How to remove the veins on your own feet!
Varicose veins are a rather serious disease characterized not only by swelling of the lower extremities, but also by the appearance of severe pains in them, but also by a rather ugly and even unaesthetic appearance.
As a rule, enlarged veins on the legs - the causes of which appear, in most cases, are violations of the blood supply of the limbs, can subsequently develop into thrombophlebitis. Varicosity manifests itself in the form of reticulums and asterisks, in particularly neglected cases, the veins on the legs are swollen and over time trophic ulcers begin to form on them, which can be difficult to get rid of even after treatment.
Scientists believe that this disease can be called a payment for the fact that a person walks with their feet. So the inflammation of veins on the legs can be both in men and in women. However, representatives of the weaker sex in this regard are in a worse situation than men.
So, the diseases of veins on the legs: their symptoms consist in the fact that a person begins to experience a feeling of heaviness in the limbs, it seems to him that his legs are bursting something from the inside. And in some cases, limbs can even cause seizures. Whatever it was, but a man has to think about how to heal his legs from this unpleasant misfortune.
How to remove veins on legs? Now there are 2 ways to get rid of varicose veins. These include surgical intervention and conservative methods. Each of these techniques has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, it is worth talking about them in more detail.
Conservative method of eliminating varicose veins
At the moment, a cure for veins as such has not yet been invented. However, conservative treatment is considered the most effective. At least, at the initial stage of the disease. It consists in the fact that the patient is assigned to wear special knitwear made of elastic fabrics.
In the process of wearing it, the pressure on the lower limbs is leveled, and this leads to normal circulation of blood through the veins of the legs. At the same jersey, gently adjoining to the skin of the legs, as if supporting the weak walls of blood vessels, thereby reducing the burden on the veins. Ultimately, this leads to minimizing the risk of blood clots and the progression of the disease.
This knitwear is curative and preventive. Only a doctor can prescribe wearing a particular type of jersey depending on the severity of the disease.
If the vein has a vein and there is evidence of primary varicose veins, removal of the veins on the legs with this method is not possible. In other words, wearing compression linen will only help if varicose veins only affect the primary veins.
Operative methods of elimination of varices
If the vein on the leg hurts and the pain sometimes becomes unbearable, then it will be necessary to resort to surgical intervention. Now there are quite a few ways of surgical removal of veins. Among them there are both classical and innovative methods.
However, which one will be effective in this or that case, only a phlebologist can help. Nevertheless, the most popular methods include laser removal of veins, radiofrequency ablation, phleboectomy.
The use of radiofrequency ablation or laser will not bring pain to the patient. And the skin in this case is not violated. However, in most cases, people with varicose veins prefer phleboectomy. This is when the patient's vein is removed purely mechanically, after a small incision is made on the skin.
And what if the veins on the legs perform after using these techniques? Whatever it was, but you can not let the disease go by itself, and from such veins, sooner or later, but you have to get rid of it. And here one more technique, called sclerotherapy, can come to the rescue. When a bloated vein appears on your legs - how can you cure it with this method?
A special glue is injected into the diseased vein, which fills the vein and prevents blood flow in it by the fact that its walls are simply glued together. At the end of this procedure, a compression knit stocking should be worn on the problematic limb. At the moment, this method is considered progressive.
Treatment of varicose folk remedies
The above methods are purely medical. And how to remove veins on legs, using folk recipes? It is recommended to start veins with cleaning the liver. Moreover, the liver should be cleaned several times to eliminate the cause of stagnation of blood in the legs.
In addition, it is strongly recommended not to eat at night, it is advisable to eat only light and non-invasive food. In addition, it is desirable to try the following methods:
- Removal of veins on the legs can be done if you mix a handful of pre-crushed fresh wormwood with curdled milk in equal proportions. The resulting composition is superimposed on gauze and applied at night to diseased veins. Top with cellophane and fix with elastic bandage. After 30 minutes compress can be removed.
- 2 tablespoons of crushed hop cones pour 400 mg of boiling water, then warm it in a steam bath for 15 minutes. Infusion take three times a day for 100 ml, before you start eating.
- Not bad helps Caucasian Frostbroker, which is recommended to drink six months. It promotes the purification of blood and the normalization of functions throughout the body. The dose at one time should correspond to the size of 2 match heads. Take recommended with a teaspoon of honey.