  • Traditional medicine for dental diseases

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    Dry grass, three-parted - 3 tbsp.spoons

    Medical alcohol - 0,5 l

    Refined vegetable oil - 0,5 l

    Method of preparation and use

    Grass the lines rub their hands, pour into a tightly closed glass vessel, pour alcohol, shake and leave for a week in a cool darkened place, periodicallyshaking. The resulting composition strain through a folded in several layers of gauze and mix with vegetable oil.

    Use as a local antiseptic and emollient for stomatitis of various etiologies and other diseases of the oral mucosa.


    Fresh herbaceous grass - 4 tbsp.spoons

    Method of preparation and use

    Grass rubs through a metal sieve. The resulting mass is used to treat

    after the opening of abscesses as an active component of compresses and lotions.


    Swamp grass Swamp - 1 tbsp.spoon

    Water - 1 glass

    Method of preparation and use

    Put medicinal raw materials in a porcelain container, pour boiling water, mix and leave for 45 minutes.

    The resulting infusion strain through a folded in several layers of gauze.

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    Use for rinsing the mouth with prolonged non-healing abrasions, wounds and ulcers.


    White lily petals - 3 tbsp.spoons

    Vodka or diluted medical alcohol - 1 glass

    Method of preparation and use

    Put crushed lily petals in a tightly closed vessel of dark glass, pour vodka or alcohol, close and shake. Leave for a month in a cool place, periodically shaking. Collect the infusion through a dense cotton cloth.

    Use as an antiseptic in the treatment of wounds, abscesses, sores in the mouth.


    Dry needles of silver fir - 3 tbsp.spoons

    Vodka or diluted medical alcohol - 1,5 glasses

    Method of preparation and use

    Put the shredded needles in a glass bottle, pour vodka or alcohol, mix, close tightly and leave for 1.5-2 weeks in a darkened cool place.

    Prepare the finished composition through a folded in several layers of gauze.

    Use of the composition is recommended as a healing and disinfectant for abscesses in the opening stage and long-term healing ulcers.


    Buds of poplar black - 5 tbsp.spoons

    Vodka or diluted medical alcohol - 2.5 cups

    Method of preparation and use

    Stuff the kidneys in a mortar in a mortar, put it in a tightly closed container of dark glass, pour vodka or alcohol, mix and leave for 8-10 days in a cool place,shaking the vessel 2 times a day.

    Prepare the infusion through dense cotton cloth.

    Use as an antiseptic for inflamed holes after tooth extraction.


    Fresh herb celandine - 5 tbsp.spoons

    Natural sea buckthorn oil - 0,7 l

    Method of preparation and use

    Clean the celandine grass in running water, dry with a soft cloth, pass through a meat grinder and mix in a glass container with warm sea-buckthorn oil.

    Leave the formulation for 2 days in a cool place, then strain through several sterile gauze wipes.

    With the received balsam several times a day, lubricate the oral mucosa with stomatitis and burns.


    Ready eucalyptus oil - 2 tsp

    Water - 1 glass

    Method of preparation and use

    Eucalyptus oil mixed with warm water. The resulting emulsion is used to rinse the mouth with various dental diseases.


    Dry grass of a bluehead blossom - 2 tbsp.spoons

    Water - 2 cups

    Method of preparation and use

    Medicinal raw materials put in an enamel container, pour boiling water and leave under the lid for 2 hours. Then extract the infusion through a frequent hair sieve.

    Use for rinsing the mouth with stomatitis of different etiology.


    Shredded spotted tubers - 1 teaspoon

    Water - 1 cup

    Method of preparation and use

    Pieces of dried tubers put in a porcelain container, pour boiling water, stir and leave for half an hour under the lid. The resulting infusion strain through a folded in several layers of gauze.

    Use for rinsing the mouth with inflammatory diseases of the mucous membrane.


    Fresh root of horseradish garden - 1 pc.

    Water - 2 cups

    Method of preparation and use

    The root of horseradish is washed, rinsed, rinsed with cold water and grated on a fine grater or chopped blender to the state of gruel, squeeze the juice through gauze. Dilute it with warm water and use as a mouthwash 5-6 times a day. The product has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect.


    Country cottage cheese - 100 g

    Freshly squeezed lemon juice - 1 tbsp.spoon

    Method of preparation and use

    Cottage cheese rub through a metal sieve, mix with lemon juice.

    Take small portions several times a day as one of the components of a gentle dihecha for various dental diseases.


    Sea buckthorn berries - 3 tbsp.spoons

    Flowers of calendula - 1 tbsp.spoon

    Water - 2 cups

    Method of preparation and use

    Put crushed medicinal raw materials in an enameled pan, pour hot water, mix and place the container in a water bath. Boil under the lid for 10 minutes, then remove from the heat, cool to room temperature and strain through the folded in several layers of gauze.

