of all types can be washed with egg yolks mixed with yogurt. These funds are used in the same way as shampoo, they are foamed on the head. After that, the hair should be rinsed well with water. In those cases where there is nothing to wash hair at all, they can be washed simply with warm water - for half a day their appearance will improve slightly.

    If it's cold outside, wear a hat - this will not only be a good prevention of colds, but will also prevent tarnishing and hair loss. However, the headpiece should not be cramped.

    In a heated room, remove the headdress, otherwise very quickly your hair will become dirty. In general, during the period of wearing the headdress, the hair has to be washed more often, since under the hat the activity of the sebaceous glands is increased and the hair is more quickly salted. Due to prolonged wearing of the headdress, dandruff may appear, but this problem is easily solved. Since the lack of vitamins adversely affects the appearance of the hair in winter, and also in early spring, additionally take vitamin preparations. In the cold season, nutrient masks are relevant to the hair. If you like wearing a wig, then winter is the best time for it. The wig can replace your headdress.