
Prevention of varicose veins is useful and important!

  • Prevention of varicose veins is useful and important!

    Varicose veins today is one of the most common diseases that women face after 40 years.

    However, this does not mean that consultation phlebologist or vascular surgeon for figuring out how to prevent varicose veins, women need only with the onset of menopause, because quite often such vascular pathologies occur during pregnancy. If the patient develops this disease - the causes of this disease can hide in the wrong way of life, hypodynamia, hereditary predisposition, pathological processes affecting the inner vein of the veins.

    Methods of prevention of varicose veins

    This disease has been known for several thousand years, even in ancient Egypt, the first methods of its treatment and prevention have already been developed. But at that time the medicine was rather backward, so the enlarged veins were cauterized, and the legs over it were tightly bandaged. Today, there are many more ways to treat varicose veins, most of these methods are absolutely painless and help the patient to forget about this problem forever.

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    Even if today there are no signs of venous disease, this does not mean that the prevention of varicose veins is not necessary for the patient, since the development of this pathological process can be triggered by many factors. To prevent the disease, you must:

    • refuse to wear uncomfortable shoes, for example, high-heeled shoes. Of course, beauty requires sacrifice, but this does not mean that you need to wear high heels all the time, enough will be a couple of times a week for especially solemn occasions. Every day, you can wear shoes with a stable heel height of 4- 5 centimeters, but do not go to extremes, because the constant wearing of shoes without a heel is also not very useful;
    • every day after a hard day's work, you need to make a cool foot bath, a little massage, then lie down and place your legs above the heart level - this improves the flow of blood;
    • it is desirable as often as possible to walk barefoot on a relief surface, for example, on pebbles;
    • need to give up wearing tight and tight clothes, especially with elastic bands or tight belts;
    • yoga with varicose veins will help relax, but do not get carried away by a long sitting in one pose;
    • is a good means of preventing varicose veins, but if even the first signs of varicose veins have already appeared, then do not strain your legs without first consulting a doctor, as this can only aggravate the course of the disease. Exercises are only shown in very limited quantities and should be prescribed according to the severity of the disease;
    • it is necessary to refuse the use of spicy, acidic, salty and smoked food. All these products adversely affect the circulatory system and can contribute to the development of thrombosis;
    • if the work is related to the need to constantly sit, then you need at least periodically to get up and do exercises. In addition, sitting on a chair can not throw your foot on your leg - this prevents normal circulation of blood and significantly complicates the conditions of venous outflow;
    • should not abuse hot baths and saunas, and after each visit of such an institution you need to rinse your feet with cold water.

    Prevention in the early stages of the disease

    Even if a clear picture of varicose veins is not yet there, but its prerequisites( weight in the legs, the appearance of a vascular sting), then one should take care of the prevention of the disease. You should follow the same rules as in the prevention of varicose veins in general.

    In addition, it is desirable to pay attention to compression stockings - stockings or pantyhose with varying degrees of compression. At the initial stages of development of varicose veins, the lowest degree of compression will suffice, but use them constantly, and follow the doctor's recommendations for their use.

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