    The resulting formulation is used to rinse the mouth several times a day as an antiseptic and healing agent.


    Dry herb St. John's wort penetrated 1 tbsp.spoon

    Chamomile flowers pharmacy - 1 tbsp.spoon

    Water - 1 glass

    Method of preparation and use

    Put the medicinal raw material in an enameled container, pour boiling water, mix and leave under the lid for half an hour. Filter the infusion through a dense cotton cloth.

    This product is used to rinse mouth with stomatitis and other inflammatory diseases.


    Fresh blueberry berries - 3 tbsp.spoons

    Water - 2 cups

    Method of preparation and use

    Fresh blueberries are put in a sieve, washed in running water, placed in an enamel pot, pour boiling water and put the container on a weak fire. Cook under the lid for 15 minutes, then remove from the plate, cool to room temperature and drain the resulting broth in a separate bowl( the berries should stay on the bottom).

    For mouthwashes with irritations, thrush and uncomplicated stomatitis.


    Inflorescence of arnica mountain - 1 tbsp.spoon

    Water - 1.2 cups

    Method of preparation and use

    Dry dried arnica inflorescences in a porcelain container, pour boiling water, mix and leave under cover for 45 minutes.

    The obtained infusion is filtered through a dense cotton cloth.

    Use to rinse the mouth as an analgesic, disinfectant and haemostatic.


    Shredded leaves of plantain large - 2 tbsp.spoons

    Water - 1 glass

    Method of preparation and use

    Pour fresh plantain leaves with boiling water in an enameled container and leave under cover for 15 minutes. The resulting composition is filtered through a frequent sieve, cooled to room temperature and used to rinse the oral cavity as a wound-healing agent.


    Dry herb supermarket - 2 tbsp.spoons

    Natural light honey - 2 tbsp.spoons

    Water - 1,5 glasses

    Method of preparation and use

    Grass pour boiling water in a porcelain container and leave for 2.5 hours. Finished infusion strain through a dense cotton fabric, add the honey dissolved in a water bath and mix until it dissolves completely.

    The obtained composition is used for rinsing the mouth several times a day with stomatitis and other inflammatory diseases.


    Dried leaves of medicinal primrose -

    1 tbsp.spoon

    Water - 0,7 glasses

    Method of preparation and use

    Drug raw materials grind in porcelain container, pour boiling water, stir and leave under the lid for half an hour. The resulting infusion strain through a folded in several layers of gauze.

    Take 3 tbsp.spoons 2-3 times a day for half an hour before meals as a general restorative and anti-inflammatory drug.


    Ground rhizome of the field saw -

    2 tbsp.spoons

    Water - 2 cups

    Method of preparation and use

    Healing raw materials put in enameled dishes, pour boiling water, mix and leave under the lid for 45 minutes. The resulting composition strain through a folded in several layers of gauze.

    Use for gargling of the mouth with inflammatory diseases of the gums several times a day.


    Grass thyme ordinary - 1 tbsp.spoon

    Water - 1 glass

    Method of preparation and use

    Put the dry grass in a porcelain container, pour boiling water, mix and leave for half an hour.

    Collect the infusion through a frequent hair strainer.

    Use to rinse the mouth as an antiseptic several times a day.


    Dried flowers of chamomile pharmacy - 2 tbsp.spoons

    Flowers lime heart-shaped - 2 tbsp.spoons

    Water - 2 cups

    Method of preparation and use

    Put the medicinal raw material in an emulsified container, pour boiling water, mix and leave under the lid for 25 minutes. Then the resulting composition is filtered through a dense cotton cloth.

    Use to rinse the mouth several times a day with stomatitis and other inflammatory diseases of the mucous membrane.


    Seed flax seeds - 3 tbsp.spoons

    Chamomile flowers pharmacy - 1 tbsp.spoon

    Ground root of the althea medicinal -

    1 tbsp.spoon

    Grass of sweet clover - 1 tbsp.spoon

    Finely chopped root of calamus ara -

    2 tbsp.spoons

    Water - 1,7 l

    Method of preparation and use

    All the listed parts of medicinal plants put in an enameled pot, pour boiling water, mix and put the container on a water bath. Cook under the cover &for 5 minutes, then remove from heat, cool to room temperature and strain through the folded in several layers of gauze.

    The obtained composition is used for rinsing the oral cavity as an anti-inflammatory, enveloping and soothing agent.


    Calendula flowers - 2 tbsp.spoons

    Water - 1.2 cups

    Method of preparation and use

    Drug raw materials to grind in porcelain container, pour boiling water and insist for 45 minutes. The resulting composition is filtered through a frequent sieve and used to rinse the mouth with inflammatory diseases of various etiologies.


