  • Diabetic Nephropathy

    Renal damage, the so-called diabetic nephropathy, is common in patients with diabetes mellitus. This is a very serious complication. The disease includes five stages. The first three are reversible and can be detected when studying urine on protein microparticles. The appearance of the protein in the general analysis of urine testifies to the presence of the fourth stage, which, unfortunately, is irreversible. In the future, chronic renal failure, manifested by a decrease in the excretory function of the kidneys, increased blood pressure and a rise in blood levels of creatinine and urea. In order to prevent the development of diabetic nephropathy or to stop the further development of an already existing complication, it is necessary to maintain the blood glucose level at a level as close as possible to normal. In addition, each patient must at least four times a year to submit a urine test to determine in her albumin protein.

    With diabetic nephropathy, the main symptom is swelling. They usually begin with the lower limbs and gradually spread throughout the

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    t spruce. At laboratory research of urine in it the protein and cylinders are found out( occurrence of cylinders speaks about degenerate processes in kidneys).In the subsequent there is a renal hypertension.

    In patients with nephropathy, strict bed rest is shown. Sharply limited consumption of protein, table salt and liquids. Food should be mainly carbohydrate and vegetable-milk.

    In the treatment, plants with diuretic, anti-inflammatory, hypotensive, antimicrobial and soothing properties are commonly used. Do not forget about plants that increase the resistance of the body.

    Traditional medicine recommends the following fees for nephropathy:

    Root of the stalk Grass of the horsetail of the field Corn stigmas Hop's hopping Grass of the string

    Folders of the bean grass Grass of the hawk Birch leaves

    Total take, 2 tbsp.l.of the shredded collection, pour 300 ml of boiling water, heat on a water bath for 15 minutes, cool at room temperature for 2 hours, drain. Drink 0.3-0.25 cup three times a day for half an hour before meals.

    Grass of Yarrow Herb Motherwort Rhizome of the grass Grasshopper herb Grass horsetail

    Preparation and application as in the previous recipe.

    Grasshopper's Grass Grass of gooseberry goose Ebony black flowers Leaf of a watch Grass of parsley Seeds of flax Shoots of kidney tea Rhizome of ara

    Total take equal, mix, grind.3 tbsp.l.mixture pour 500 ml of boiling water, insist in a thermos for 6 hours, drain. Take 0.3 cup three times a day in a warm form for half an hour before meals.

    Phytosets, which should be used for diabetic nephropathy, should include herbs and plants that act gradually. An example is the following compounds.

    Straw of oats -Tea of ​​Veronica Grass of gooseberry of goose

    Seeds of flax Grass of yarrow Leaves of birch

    Total take equally, 2 tbsp.l. Collect 300 ml of boiling water, heat on a water bath for 15 minutes, cool for 1 hour at room temperature, strain. Take 0.25 glasses 3-4 times a day in a warm form for half an hour before.

    Cowberry leaves

    Grass heather

    Birch leaves

    Yarrow rasp

    Fruit of ordinary mountain ash Straw of oats

    Preparation and application as in the previous recipe.

    Grass heather

    Blackberry leaf

    Grass horsetail grassy rhizome

    Fruit of ordinary ashberry Altai root

    Preparation and application as in the previous recipe.

    If the urinalysis is more or less normalized and the acute effects of the disease subsided, the amount of constituents in the phytosegraphs can be reduced:

    Three-colored violet grass Grass of the frow-fish Birch leaves

    3 tbsp.l.crushed mixture pour 500 ml of boiling water, insist in a thermos for 2 hours, strain. Take 0.25 cups 4 times a day before meals in a warm form.

    Motherwort herb shoots of renal tea Rose hips

    Preparation and application as in the previous recipe.

    Herbage of Leonurus Flower of cornflower Grass of gooseberry goose Straw of oats

    Total take equally. Preparation and use, as in the previous recipe.

    Diabetic nephropathy is currently the leading cause of high disability and mortality in diabetic patients. The incidence of diabetic nephropathy varies from 40 to 50% in patients with insulin-dependent diabetes( IDDM) and from 15 to 30% in patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes( NIDDM).The danger of this complication is that, developing slowly and gradually, diabetic kidney damage remains unnoticed for a long time, because it does not clinically cause a person feeling discomfort. And only at the marked( often terminal) stage of renal pathology, complaints arise related to intoxication of the body with nitrogenous slags, but at this stage it is not always possible to radically help the patient. The main task of the therapist, endocrinologist or nephrologist is to timely diagnose diabetic nephropathy and to conduct adequate pathogenetic therapy for this complication.