
Symptoms of varicose veins and related complications

  • Symptoms of varicose veins and related complications

    Varicose veins( varicose veins, varicose veins) and associated chronic venous insufficiency, is the most common vascular pathology. This disease affects about a third of the adult population of developed countries in Europe.

    The causes of varicose disease

    • Vascular valve disruption( most often congenital)
    • Venous wall weakness
    • Venous disturbance( thrombosis, external compression of the vessels)

    Depending on the affected vasculature, the following clinical illness types are distinguished:

    • varicose extension of the lower limbs,
    • upper vena cava syndrome,
    • chronic pelvic pain syndrome in women,
    • portal hypertension,
    • hemorrhoids,
    • varicocele.

    The purpose of this article is to describe the symptoms of varicose veins, so I'll focus on each clinical option separately.

    Varicose veins of the lower extremities

    This disease can occur in virtually any venous system of the body, with the exception of the lungs and skull, but most often( 70% of cases) the vessels of the legs are affected.

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    In the compensation stage, varicose disease is not accompanied by significant blood flow disorders, therefore it can be asymptomatic for a long time. There is only a cosmetic defect in the form of venous nets or enlarged and convoluted subcutaneous parts.

    With the progression of the disease, edema on the legs appears. Muscles cause pain and cramps, provoked by a prolonged standing, caused by a violation of the outflow of blood, and, consequently, the accumulation in the tissues of metabolic products, mainly uric acid. There are changes in the skin.

    Initially, this is a consolidation of the subcutaneous tissue, which over time acquires a brown color. In neglected cases, non-healing trophic ulcers appear on the skin. The following stages of varicose veins of the lower extremities are distinguished:

    • Class 0 - external signs of the disease are absent, there is heaviness in the legs associated with prolonged immobility,
    • Class 1 - when viewed on the skin, small venous networks and spider veins are defined,
    • Class 2 - enlarged veins are defined for examination,
    • Class 3 - edema of the feet and shins not passing after a short rest,
    • Class 4 - signs of lipodermatosis( dense skin and hypertensionmentation),
    • Class 5 - healing trophic ulcers,
    • Class 6 - non-healing trophic ulcers.

    Syndrome of chronic pelvic pain in women

    The reason for this problem is varicose veins of the small pelvis. It manifests itself as an expansion of the veins of the uterus, varicose veins in the groin, as well as varicose veins and vulva.

    is divided into primary - caused by the congenital failure of the valvular apparatus of the ovarian veins, and secondary - associated with various gynecological diseases, such as endometriosis or tumors. The first signs are the veins of the small pelvis - the appearance of chronic pelvic pain.

    It is localized in the lower abdomen, aching, intensifying after a long standing. Also, patients can be bothered by soreness in sexual intercourse. Varicose veins: symptoms in the pelvic area of ​​women:

    • chronic pain syndrome, localized in the lower abdomen, most often associated with physical activity,
    • pain crises associated with psychoemotional stress, overwork, hypothermia,
    • pain intensification duringthe second phase of the menstrual cycle, the
    • feeling of discomfort or pain in the genitals during or immediately after intercourse.

    Syndrome of the superior vena cava( SVPV)

    It appears as a varicose veins of the upper extremities, trunk and neck. This is an extremely rare disease that occurs as a result of thrombosis of the inferior vena cava or compression of it from the outside. In most cases, this syndrome occurs with cancer, less often, with an increase in the thyroid gland, mediastinitis, medical interventions, etc. Along with varicose veins of the upper body, the following SVPV symptoms are observed:

    • swelling of the hands, neck and face( especially in the eye area), tongue edema, laryngeal edema,
    • dyspnea,
    • cough, sometimes with hemoptysis,
    • headache, drowsiness, fainting,
    • nasal bleeding,
    • hoarseness,
    • dysphagiaswallowing act),
    • cyanosis of the facial and neck skin,
    • exophthalmos.

    The SVPV is characterized by an increase in symptoms with torso and forward tilt, as well as a weakening of the clinic in an upright position.

    Portal hypertension

    A complex and diverse disease, one of the manifestations of which is varicose veins of the stomach and esophagus. It occurs as a result of violation of the permeability of the portal vein due to thrombosis or compression from the outside, as a result of which the outflow of venous blood from the organs of the gastrointestinal tract is disturbed.

    Varicosity develops due to the fact that the blood finds detours - portocaval anastomoses. These same anastomoses, just located in the esophagus and stomach, and varicose veins occur because of a sharp increase in the volume of blood flowing through them. This type of disease is mainly bleeding.


    is a varicose veins of the rectum and anus. Distinguish:

    • external hemorrhoids - anterior varicosis,
    • internal hemorrhoids - varicose veins in the rectum above the anal sphincter,

    This disease occurs for the same reasons as other types of the disease: congenital weakness of the venous wall or obstruction of outflow of blood from the rectum. Symptoms of hemorrhoids:

    • itching and burning sensation in the anus,
    • pain and discomfort in the anus during defecation,
    • discharge of fresh blood from the anus in varying degrees of intensity, from impurities in the feces to significant bleeding.


    It is a varicose veins of the scrotum, or more precisely - a spermatic cord. It is found in a quarter of men of reproductive age. It is manifested by pains and unpleasant sensations in the testicle on the side of the lesion, increasing in the vertical position and with physical activity, and also by the presence of palpable bunches of dilated veins.

    Varicose disease in pregnancy

    Varicose veins during pregnancy, one of the unpleasant consequences of "an interesting situation."The fact that the genetic anomalies of the venous wall does not always lead to varicose veins. But pregnancy can become a trigger mechanism in the development of the described disease.

    Causes of varicose veins during pregnancy:

    • hormonal changes in the body that promote relaxation of the venous walls,
    • , a violation of the outflow of venous blood from the lower extremities and small pelvis, caused by pressure of the pregnant uterus.

    The peculiarity of this disease in pregnancy is a high risk of thromboembolic complications.

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