    Crude egg white chicken egg - 1 pc.

    Water - 0,3 glasses

    Method of preparation and use

    Mix the egg whites with a mixer, gradually adding warm water. The resulting mousse in small portions to keep in the mouth for 2-3 minutes several times a day. Apply for stomatitis, gingivitis and other inflammatory processes, localized in the oral cavity.


    Dry onion seeds - 1h.spoon

    Water - 1.5 cups

    Method of preparation and use

    Put onion seeds in a tightly closed container, pour boiling water, mix, cork and leave for 8-9 hours in a warm place. Collect the infusion through a dense cotton cloth.

    Use for rinsing the mouth with stomatitis.


    Dry fruits of mountain ash ordinary - 2 tbsp.spoons

    Natural light honey - 1.5 tbsp.spoons

    Water - 2 cups

    Method of preparation and use

    Dry berries crush in a mortar or grind with a blender, put in a porcelain container, pour boiling water and leave overnight under the lid.

    Collect the infusion through a dense cotton cloth, add the honey dissolved in a water bath and mix until smooth.

    Ready to drink in small portions throughout the day. The proposed product has a fortifying and vitaminizing effect.


    Ground oak bark - 2 tbsp.spoons

    Water - 1,5 glasses

    Method of preparation and use

    Bark oak brew boiling water in porcelain or enameled containers, cover with a linen towel and leave for half an hour. Collect the infusion through a dense cotton cloth.

    The ready-made formulation is used for mouthwash with gingivitis, periodontitis and other inflammatory diseases of the gums.


    Natural green tea - 1 tbsp.spoon

    Natural light honey - 1 tbsp.spoon

    Water - 1,5 glasses

    Method of preparation and use

    Brew green tea in a porcelain kettle with boiling water, cover and leave for 45 minutes.

    Prepare the infusion through a sieve, mix with honey dissolved in a water bath and heat to body temperature.

    Use for rinsing the mouth several times a day with stomatitis and other inflammatory diseases of the mucous membrane.


    Dry herb St. John's wort perfumed - 1 tbsp.spoon

    Leaves of nettle dioecious - 1 tbsp.spoon Chamomile flowers pharmacy - 1 tbsp.spoon Birch leaves layered - 1 tbsp. Spoon Shredded bark of oak - 2 tsp. Water - 4 cups.

    Method of preparation and use. List the medicinal plants listed in the prescription, pass them through a meat grinder or grind their hands, put them in an enameled container, pour boiling water, stir and insist for 45 minutes.

    The resulting composition strain through a folded in several layers of gauze.

    Ready infusion to drink in small portions during the day, preheated. This product has a general strengthening, antiseptic and healing properties.


    Ground comfrey root medicinal - 1 tbsp.spoon

    Water - 1 glass

    Method of preparation and use

    Medicinal raw materials put in an enamel pan, pour boiling water and put the container on a weak fire. Cook under the lid for 10 minutes, then remove from the plate, cool to room temperature and strain through dense cotton cloth.

    Use the resulting decoction for mouth rinsing several times a day with stomatitis.


    Ground green peel of walnuts - 1 tbsp.spoon

    Natural olive oil - 1 glass

    Method of preparation and use

    Put the nuts into a tightly closed glass bottle, pour warmed vegetable oil, plug and shake several times. Leave for a week in a cool place, periodically shaking. The resulting infusion

    strain through a frequent sieve and used for regular processing of the gingival pockets during exacerbation of periodontal disease.


    Dry grass violet tri-color - 1 tbsp.spoon

    Three-parted grass of grass - 2 tbsp.spoons

    Water - 1,5 cups

    Method of preparation and use

    Place medicinal herbs in a porcelain container, pour boiling water and leave under the lid for half an hour. Collect the infusion through a dense cotton cloth.

    Use to rinse the mouth with stomatitis and other inflammatory diseases.


    Grass horsetail field - 2 tbsp.spoons

    Flowers of calendula - 1 tbsp.spoon

    Water - 1.3 cups

    Method of preparation and use

    Healing herbs to grind their hands, put in an enameled container, pour boiling water, mix and leave for 45 minutes.

    After this time, the finished infusion strain through a folded in several layers of gauze.

    Use for mouth rinsing with swelling and irritation of the mucous membrane.


    Fresh celandine grass - 3 tbsp.spoons

    Vodka - 3 glasses

    Pharmacy Glycerin - 1 glass

    Method of preparation and use

    Put the herb from celandine in a glass bottle, pour vodka, tightly plug with a cork and shake several times. Leave for a week in a dark place, then strain the resulting composition through a dense cotton cloth and mix with glycerin.

    Ready to use infusion for mouthwash as directed by a doctor.


    Finished aqueous extract cleansing caustic - 1 tbsp.spoon

    Water - 1 tbsp.spoon

    Method of preparation and use

    Drug mixed with water, warmed to the temperature of the human body.

    Use for compresses and lotions for stomatitis and other inflammatory diseases of the oral mucosa.


    Ground fresh leaves of plantain large - 1 tbsp.spoon

    Pharmaceutical Vaseline - 1 tbsp.spoon

    Olive oil - 1 tbsp.spoon

    Method of preparation and use

    Leave the plantain leaves through a sieve, add petrolatum and oil warmed in a water bath, stir and leave for 1 hour in a warm place. The finished composition is filtered through 2 layers of gauze.

    The obtained tool is used to treat gingival pockets with their inflammation.


    Freshly squeezed white onion juice - 1 tsp

    Kalanchoe treeteed juice - 1h.spoon

    Water - 3 tbsp.spoons

    Method of preparation and use

    All the ingredients listed in the recipe are poured into a porcelain container and mixed with a silver spoon. To apply for rinsing the mouth 3 times a day with stomatitis of various etiologies.


    Tea without aromatic additives - 1 tbsp.spoon

    Fresh garlic - 3 cloves

    Water - 1,5 cups

    Method of preparation and use

    Garlic clean, pass through garlic or squeeze it on a small grater. Brew tea with boiling water in a porcelain container, add the garlic mash and mix.

    Leave the mixture under the lid for half an hour, then strain through dense cotton cloth.

    The obtained agent is used for rinsing the oral cavity with inflammation of the mucous membrane.


    Young garlic( peeled small denticles) - 0,6 glasses

    Natural olive oil - 0,3 glasses

    Eucalyptus oil - 0,25 tsp

    Method of preparation and use

    Cut the garlic into small pieces, place in a tightly closed glasscontainer, pour in warmed olive oil, clog the vessel and shake several times. Put the mixture for 8-10 days in a brightly lit warm place, then strain through a layer of gauze, add eucalyptus oil and mix.

    The obtained composition is used as a means for compresses and applications. You can also lubricate the oral cavity with stomatitis and other inflammatory diseases.


    Garlic - 2 cloves

    Yogurt without additives - 1 tbsp.spoon

    Method of preparation and use

    Garlic clean, pass through garlic or crush in a mortar, add yogurt, mix and rub through a sieve. The resulting mass is kept in the mouth for 5-7 minutes. It is desirable to repeat this procedure at least 5 consecutive days 2-3 times per day.

    This agent is prescribed for certain types of stomatitis.


    Ground dry cranberry leaves - 2 tbsp.spoons

    Water - 1 glass

    Method of preparation and use

    Cowberry leaves put in an enamel or porcelain container, pour boiling water, stir and leave under the lid for an hour and a half. The resulting infusion strain through a folded in several layers of gauze.

    A ready-made formulation is used to rinse the oral cavity as a light antiseptic in uncomplicated inflammatory Processes.


    Fresh berries of cranberry marsh - 2 tbsp.spoons

    Natural light honey - 1 tbsp.spoon

    Method of preparation and use

    Cranberry berries are washed, scalded with boiling water and rubed through a hair sieve. The resulting gruel is mixed with honey dissolved in the water bath. The ready-made formulation is used for gum massage with their hypersensitivity, bleeding, and after diagnosing the initial stage of gingivitis.


    Sage leaves medicinal - 1 tbsp.spoon

    Flowers of calendula - 1 tbsp.spoon

    Water - 1,5 cups

    Method of preparation and use

    Drug raw materials to grind, put in an enamel pot, pour boiling water, mix and put the container in a water bath.

    Cook under a lid on medium heat for 10 minutes, remove the composition from the plate, cool to room temperature and strain through dense cotton cloth.

    Ready to use infusion for lotions and compresses, as well as for rinsing the mouth with stomatitis.


    Ebony black flowers - 1 tbsp.spoon

    Water - 1.2 cups

    Method of preparation and use

    Drug raw material pour boiling water in a porcelain container, stir and leave for half an hour under the lid. After this time, the resulting composition is filtered through a folded in several layers of gauze.

    Use for rinsing and baths for inflammatory diseases of the gums.


    Finished spirit tincture celandine large - 2 tbsp.spoons

    Pharmacy Glycerin - 2 tbsp.spoons

    Method of preparation and use

    Warm glycerin mixed with tincture of celandine in porcelain container.

    Use for the treatment of the gingival pockets and oral mucosa.


    Ground oak bark - 1 tbsp.spoon

    Leaves of nettle dioecious - 1 tbsp.spoon

    Three-parted grass of grass - 1 tbsp.spoon

    Herb sage medicinal - 1 tbsp.spoon

    Chamomile flowers pharmacy - 1 tbsp.spoon

    Water - 1L

    Method of preparation and use

    Put the medicinal components listed in the prescription in an enameled container, pour boiling water, mix and leave under the lid for 45 minutes. The resulting infusion strain through a folded in several layers of gauze.

    Used for rinsing the mouth with stomatitis of various etiologies.


    Ground lemon peel - 1 tbsp.spoon

    Water - 0,7 glasses

    Method of preparation and use

    Put the lemon peel in a small enameled vessel, pour hot water and leave for 2-3 hours, then strain through a frequent sieve.

    The obtained composition is used for daily rinsing of the oral cavity as a prophylactic against stomatitis and gum disease.


    Natural sea salt - 1 tbsp.spoon

    Olive oil - 1 tbsp.spoon

    Method of preparation and use

    Sea salt grind to a powdery state, pour into a small glass jar and mix with oil. Use for massage gums and compresses as directed by a doctor.


    Dry berries of wild strawberry - 3 tbsp.spoons

    Water - 1,5 glasses

    Method of preparation and use

    Grind the berries, put them in an enameled container, pour boiling water and put

    vessel for water bath. Cook over low heat for 5 minutes, then remove from the plate, cool to room temperature and rub through a sieve.

    The obtained composition is used for rinsing the oral cavity as a soothing and vitaminizing agent.


    Ground mackerel scum leaves - 1 tbsp.spoon

    Water - 0,7 glasses

    Method of preparation and use

    Drug raw materials brew boiling water in a small porcelain container, cover with a linen napkin and leave for half an hour. Then the finished infusion strain through a dense cotton cloth.

    The resulting agent is used to rinse the oral cavity as a light antiseptic.


    Melissa lemon grass - 3 tbsp.spoons

    Water - 1.7 cups

    Method of preparation and use

    Dry the melissa grass, pour boiling water in an enameled container, stir, leave under the lid for 3-4 hours. Strain the prepared infusion through a frequent sieve.

    The obtained product is used for rinsing the oral cavity( before each procedure it must be heated to the temperature of the human body).


    Sugar sand - 1h. Spoon

    Extra table salt - 1h.spoon

    Table vinegar - 7 drops

    Ground black pepper - on the tip of the knife

    Method of preparation and use

    Sugar and salt are poured into a porcelain mortar, add the pepper and grind until smooth.

    Add vinegar, rub again and warm in a water bath until a uniform mass is obtained.

    The resulting composition cool to room temperature, separate a small piece and attach it to the caries affected tooth. Keep until the pain disappears.


    Dry herb of mountaineer pocheciuynogo - 1 tbsp.spoon

    Water - 1 glass

    Method of preparation and use

    Medicinal raw materials put in an enameled container, pour water, mix and put in a water bath. Cook over medium heat for 7 minutes, then remove from heat, cool to room temperature and strain through a folded layer of gauze.

    The obtained composition is used for rinsing the oral cavity, lotions and compresses.


    St. John's wort - 2 tbsp.spoons

    Chamomile flowers pharmacy - 1 tbsp.spoon

    Water - 2 cups

    Method of preparation and use

    Healing plants put in a porcelain container, pour boiling water, stir and leave under the lid for 1.5 hours.

    Collect the infusion through a frequent sieve.

    The ready-made formulation is used for rinsing the mouth with stomatitis and other inflammatory diseases.


    The crushed rhizome of the cinquefoil erect - 1 tbsp.spoon

    Pharmacy Glycerin - 2 tbsp.spoons

    Medical alcohol - 4 tbsp.spoons

    Method of preparation and use

    Pieces of rhizomes of the tentacle should be placed in a tightly closed glass container, filled with alcohol, corked and shaken several times.

    Leave for 3-4 days in a dark place, shaking occasionally.

    The obtained tincture is filtered through a layer of gauze folded in several layers, mixed with warmed glycerin.

    A ready-to-use agent for use as a gum in gum disease.


    Finely chopped rhizome of snake mountaineer - 1 tbsp.spoon

    Water - 1.2 cups

    Method of preparation and use

    Medicinal raw materials put in a porcelain container, pour boiling water, stir and leave under the lid for 25 minutes. Strain the prepared infusion through a frequent sieve.

    The obtained composition is used for rinsing the oral cavity with stomatitis of different etiology.


    Fruits of an anise odorous - 1h.spoon

    Water - 0,7 glasses

    Method of preparation and use

    Crush the anise in a mortar, put in an enamel mug, pour boiling water, mix and leave for half an hour.

    Ready infusion strain through a dense cotton cloth and use to rinse the mouth as an anti-inflammatory.


    Dry onion scales - 2 tbsp.spoons

    Water - 1,5 cups

    Method of preparation and use

    Chop onion scale, pour into a porcelain container, pour boiling water, mix and leave under the lid for 10-12 hours. Then the obtained infusion is filtered through a frequent sieve and used for rinsing the mouth with various inflammatory diseases.


    Juice onions - 1 tbsp.spoon

    Lime honey - G st.spoon

    Water - 2 tbsp.spoon

    Method of preparation and use

    Onion juice pour in an enameled container, add hot water and dissolved in a water bath honey, mix and cool to room temperature.

    The obtained composition is used for the preparation of lotions and compresses for inflammation of the gums and mucous membrane of the oral cavity.


    Chopped rhizome of thick-leafed horseradish - 2 tbsp.spoons

    Water - 1,5 glasses

    Method of preparation and use

    Put the medicinal raw material in a small enamel pan, pour cold water, mix, put the vessel on a water bath.

    Bring the mixture to a boil over medium heat, boil for 15 minutes and remove from the plate. The resulting broth cool to room temperature and strain through the folded in several layers of gauze.

    Use for rinsing the mouth as directed by a doctor.


    Freshly squeezed white cabbage juice - 5 tbsp.spoons

    Water - 5 tbsp.spoons

    Method of preparation and use

    Cabbage juice mixed with cold water in a porcelain cup. Use to rinse the mouth as an anti-inflammatory.

    This compound should be used with caution, since active ingredients of cabbage juice can sometimes cause an allergic reaction.


    Ground crust of barberry ordinary - 1 tbsp.spoon

    Water - 1 cup

    Method of preparation and use

    Put the medicinal raw material in a small enamel container, pour boiling water, mix and leave under the lid for 45 minutes. Then the resulting infusion strain through a folded in several layers of gauze.

    The ready-made formulation is used for rinsing the mouth and for compresses with gingivitis of various etiologies.


    Garlic - 10 teeth

    Natural white wine - 1 glass

    Method of preparation and use

    Garlic is cleaned, wiped through a sieve or passed through a garlic squeezer, put in a porcelain container, add warm white wine and mix.

    The resulting liquid slurry is used for gum massage after consultation with the dentist.


    Ground root of aralia manchurian - 1 tbsp.spoon

    Natural light honey - 1 tbsp. Spoon

    Garlic strained through a sieve - 1h.spoon

    Method of preparation and use

    Honey is dissolved on a water bath in an enameled container, add powder from the root of the ara

    or and garlic mush, mix, put again in a water bath and cook with continuous stirring for 10 minutes. Cool the mixture to room temperature.

    Ready to take 1 tbsp.spoon 2 times a day to accelerate the healing process of wounds and to strengthen immunity.


    Raw egg yolk - 1 pc.

    Natural olive oil - 1 tbsp.spoon

    Sugar-sand - 0,5 tsp.

    Method of preparation and use

    Egg yolk to grind in a porcelain dish, adding sugar and olive oil.

    The obtained composition is used as an ointment for abscesses formed in the oral cavity.


    Powder of propolis - 1h.spoon

    Shredded leaves of St. John's wort perforated - 2 tbsp.spoons of

    Vodka or diluted medical alcohol - 130 g

    Method of preparation and use

    Propolis put in a glass vessel, pour vodka or alcohol, tightly plug the container and shake until completely dissolved. Add the leaves of St. John's wort, shake again and leave the

    for a week in a cool, darkened place. The finished composition is filtered through a dense cotton cloth. The resulting product is diluted with water( 0.5 teaspoon per 1 glass of water) and used to rinse the mouth with various dental diseases.


    Kidney birch leaves - 2 tbsp.spoons

    Medical alcohol - 0,5 glasses

    Method of preparation and use

    Put the birch buds in a glass bottle with a tight-fitting stopper, pour alcohol, cork, shake and leave in a warm, darkened place for 6-7 days, shaking the container from time to time. Then, the resulting composition strain through a folded in several layers of gauze and used for cooking rinses, compresses and mashing.


    Dry grass goose gander - 1 tbsp.spoon

    Water - 0,7 glasses

    Method of preparation and use

    Medicinal raw materials put in an enamel pot, pour boiling water and mix. Put the container in a water bath, cook under the lid for 10 minutes, remove from heat and cool to room temperature. The finished broth strain through a folded in several layers of gauze.

    Used for rinsing the mouth, as well as for lotions for gum disease.


    Small lemon - 1 pc.

    Dry herbs of medicinal sage - 1 tbsp.spoon

    Water - 2 cups

    Method of preparation and use

    Chop the lemon with a blender or grate it on a fine grater without removing the peel. The resulting mass is mixed with the sage grass passed through the meat grinder, put in an enameled container, pour boiling water, mix and leave for 1 hour under the lid. The finished infusion wipe through a frequent sieve.

    Heated gruel is used for rinsing the mouth, as well as for gum massage.


    Ground Cinnamon - 1h.spoon

    Natural light honey - 1 tbsp.spoon

    Method of preparation and use

    Mix cinnamon with honey dissolved in a water bath and cool to room temperature.

    The resulting agent is used for soothing compresses with severe tooth pain accompanied by gingival puffiness.


    Freshly squeezed lemon juice - 1h.spoon

    Solution of ammonia - 7 drops

    Method of preparation and use

    Pour lemon juice into a porcelain container, add ammonia.

    The obtained mixture is used for compresses with strong toothache.


    Vintage brandy - 4 tbsp.spoons Table salt "Extra" - 1 tbsp.spoon

    Method of preparation and use

    Cognac warmed, pour into a porcelain container, gradually pour in salt and mix until the crystals dissolve completely. In the resulting composition, moisten 2 cotton-gauze tampons, squeeze out.

    One tampon is placed on the gum next to the diseased tooth, and the other is placed in the outer aperture of the auditory canal on the same side.

    If there is no positive result, you can repeat the procedure in a few minutes.

    Ingredients -

    Aloe vera leaf - 1 pc.

    Small bitter pepper - i piece.

    Cleansing celandine grass - 1h.spoon

    Vodka or diluted medical alcohol - 2 cups

    Method of preparation and use

    Aloe leaf wipe through a sieve or grate on a fine grater with bitter pepper, add celandine and mix.

    The resulting homogeneous slurry should be placed in a tightly closed glass bottle, filled with vodka or alcohol, corked and shaken several times.

    Leave for 20 days in a darkened cool place, shaking 2 times a day. The finished composition is filtered through a dense cotton cloth.

    The resulting preparation is used to prepare compresses for acute dental pain.


    Dry herb buds - 2 tbsp.spoons

    Water - 2 cups

    Method of preparation and use

    Put medicinal raw materials in an enameled container, pour boiling water, mix and put the vessel on a water bath.

    Bring the mixture to a boil, cook under the lid for 7 minutes, then remove from the plate and cool to room temperature. Ready to infuse the filter through the folded in several layers of gauze.

    The obtained agent is used for compresses and trays with strong toothache caused by deep caries.


    Ground rhizome of cornworm field - 1 tbsp.spoon

    Water - 1 glass

    Method of preparation and use

    Powder from the rhizome of bindweed to put in porcelain dishes, pour boiling water, mix and leave under a linen napkin for 25 minutes.

    Then strain the infusion through a dense cotton cloth.

    The obtained composition is used for rinsing the oral cavity with various inflammatory diseases.

    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen, amen, amen. Cain, Cain, Cain is cursed! Ask your brother of the only begotten, whether his teeth hurt."No, they do not hurt," Cain answers. So let the teeth of this man, the servant of God( name), do not ache, from now on, for ever, and forever and ever. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen, amen, and min.

    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen, amen, amen. Mother dear, the nettle is green, pricking, a sacred tree! Next to me, the servant of God( name), stands the servant of God( name), his teeth are sharp black worms;you, dear mother, green nettle, a sacred tree, those worms of black povies, raise them from the tooth, and if you do not raise, you will not piss me off, I'll dry you up in the sun;and if you raise, povyshonish, I'll release you on the third day.

    This plot is read over the young nettles, after pronouncing the text the grass is tied with a ribbon and is tilted low to the ground, and after 3 days untied.

    Dawn of scarlet, dawn dawn, dawn dawn, red girl, face coming, midnight stand;in the field a wide hare-bouncer, in the sea a blue stone stone, and at the bottom of the sea Limar Limarine. Cover you with your golden cloak, dawn dawn, my mournful teeth, the veil of your silver from Limar Limarino, beneath your veil, my teeth will remain secure. My enemy is insidious, Limar Limarine, go away from me, servant of God( name), and if you begin to crush, bite and bite my teeth, then I will push you into hell fire, into the flame of the underworld. My word is secure and sound. This conspiracy has a castle and a key - heaven and earth.

    The month is clear, the month is silver, the horns and the legs are golden, you, a month, come down from the sky of the azure and take with me my toothache, take it under thick clouds, hide among the stars shining;my sorrow is my grief, and your strength and power are great;I can not bear the sorrow of that sadness. Here's the tooth, here's the second one, here's the third one, they're all yours, take it,

    a silver month, horns and golden legs, grief and sadness with mine and hide from me from now on and forever.

    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen, amen, amen. I will rise, servant of God( name), blessing, I will go cross-crossing, from the door at the door, from the gate to the gate, from the courtyard to the field clean. I will go, the servant of God( name), not by the outskirts, not by streets, but by alleys, by alleys, by ravines and by footpaths.

    A gray hare came towards me, and I said to him: "Oh, you hare, the gray hare, where are your teeth white? Give me, hare, your teeth, and I'll give you mine. "

    I'll go further, into the oak forest green. A gray wolf runs towards me.

    I'll ask the wolf of that gray one: "Wolf-top, gray barrel, but where are your teeth white? Give me to you, wolf, your teeth, and take mine for yourself. "

    I'll go further, not by way of road, not by a narrow path, but by a wide field, a meadow of flowers. An old woman is going to meet me dilapidated.

    I'll ask the old woman: "Old woman, you old woman is old, where are your teeth white? Take, you old woman, sharp wolf's teeth and give me your teeth to fall out. "

    With these words I speak the pain of the tooth from the servant of God( name) from now on, and ever, and forever, from his birth to his death itself.

    I'll rise, servant of God( name), blessing, I'll go cross-crossing, from the door to the door, from the gate into the

    company in the field is clean. And meet me three sisters, three sisters Lazorev - Martha, Pelagia and Mary. You go, Sister Lazorev, to your brother, kindly let him know if his teeth hurt, do not break the bones. I conspire to conspire with the slave of God( name) from dental pain, from bone aches for every minute, every hour, every day, every month, every year, from now on, ever and ever, from his birth andto death, from this day and for the whole age. Amen, amen, amen.

    A miracle monster, watery, watery, take away, watery, the tooth of a man's scrap, the servant of God( name).Do not hurt the teeth of the servant of God( name) every minute, every hour, every day, every month, every year. The teeth of the dog hurt, the teeth of the cat hurt, the teeth of the wolf hurt, the teeth of the hare hurt, the teeth of the fox hurt, the teeth of the sheep hurt, the teeth of the sheep hurt, the teeth of the goat hurt. My conspiracy is strong and strong from now on, and forever, and forever, Amen, Amen, Amen.

    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen, amen, amen. I will rise, servant of God( name), fortunately, I will go, crossed, from the room in the door, from the door at the door, from the gate to the gate, from the yard to the east, the far one. Towards me, to the servant of God( name), go holy Abraham, Jacob and Isaac. Against them lay the blue sea-ocean, and in that blue sea-ocean appeared a drowned man;in the clear sky falcon flies.

    Then ask Saint Abraham, Jacob and Isaac: "Are you a drowned drowned man, do not you have a toothache, do not chew the alaques, do not they chew your cheeks?"

    The drowned marine responds: "Holy Abraham, Jacob and Isaac,a dead person can not hurt his teeth, gnaw alaks and chop his cheeks. "

    As a drowned man can not hurt his teeth, gnaw alaques and chop his cheeks, like a falcon clear can not move his lips, so let this man, the servant of God( name), do not hurt his teeth every hour, every day, every year, frombirth and to death, henceforth, and ever, and forever and ever, amen, amen, amen. My conspiracy is strong and reliable, like stones, in the water, in heaven and on earth, on salt and on bread. My words have a key and a castle - the sky is blue and the earth is damp. Amen, amen, amen.

    Buyan is an island, Buyan is full of people, wen at its simplicity. Arkhan boasted to Russia with a sword to go. I pray, the servant of God( name), the Most Holy Theotokos, the Virgin Mary, so that Archangel does not go to Russia with war;so let me, the servant of God( name), the toothache cease, there will be no toothache, do not swell, do not swell, do not swell at a young month, at the crossroads of the month and in the old month. My conspiracy is strong and indestructible. To my good words there is a key and a castle - heaven and earth. Amen, amen, amen.

    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen, amen, amen. I'll rise, servant of God( name), blessing, I'll go cross-dressing, from the room at the door, from the door at the door, from the gate to the gate, from the courtyard to the outskirts. I will go out, slave of God( name), on a wide street, I'll look at the clear month, and in that bright, clear month - two brothers of relatives, Cain and Abel. As their teeth do not ache and do not hurt, so let me, the slave of God( name), teeth do not hurt and do not pinch.

    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen, amen, amen. Quiet, you are quiet;you are meek, you are a crib;With my finger I let the scarlet out of you, I'm numbing my toothache, I'm healing my teeth.

    During the pronunciation of the above words, an antiseptic compress should be applied to the aching tooth.

    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen, amen, amen. In the blue sea-ocean there is a wide island of Buyan, on that broad island of Bujana there is a church of the cathedral, apostolic, and at the door it sits Mother of the Most-Holy Mother of God, the Virgin Mary, and next to her is the monk Antipius, the healer and the deliverer of toothache.

    He turns to the holy saints numerous, praying for them about the servant of God( name): "As you, holy saints, teeth do not hurt, so they do not hurt this man, the servant of God( name)."